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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You have a good night

You have a good night Çeviri İspanyolca

547 parallel translation
I hope you won't lack anything and that you have a good night.
Espero que no falte nada, y que pase una buena noche.
- Did you have a good night, madame? Yes.
¿ Ha pasado bien la noche, madame?
Did you have a good night's rest?
¿ Durmieron bien anoche?
You'll get something to help you to sleep, help you have a good night's rest.
Tómate algo para dormir, te ayudará a descansar bien.
Did you have a good night, mama?
¿ Tuviste una buena noche, mamita?
My respect, madam. May you have a good night.
¡ Mis respetos, señora, y que tenga dulces sueños!
- Good morning. You have a good night?
- Buenos días. ¿ Dormiste bien?
- I've got your breakfast. Did you have a good night? - Yes.
- Le traje su desayuno. ¿ Ha descansado bien?
Did you, uh, have a good time last night?
- ¿ Se lo pasó bien anoche?
- Meanwhile, what are you going to do? - First, I'll eat my haddock. Then... if you don't turn me out into the street, have a good night's rest.
- Primero comerme el pescado, luego... si no me echa, dormiré toda la noche.
Now, you go to bed and have a good night's rest.
Ahora ve a la cama y descansa.
You're going right upstairs to the back bedroom and have a good night's sleep.
Subirá al cuarto trasero... y dormirá bien esta noche.
Good morning, lass. Did you have a good night last night?
Buenos días, muchacha.
You're a lovely, generous, good-hearted man, really a woman's ideal. - Only you shouldn't have sung last night.
Eres un hombre bueno, encantador y generoso... el hombre ideal para una mujer, pero no debiste cantarme anoche.
It was a good idea to have a doctor on hand that night you asked me to stay for dinner.
Fue buena idea tener un médico a mano aquella noche.
But when I, who have seen Pavlova Karsarvina dance, tell you that last night you were not bad - not good, but not bad - that's something.
Todo eso no es nada. Pero si yo, que he visto bailar a Pavlova Karsarvina, te digo que anoche no estuviste mal, tampoco bien, pero no mal... eso significa algo.
Did you have a good time last night?
¿ Lo pasaste bien anoche?
Well, nice to have a talk with you. Good night.
Bueno, encantado de hablar con usted.
So you have a good excuse for a night out on the town, buster?
¿ Así que tienes un buen pretexto para salir una noche, amiguito?
Well, you must have had a good time last night.
Vaya, debes de haberte divertido mucho anoche.
Did you have a good time with Homer last night?
¿ Lo pasaste bien con Homer anoche?
Sure, give me the price of a good meal and a night's lodging and you can have this whole caboodle.
Sheriff, dígame el precio de una buena comida y una cama y le daré todo.
Did you have a good time the other night?
¿ Lo pasaron bien la otra noche?
Folks all agreed that 11 : 00 at night... would be a good time to stop drinkin'liquor... and raising ruckuses and everything... so if you fellas will just close up shop at 11 : 00... you won't have no trouble at all.
La gente y todos estuvieron de acuerdo que las 11 : 00 de la noche... sería un buen momento para detener la venta del licor... y el aumento de alboroto y todo... así que si tienen la voluntad de sólo cerrar la tienda a las 11 : 00... usted no tendrá ningún problema en absoluto.
Well, I hope you'll lay in a good stock ahead so we'll never have another night like the one when you screamed for it, and ran out of the house in your nightdress half crazy to try and throw yourself off the dock.
Espero que tengas una buena reserva. Que no pasemos otra noche como en la que te dio por pedirla a gritos. Saliste corriendo de casa, en camisón, medio loca.
We never have a good night here. Go to Staint-Michel, you'll see...
Ve a Saint Michel Verás la diferencia.
Tonight you'll have a good night's sleep.
Esta noche dormirá muy bien.
You'll have a good night's sleep, and want me to wake you up, right?
Tú dormirás cuánto quieras y querrás que yo te despierte, ¿ verdad?
