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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You got to do something

You got to do something Çeviri İspanyolca

1,030 parallel translation
Look. You got to do something for me.
Necesito que me hagas un favor.
But you got to do something for me right away.
Pero tienes que hacer algo por mí de inmediato.
You got to do something. Now, don't you?
Tienes que hacer algo. ¿ No?
I've got to do something, and you can help.
- Debo hacer algo. Tú puedes ayudarme.
You've got to do something too!
¡ Poned algo de vuestra parte!
General Scott, you've got to do something to save him.
General Scott, debe hacer algo para salvarlo.
You don't think it's all got something to do with Mr. Whiteside, do you?
¿ Crees que todo esto tendrá que ver con eI Sr. Whiteside?
- You only got till 1 : 00 to do something.
- Tienes hasta Ia una para hacer algo.
Ruth, I'm sorry I can't see you home, but I got something very important to do at the office.
Ruth, siento no poder llevarte a casa, pero tengo algo muy importante en la oficina.
- But if you find a man in your home... you got a right to do something about it!
- Si encuentra un hombre en su casa... ¡ tiene derecho a hacer algo al respecto!
You've got to do something.
Tienen que hacer algo.
Papa, you've just got to do something about her.
Papá, tienes que hacer algo con ella.
Paul. You and I have got to do something for Katie.
Los dos tenemos que ayudar a Katie, Paul.
One of you guys has got to do something about this.
Uno de ustedes debería hacer algo.
Look, Isabel, before I get out of here, you've got to do something about that baby.
Mira, Isabel, antes de irme... debes hacer algo con ese bebé.
It's probably got something to do with his past, don't you imagine so?
Seguramente tendrá algo que ver con su pasado, ¿ no te parece?
Have you got something to do?
¿ Tienes algo que hacer?
You've got to do something. She's on the edge of a collapse.
Scott, debes hacer algo con esa chica.
You've got to do something about it.
Tienes que hacer algo.
You've got to do something! We are...
- ¡ Tienen que hacer algo!
But before I do, there's something you've got to know.
Pero antes debes saber algo.
You've got such qualities to face it with, to do something about it with.
Usted posee tan buenas cualidades para afrontarlo, para hacer algo.
You've got to do something about that. Because it'll look pretty funny if you didn't.
Tiene que hacer algo porque sería extraño que no lo hiciera.
WOMAN 1 : Oh, Mr. Mayor, you've got to do something.
Sr. alcalde, tiene que hacer algo.
But if you're really trying to do something... that will change things for people, you've got to be humble.
Pero si realmente quieres hacer algo... para cambiar las cosas, tienes que ser humilde.
You've got to stop him, you've got to do something.
Tienes que detenerle.
You know how long we've said we've got to do something about fixing up this apartment.
Llevamos años diciendo que hay que arreglar este apartamento.
Thanks. Now then, you've got to do something for me in return.
Entonces, tendrá que hacer algo por mí a cambio.
Look, there's something I've got to tell you and I don't quite know how to do it.
Oye, tengo que decirte una cosa y no sé cómo empezar.
You've got to do something.
Tienes que hacer algo.
You've got to do something about Ramon.
Hay que hacer algo con Ramón.
You've got to do something!
¡ Tienes que hacer algo!
I'd give anything to have what you've got to be able to do one thing well and know it's worth something.
Yo daría lo que fuera por tener lo que tienes por poder hacer bien una cosa y saber que sirve de algo.
- Mark, you've got to do something.
- Mark, tienes que hacer algo.
You've got to do something...
Debe hacer algo...
You've got to help him. Do something!
Tienes que ayudarle. ¡ Haz algo!
You got something to do with this?
- ¿ Tienes algo que ver con esto?
Mr Oxly? You've got to do something about Barnaby right away.
Hay que hacer algo enseguida para ayudar a Barnaby.
- Well, you've got to do something about it.
- Tiene que hacer algo.
I mean, I didn't... you mean my telephone conversation, my having to leave suddenly has got something to do with this man in the... yes, yes, yes.
No lo sé. Creo que... Crees que mi conversación telefónica, el irme de repente... tiene algo que ver con ese hombre que...
Lex, you've got to do something.
Lex, tienes que hacer algo.
For once something has got nothing to do with you. Cut.
Por una vez, la cosa no va con Ud. Venga, corta.
- Dr. Marshall, you've simply got to do something.
Dr. Marshall, debe hacer algo.
But with you bringing in the big herd, we've got to do something about our few.
Pero ha traído esa manada, y algo tenemos que hacer.
Love letters are always something you've got to do.
Las cartas de amor siempre son necesarias.
You've got to do something. This is the time for you to make up for all the things you've never done before.
Es el momento para que compenses por todo lo que no hiciste antes.
I tell you, Jack, we've got to do something about this woman.
Escucha, Jack, tenemos que hacer algo con esa mujer.
You do something wrong, Rocky, you got to pay the check.
Si haces algo mal, Rocky, tienes que pagar por ello.
On a plane you can tie up a blow-top, but on an infantry job you've got to do something about it real fast.
En un avión, siempre se puede atar a un loco. Pero en una misión de infantería hay que hacer algo para solucionarlo.
Maybe you got something better to do?
¿ Tal vez tienes algo mejor que hacer?
I sort of got the impression that maybe you had something to do with it, Barney.
Tengo la impresión de que es usted el responsable, Barney.

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