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You didn't kill her Çeviri İspanyolca

415 parallel translation
I tell you he didn't kill her! Kill her!
- ¡ Les digo que él no la mató!
You didn't kill her, did you?
Tú no Ia mataste, ¿ verdad?
You didn't kill her.
Usted no Ia mató!
If what you say is true, even if the heart puncture didn't kill her,
Si es como dices, aunque Ia herida no Ia matara...
But you didn't kill her.
Pero no la mataste tú.
You didn't go there to kill her.
Usted no fue allí para matarla.
Knows that you didn't kill her?
¿ Sabe que no la mataste?
So if you were to leave this room because you didn't kill her you'd soon be back here again for helping her kill Nick.
Si sale de aquí porque no la mató volverá pronto por ayudarla a matar a Nick.
Sam says you didn't kill her... and I've known Sam a long time.
Sam dice que usted no la mató... y conozco a Sam desde hace mucho.
You know I didn't kill her. I was at the Trinidad Club.
Estaba en el Trinidad, tengo testigos.
You didn't kill her for that, but you took them.
- ¡ Sí! No puedes hacer otra cosa.
There are no embarrassing questions you can ask me, Lieutenant, since I didn't kill her.
No hay preguntas embarazosas, porque yo no la he matado.
You just didn't kill her.
Solamente tú no la has matado.
Well, you know I didn't kill her.
Tú sabes que no la maté.
But you didn't kill her!
¡ Pero tú no la mataste!
Why did you have to do that? I didn't kill her.
¿ Por qué tuviste que hacer eso?
You can see I didn't kill her.
¡ No la maté! Pude hacerlo y no lo hice.
I didn't kill her, I tell you.
Le digo que yo no la maté.
I know you didn't kill her that girl..
Sé que no la has matado.
I didn't kill her, if that's what you're thinking.
No la maté, si es lo que está pensando.
You didn't kill her?
¿ No la mataste tú?
I told you! I didn't kill her!
Ya le dije. ¡ Yo no la maté!
You say you didn't kill her and I believe you but...
Dices que no la mataste y te creo, pero...
Even if you didn't actually kill her, you're responsible for her death.
Aunque no la mataste realmente, eres el responsable de su muerte.
You didn't see her kill the biggest bull?
Usted no le vio a ella matar ¿ El toro más grande?
You didn't kill her.
No la mataste.
- You didn't kill her?
- ¿ No la has matado? - No.
You didn't kill her.
Usted no la mató.
It's just as well you didn't kill her.
Es mejor que no la hayan matado.
I know that you didn't kill her.
Yo se que tú no la mataste.
Didn't it bother you to kill her?
¿ No te importó matarla?
Didn't you tell me that if you tried to operate on her again, you'd kill her?
No me dijo que si intentaba operarla nuevamente, la mataria?
You didn't mean to kill her!
¡ No quisiste matarla!
But as I understand, you didn't believe her, because this wasn't the first time she telephoned you threatening to kill herself.
Pero tengo entendido que no la creyó,... porque no era la primera vez que le llamaba amenazando con matarse.
You didn't have to kill her.
Por eso no tenías que matarla.
You see, even if you didn't kill her, I hate dealers.
Aunque no la mataras, no me gustan los traficantes.
Look, you know as well as I do he didn't kill her.
Sabe tan bien como yo que él no la mató.
You tried to kill her, didn't ya?
Has intentado matarla, no es asi?
- The negatives. - The widow Callaghan, she really did kill her husband, didn't she? Like you said.
- La viuda Callaghan... realmente asesinó a su marido, justo como dijiste.
Some girl called. Said she'd taken a lot of pills... and was gonna kill herself if you didn't call her.
Dijo que había tomado un montón de pastillas... y se iba a suicidar si no la llamabas.
I didn't kill her. lt was guys like you who couldn't talk without trying to put a hand up her skirt.
Yo no la maté. Son tipos como usted que no pueden decir dos palabras sin meterle la mano bajo la falda.
You didn't kill her.
Tú no la mataste.
How did you expect us to believe you didn't kill her?
¿ Esperaba Ud. que creyéramos que no la mató?
If you didn't kill Jackie, why did you lie about knowing her?
Si no mató a Jackie, ¿ por qué mintió sobre que la conocía?
Because you didn't kill her either, did you?
Porque tú tampoco la mataste ¿ cierto?
I hope you didn't have to take struggle much to kill her.
Espero que no tengas que luchar mucho para matarla.
So you didn't kill her, but you did carve her up?
Entonces ¿ tú no la mataste, pero la enterraste?
I mean, didn't you just wanna kill her?
¿ No tenías ganas de matarla?
I didn't ask you to kill her, but you were smart!
No te pedí que la mataras, pero fuiste inteligente.
You wanted to kill her, didn't you?
- Querías matarla, ¿ no?
Everything you say is true, but I didn't kill her.
Todo cuanto dice es cierto. Pero... yo no la maté...

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