I'm sorry, but... do you think you'd ever get another good night's sleep wondering what might have been at the end of it all?
Lo siento Leo. No vas a poder dormir tranquilo sin saber cuál es el final de la historia.
Good thing you pulled me out last night, or I would have been dead by the plot of the mobster.
Fue una suerte que me hicieras salir anoche. Si no, habría muerto debido a una conspiración.
I shall not wish you a good night as you're scarcely likely to have one after your experience.
No les deseo buenas noches. Sería difícil después de esto.
you never have time, it's a habit tomorrow i'm very busy no worries, i'll call you good night, kiss kiss good night
Nunca tienes tiempo. Mañana estoy muy ocupado. No importa, te llamaré.
Oh, a good sport. To have gone through all you did last night... the trip to Staten Island, the strange food, being carried up to my apartment like that.
Durante la noche, cuando fuimos a la isla de Staten,... la comida exótica, cuando te subieron a mi apartamento.
But last night, you danced and you sang and you just let it all go and didn't we have a good time?
Pero anoche bailaste y cantaste, te desahogaste. Nos lo pasamos bien.
A land surveyor has to register the actual borders it's good to see so many of you enjoying yourselves tonight which were marked off years ago because this is a special night for our fire department records them the castle administration has been very generous as they always are they have donated a new piece of equipment, the finest hand pump in the area and I know everyone in the village thanks them.
Agrimensor... es el que... Me alegro por esta concurrencia tan numerosa Y les agradezco a todos el apoyo a nuestro cuerpo de bomberos.
Thank you again and have a good night.
Otra vez gracias, y que tenga usted muy buenas noches.
At least you'll have a good place to spend the night.
Por lo menos tendrás un buen lugar para pasar la noche.
It's like an excuse for everyone to just sort of, you know, get together... and, like, talk to each other and sleep with each other... ball each other and get very stoned... and just have a nice night out and a good day, you know?
Es una disculpa para que la gente se reúna... duerma junta, y se drogue. Sólo quiero que todos pasen una buena noche.
You have a good night.
Que tenga una buena noche.
Did you have a good time last night?
¿ Has pasado una buena noche?
Well, that's the plan. The time is now 19.42 hours. I want you to get to bed, have a good night's rest
Ahora son las 19 : 42, quiero que se vayan a la cama... y que mañana desfilen a primera hora.
So I shall have a razor sent up to your room straightaway. Thank you so much, good night.
Le subirán una afeitadora.
Good morning. Did you have a nice night?
Buenos días. ¿ Durmieron bien?
Come on. You actually gonna sit there and tell me this coming Friday night... at the Exhausted Rooster Ceremony, that you're not gonna have a good time?
Vamos. ¿ Vas a decirme que no la pasarás bien... el próximo viernes a la noche en la Ceremonia del Gallo Agotado?
You let me have a good time last night.
Hiciste que me lo pasara bien la noche pasada.
- Have a good night. l`ll see you later.
Que descanses. Te veré luego.
Did you have a good time on your date last night, Mork?
¿ La pasaste bien anoche en tu cita, Mork? Sí.
Have a nice day ; you'll soon be with Martine but before then have a good night.
Tengan un buen día. Pronto llegará Martine, pero antes, pasen una buena noche.
See, fact is, Mr. Calloway I gots me a little bit of business to tend to back in town but thank you, and you have yourself a good night, sir.
La verdad es que tengo que atender un pequeño negocio en la ciudad pero gracias. Que pase buena noche.
We'll have a little talk, and then... you'll go to your room and we'll both get a good night's sleep.
hablaremos un rato, y Iuego... te irás a tu habitación y Ios dos dormiremos bien.
I will wake you up 30 minutes befor Ortisey so don't worry and have a good night sleep.
Duerman tranquilos que yo mañana les despertaré... media hora antes de llegar a Ortisei.

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