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You came just in time Çeviri İspanyolca

89 parallel translation
You came just in time.
Llegaste justo a tiempo.
You came just in time, Tarzan.
Has llegado justo a tiempo, Tarzán.
You came just in time.
Llegó justo a tiempo.
You came just in time for my last shot and now the game is over.
Llegó justo para el último tiro y ahora el juego acabó.
You came just in time. Take her away.
Llegas justo a tiempo.
You came just in time.
Viniste justo a tiempo.
You came just in time.
- Estamos a punto de movernos.
You came just in time.
Que buen quite me hace usted.
You came just in time.
Has llegado justo a tiempo.
You came just in time.
Llegas justo a tiempo.
You came just in time.
Has venido justo a tiempo.
- You came just in time.
Me has venido de perillas.
Hello, you came just in time
Buenas tardes, ha llegado justo a tiempo.
- You came just in time.
- Llegaste justo a tiempo.
Oh boy, Stanny. You came just in time!
- Llegas justo a tiempo
Thank God, you came just in time.
Gracias a Dios llegaste tú justo a tiempo.
You came just in time for the hoedown.
Llegaron a la hora justa de la canturía.
Aunt Marvina, you came just in time.
Tía Marvina, llegó en buen momento.
You came just in time
Llegaste a tiempo.
Jan Di, you came just in time.
Jan Di, llegaste justo a tiempo.
So you came home just in time to see the trouble, eh?
Buenas noches, Sr. Verloc.
You came just in the nick of time.
Ha estado muy oportuno.
You just came in at the right time.
Llegaste justo a tiempo.
You just came home in time for funerals, Stella.
Tú justo volvías a tiempo para los funerales, Stella.
You came just in time.
- Me has salvado la vida.
- Oh, you came back just in time.
- Vinieron justo a tiempo.
Bueno, de todos modos, Sr. Hoo usted llegó justo a tiempo.
Chief, you came just in the nick of time.
¡ Jefe, vaya que llegó justo a tiempo!
You came just in the nick of time, Chief.
Llegó justo a tiempo, jefe.
You came out just in time for the cruise.
Saliste justo a tiempo para el crucero.
I was just fooling around with the shoes just to pass the time for something to do until you came in.
Me he entretenido solo con sus zapatos solo para hacer algo, para matar el tiempo.
You were great in your day, Superman. But it just stands to reason when it came time to cash in your chips this old, diseased maniac would be your banker.
Tuvo días gloriosos pero es razonable que el día que tuviera que cobrar los beneficios este maníaco enfermo sería su banquero.
Where's the proof that you came from outer space, and not just sold the violin, as Professor Rogozin claims, and operated all that time at a disco in Gagry?
¿ Dónde están las pruebas de que usted vino del cosmos? ¿ No habrás vendido el violín, como afirma el profesor Rogozin, y no te has pasado este tiempo en la discoteca de Gagra?
You came here just in time.
Llegaste justo a tiempo.
I was just saying to the King before you came in... that it is time that he visited you again.
Le estaba diciendo al Rey justo antes de que entrarais que debería visitaros de nuevo.
That time in the bedsit was the worst for me... just after you came down to stay.
Aquella época fue la peor para mí. Justo cuando tú llegaste.
You came back just in time.
Regresaste justo a tiempo.
Hey, baby. You came back just in time.
Eh, cariño, regresaste justo a tiempo.
Necesitaba algo para escapar y Ruby, ella llegó en el momento perfecto.
I think that's it but... it needs a long time you can't do it right away today when she came in to eat I didn't make any sense of it she smiled at me but just smiled and we... we said nothing no
Hoy cuando vino a almorazar ahí no se, me sonrío eso no más ahí me dije, " no hay duda...
You know, a long time ago it must have been a couple of months after my mom passed away I was digging through this drawer in the kitchen looking for a pen or something and I came across this grocery list she had made and it was filled with all these little heart-shaped doodles and I just lost it.
Hace mucho tiempo unos meses después de la muerte de mi madre buscaba una pluma en una gaveta de la cocina y me encontré con una lista de víveres que ella había hecho. Tenía unos garabatos en forma de corazón y me derrumbé.
And I called him just before we came down and I asked him if he had a little time to squeeze you in and he said yes.
Y lo llamé antes de llegar Y le pedí si tenía un momento para dedicarte, y dijo sí
Okay, if you can, just pretend that this is the first time I came in.
Si puedes, haz de cuenta que es la primera vez que vine.
I thought he was just keeping it for after matches, you know, as a reward. Another time, um, he came home with his eyes puffy, bloodshot like he'd been in a fight and he told me he accidentally put in contact lens cleaner instead of saline.
Creía que simplemente estaba guardándolo para después de los combates, ya sabe, como recompensa, otras veces, venía a casa con los ojos hinchados, sanguinolientos, como de haber estado en una pelea.
I remember this one time I was- - Something came over me, and I-I thought to myself, you know what, this is just totally whack, crack. - I was in this alley, you know, hitting the pipe.
Recuerdo que una vez estaba en un callejón, dándole a la pipa.
You came to see me just in time, Mr. Wolfe.
Vino a verme justo a tiempo, Sr. Wolfe.
Glad you came up for air. Just in time to lD the San Marcos suspect.
Qué bueno que vinieron justo a tiempo para identificar al sospechoso.
At the time you came in, we just couldn't corroborate your story.
En ese momento, no pudimos corroborar tu historia.
Wouldn't it be just great if when you're born, they give you a rulebook so every time you came up against something you had no idea how to handle you just look it up in the book and there would be the answer?
¿ No sería genial que al nacer te dieran un manual para que cada vez que te enfrentaras a algo que no tienes idea de manejar pudieras buscarlo en el manual y ahí estaría la respuesta?
I'm not gonna have time to do that and come back and get you, so if, uh... If you came, you could just hang out in the office, and, um, I promise I won't be long.
No voy a tener tiempo para hacer eso y volver y recogerte, así que si, uh si vienes, puedes pasar el rato en la oficina, y, um, te prometo que no tardaré mucho.
I'm not gonna have time to do that and come back and get you, so if, uh... if you came, you could just hang out in the office, and, um, I promise I won't be long.
No voy a tener tiempo para hacer eso y volver y recogerte, así que si, uh si vienes, puedes pasar el rato en la oficina, y, um, te prometo que no tardaré mucho.

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