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You broke up with me Çeviri İspanyolca

389 parallel translation
To be back here where you broke up with me so heartlessly.
Desde que me dejaste despiadadamente aquí mismo, en este lugar.
If you broke up with me because I'm tired and whiny?
Si me dejaras porque estoy cansada y enojada.
Now I know why I broke up with you long before you broke up with me.
Ahora sé por qué rompió con usted mucho antes de que usted rompió conmigo.
We're so in sync that when you broke up with me for my own good you figured I'd probably know it was for the best because we're so in sync.
Tan sincronizados que cuando rompiste conmigo por mi propio bien pensaste que entendería que era lo mejor por estar tan sincronizados.
When you broke up with me among the many questions I asked you was, "Why?"
Eh, tus notas y tus llamadas no eran artículos de broma, vale
Tell me the real reason you broke up with me and I'll stay.
Dime por qué rompiste conmigo y me quedo.
You broke up with me, okay?
Tú terminaste conmigo.
I'm just... I don't understand. You broke up with me because of what I said on my tape?
No lo entiendo. ¿ Terminaste conmigo por lo que dije en mi cinta?
You know, when you broke up with me- - you broke up with me- - because I was, to use your charming expression, tight- -
Cuando tú rompiste conmigo, tú rompiste conmigo... porque era, como dijiste tú tan expresivamente, muy tensa... yo lloré y lloré.
Look, I know why you broke up with me in college... and not that it wasn't messed up... but I should have been there for you.
mira, yo sé por qué tu te separaste de mi en el colegio... y no por eso no se desordenó... pero debi haber estado ahi por ti.
That's why you broke up with me?
¿ Por eso rompiste conmigo?
- This is why you broke up with me?
¿ Por eso rompiste conmigo?
Isabel, you broke up with me.
- Isabel, terminaste conmigo.
You were right about 99 percent of what you said before, when you broke up with me.
Tenías razón... en el 99 % de lo que dijiste cuando terminaste conmigo.
Um, after you broke up with me, I was so disgusted with my life.
Um, después que terminaste conmigo. Sentía repugnancia con mi vida.
And I was afraid of that because, well you really hurt me, Dawson. I mean, really. I liked you a lot, and then you broke up with me on my answering machine.
Y tenía miedo de eso, porque me hiciste mucho daño, Dawson.
You broke up with me two seconds after sucking face with your ex-boyfriend.
Tú terminaste conmigo dos segundos después de besar a tu ex novio.
When you broke up with me or when I killed you?
¿ Cuando rompiste conmigo o cuando te maté?
- Me? I never broke up with anyone - What if I told you it was your fault?
Yo no he roto con nadie. ¿ Y si le digo que es por culpa de usted?
Like when I tangled with Ely Jacobson and broke his jaw in two places and they had to tie it up with wires, you understood.
Cuando me enzarcé con Ely Jacobson y le partí la mandíbula por dos sitios y tuvieron que sujetársela con alambres, comprendiste.
You told me that you broke up with the girl because you loved her.
Tú me contaste que rompiste con la muchacha por qué la amabas.
When Eddie Fisher broke up with Debbie, you blame me for that too, huh?
¿ Cuando Eddie Fisher rompió con Debbie, tambien me culpaste?
Dad told me that you broke up with a high school teacher you'd been seeing because of me.
Papá dice que has roto con el profesor con el que salías.
If he tells you he broke up with me, he's lying, because I told him to get out of my face first.
Si él les cuenta que él rompió conmigo, está mintiendo. Porque yo le dije primero que se quitara de mi vista.
You promised me a date with Lisa if I broke up Kelly and Zack.
Me prometiste una cita con Lisa si hacía romper a Kelly y Zack.
You just broke up with me.
Acabas de dejarme.
I'm being audited and you broke up with her?
Me van a hacer una auditoría... -... ¿ y tú rompes con ella? - Tranquilo.
Steve, why is it that every time I try to give you the benefit of the doubt, you always manage to remind me why it is I broke up with you in the first place?
Steve, ¿ por qué cada vez que te doy el beneficio de la duda siempre logras recordarme por qué decidí dejarte?
All hell broke lose with Doro because of you guys showing up.
- Fuisteis unos capullos. - Doro me está machacando.
Gee, Ben, that's really sweet of you to ask, but I just broke up with this guy and it's a little soon for me to be dating again, you know?
Ben, es todo un detalle por tu parte, pero acabo de salir de una relaciòn y es un poco pronto para volver a salir con alguien,?
And we'll see if you really just broke up with me or not.
Y veremos si de verdad has roto conmigo o no.
Cory, you're the one who broke up with me. Don't you understand that?
Cory, Tú eres el que rompió conmigo. ¿ No lo entiendes?
You're not with Tom for the money and I broke up with Troy that he was with me for that.
No estás con Tom por el dinero. Y yo he roto con Troy, que es lo único que veía en mi, aparte de mi polla, por supuesto.
Dawson, you are aware that she broke up with you, right?
No, de eso nada. Dámelo, te he dicho que me lo des.
Jen, you broke up with me.
Jen, rompiste conmigo, no quieres saber nada de mí.
I broke up with her the second that you called.
Terminé con ella apenas me llamaste.
Hillary : Do you mean to tell me she actually broke up with you on New Year's Eve?
¿ Me estás diciendo que rompió contigo en Nochevieja?
[Sobbing] He... broke... up... with me! You're kidding. Oh, Brock Hudson!
el... me.... pateo.....
You know. no one took me on vacation when I broke up with... what's-his-face. uh... bleached hair. tattoo. goatee.
Sabes, nadie me llevó de vacaciones cuando rompí con ¿ cómo era su cara? Rubio teñido, tatuaje, barbita.
I waited until you broke up with her, but me too.
Yo esperé a que os separarais.
I'm sorry, if things didn't work out for you, but... you think you could tear me and Chris down because Ashley broke up with you?
Lamento que no te haya ido bien, pero no vas a separarme de Chris porque Ashley cortó contigo.
I ran into Megan, and she told me that you broke up with her.
Me topé con Megan y me dijo que rompiste con ella.
You just broke up with me. I know.
- Acabas de terminar conmigo.
What makes you think he broke up with me?
¿ Qué le hace pensar que rompió conmigo?
You know, Jackie broke up with me, and I needed a girlfriend... and Laurie's it.
Usted sabe, Jackie se separaron conmigo, y yo necesitaba una novia... y Laurie es todo.
- Doing what? Trying to get back at me because I broke up with you.
- Desquitarte porque terminé contigo.
You know, she broke up with me today.
Ella rompió conmigo hoy.
I'm flattered you called, but I broke up with you, remember?
Me halaga que me hayas llamado, pero rompí contigo, ¿ recuerdas?
Don't tell me you just broke up with that guy.
No me digas que acabas de romper con ese tío.
If you broke up with your boyfriend, because of me, I'm so sorry.
Lamento que tengas problemas con tu amigo por mí.

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