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You're wrong about him Çeviri İspanyolca

64 parallel translation
and you all are thinking about it you're sitting around me... like vultures, counting my hours, but... perhaps your calculation will turn out to be wrong him too, the one in Rheinsberg... he who already sees himself rise as Prussia's new sun
y todos... estáis pensando en ella... Estáis sentados a mi alrededor... como buitres, contando mis horas, pero... pero puede que todos os equivoquéis en los cálculos. Él también, el de Rheinsberg el que ya se ve a sí mismo como nuevo sol de Prusia.
You're wrong about him, Hominy.
Te equivocás, Hominy.
You're wrong about him.
Está equivocado con él.
You're wrong about him.
Te equivocas con él.
You're wrong about him.
Estás equivocado con él.
You're wrong about him.
Están equivocados sobre él.
I've known Newman all my life in the building and you're all wrong about him.
Conozco a Newman desde que me mudé al edificio y estás equivocado.
You're wrong about him.
Te equivocas de él.
You're so wrong about him
- Te equivocas.
You're wrong about my father. You didn't know him at all, nobody did.
Te equivocas sobre mi padre, no lo conocías, ni tú ni nadie.
He will simply run away. You're wrong about him, father tardone.
- Usted dígame Padre Pat.
You know, Sonny you're wrong about him.
Sabes, Sonny te equivocas sobre él.
You're wrong about him!
¡ Te equivocas!
What if you're wrong about him?
¿ Qué tal si estás equivocada sobre él?
- You're wrong about him.
te equivocas con el.
Look, I know you're wrong about him.
Mira, sé que te equivocas con él.
You're allowed to be wrong about him.
Tienes derecho a equivocarte sobre él.
- You could be wrong about him. - You're right, and if I am, I'll apologise.
Tienes razón, y si es así me disculparé
- There's nothing wrong with him. You're talking about my brother here, okay?
No le pasa nada malo, estás hablando de mi hermano ¿ vale?
What if you're wrong about him?
¿ Que tal si está equivocado respecto a él?
Maybe you're wrong about him.
Quizás estés equivocada sobre él.
- I think you're wrong about him.
- Creo que te equivocas con él.
- You're wrong about him.
- Te equivocas sobre él.
But you're wrong about him.
Pero se equivoca acerca de él.
Look, you're wrong about him wanting to see me.
Mira, estás equivocado con que él quisiera verme.
You're all quite wrong about him.
Ud. está bastante equivocado con respecto a él.
You're wrong about him.
Estás equivocado sobre él.
Christine, I think you're wrong about him.
Christine, creo que te equivocas sobre él.
No, Dolly you're wrong about him.
No, Dolly te equivocas sobre ellos.
My point is, you were wrong about him and I then and you're wrong about us now.
- Lo que quiero decir es te equivocaste con nosotros en ese momento y también te equivocas ahora.
You know, I think you're wrong about him.
Sabes, creo que estás equivocada sobre él.
That's why this is cool - you're talking about the bloke who doesn't complain because you've given him the wrong olive.
Exactamente por eso que es cool, hablas del tipo que no se queja porque le dieron una aceituna equivocada
You're wrong about him.
Te equivocas sobre su cuenta.
- Well maybe you're wrong about him.
- Bueno, tal vez te equivoques con él.
There comes a point when you're playing a character a lot When you know more about him than anybody else. You just have this sixth sense about mmafs right and what's wrong.
Llega un punto en que interpretas demasiado a un personaje y sabes más sobre él que cualquier otra persona.
I think you're wrong about him.
Creo que te equivocas.
Look, I will admit that Clark's played the jealousy card once or twice but you're wrong about him.
Admito que Clark jugó la carta de los celos una o dos veces pero estás equivocado sobre él.
You're wrong about him, you know.
Estás equivocado con él, sabes.
They're wrong about him, and so are you.
Están equivocados con él, y tú también.
Actually you're wrong about that,'cause I asked him. He doesn't.
En realidad, te equivocas porque se lo pregunté y no es así.
Abby, no matter how much faith you have in Nikki, if the goal is to bust Barcelli before he retires, we need to build our own case against him in case you're wrong about her.
Abby, no importa cuánta fe tengas en Nikki, si el objetivo es arrestar a Barcelli antes de que se jubile, tenemos que construir nuestro caso contra él por si te equivocas respecto a ella.
I think that you're wrong about him.
Creo que te equivocas con él.
But I think that you're wrong about him.
Pero creo que te equivocas con él.
No, you're wrong about him.
No, se equivocan respecto a él.
And you're the only one who cared about him enough to... know that something was very wrong.
Y eras el único que se preocupaba por él lo suficiente para.... saber que algo estaba mal
If you're wrong about this and Cooper never tries to contact Lisa, we're stuck with him, forever.
Si estás equivocado sobre esto y Cooper nunca intenta contactar con Lisa, estamos atascados con él, para siempre.
Yeah, but you're right - there's something wrong about him.
Sí, pero tienes razón... hay algo mal en él.
- Thank you, Adriana. - Mom, you're gonna give them the wrong impression about him.
- Mamá... vas a darles una impresión errónea sobre él.
You're wrong about him.
Se equivocan con él.
If you're going to take him back, think about if you did anything wrong.
Si vas a dejarlo volver, piensa si hiciste algo malo.
I think you're wrong about him.
Creo que estás equivocada sobre él.

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