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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You didn't have to come

You didn't have to come Çeviri İspanyolca

649 parallel translation
You didn't have to come here to my home!
- ¡ No tenía por qué venir a mi casa!
I didn't have you come over here to tell you the nice things about him.
Pero no os he hecho venir aquí para contaros cosas bonitas sobre él.
Have you ever thought it funny that I didn't come to talk salary in these last two years?
¿ No te ha extrañado que no te hablase de la paga
You didn't have to come.
No debiste venir.
Well, you didn't have to get up and come tearing down town just for that.
- No hacía falta que vinieras a dármelo.
I'm sorry we didn't get any farther, but it was nice of you to have come, anyway.
Siento que no hayamos hecho ningún avance pero ha sido muy amable viniendo, en todo caso.
You used to have an inaccessible-girl side to you. A fleeting bird. A dream that didn't come true.
Por entonces, Ud. era una joven inaccesible, ave de paso, sueño decepcionante.
Well, now, look, you didn't have me come all the way from Boys Town... just to lord it over me, did you?
Bueno, no me habrás hecho venir desde La Ciudad de los Niños... para alardear conmigo, ¿ no?
why didn't you come to me? I could have saved you the job.
Habérmelo preguntado.
Danny, you didn't have to come downtown.
Danny, no tuviste que venir hasta acá.
You didn't have sense enough to come in out of the rain.
Tuviste poco conocimiento, saliendo bajo la lluvia.
Do you suppose I'd come here if I didn't have something to say?
¿ Crees que hubiera venido si no tuviera algo que decir?
I didn't have no call to come twixt you and him.
No tengo ningún derecho a meterme entre tú y él.
So you see we have gone through quite something to get this far, Captain, and nobody is going to make us turn back now, if only for the little old man who didn't get to come with us.
Como ve, pasamos por muchas cosas para llegar tan lejos, Capitán... y nadie nos hará regresar... aunque fuera por el anciano que no pudo venir con nosotros.
Have you any idea what happened to him that he didn't come tonight?
¿ Sabes qué le ha podido pasar para que no viniese esta noche?
For as long as you can't have it. That isn't true. I didn't come here to discuss this sort of thing.
Tú sólo quieres lo que no puedes tener,... mientras no puedes tenerlo.
It didn't make any difference about you guys but I have to come.
No importa qué hagáis vosotros, pero yo tengo que ir.
After all, he didn't have to come up here you know.
Después de todo, no tenía por qué venir aquí.
I told you you didn't have to come in tonight.
Te dije que no tenías que venir hoy.
Why did you have to come? Why didn't you listen?
¿ Quién te pide que me compadezcas?
You didn't have to come.
No tenías que venir.
I didn't have to come down here and tell you, did I?
Pude no habérselo dicho, ¿ no es cierto?
You didn't have to come home.
No tenías que volver a casa.
I didn't think you'd have the guts to come.
No pensaba que tuvieras el valor de venir.
You didn't have to come today.
No tenías que venir hoy.
"Well, you didn't have to come all the way over here just to say that."
"Bueno, no debiste venir hasta aquí sólo para decirme eso."
You didn't have to come, I could've handled it.
No tenías que haber venido, podía arreglarlo solo.
I didn't want it to come to this... but as long as you have mentioned the contract... study it closely, Captain.
No quería llegar a esto. Pero ya que menciona el contrato, léalo detenidamente, Capitán.
I didn't have you come to Rome to put ideas in your cousin's head!
No te traje para que le metas ideas del norte a tu prima.
If I didn't get up and come to you, I'd have gone mad!
Si no me levantaba de la cama y venía a verte, enloquecía.
- You didn't have to come up.
- No tenías porque molestarte.
- You didn ´ t have to come with me.
- No hacía falta que vinieras conmigo.
Why, Nellie you didn't have to come to work today.
Nellie no tenías que venir a trabajar hoy.
And you... I told you before I got a wife who couldn't have any more kids... who didn't want me to come down here?
Y tú... ¿ Te dije que tenía una esposa que no podía tener más niños... y que no quería que viniera?
You didn't have to stop. Come on, get moving.
No tenías que haber parado, en marcha, vamos.
You didn't have to come up, it's bad for you.
No debería subir, le sienta mal.
If you Germans didn't devote yourself so exclusively to fighting, you could come as civilians and enjoy what we have to offer.
Si los alemanes no se dedicaran sólo a luchar, podrían venir como civiles a disfrutar de lo que ofrecemos.
You didn't have to come to tell me that.
Para eso no hacía falta que vinieras.
You didn't have to come into town.
No tenían que venir a la ciudad para eso.
You didn't have to come, Martha.
No tenías por qué venir, Martha.
You didn't have to come to meet me.
No tenías que haber venido a verme.
I loathe you more now. Why couldn't you have been vulgar? You didn't even ask me to come home with you.
Hoy te odio más que nunca porque no has estado vulgar, ni siquiera me has propuesto que vaya a tu casa.
You didn't have to come to me.
No tenías que venir a buscarme a mí
I guess I shouldn't have just come on this way. But I wrote to you saying if I didn't hear any different, I'd just come on.
Supongo que no debí haber venido así, pero te escribí diciéndote que, si no decías lo contrario, vendría.
You didn't have to come here on a day like this.
No tenía que haber venido en un día como este.
You didn't have to come all the way down here, honey.
No tenías porque venir aquí. querida
By the way, Chief, how come you're the only one who didn't have to take a part-time job?
Por cierto, jefe, ¿ cómo es que usted es el único que no trabaja medio tiempo?
- Why didn't you call the cops then? - They wouldn't have come. My client would have had to appeal to the District Attorney.
Porque no hubiera acudido, y primero mi cliente, el señor Colin... habría tenido que presentar una denuncia ante el juez.
Swann? Have you ever thought what would happen to us if Salamander didn't come back from the surface one day?
Swann, ¿ ha pensado alguna vez qué sería de nosotros si Salamandra no regresa de la superficie un día?
You'd be pale, too, if you didn't have anything to eat.
¿ Cómo no se va a poner uno pálido si no come nada?
You didn't have to come.
- No tenías que venir.

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