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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You have my word on that

You have my word on that Çeviri İspanyolca

103 parallel translation
- You have my word on that. - Your word?
- Tiene mi palabra sobre eso.
- You have my word on that, sir.
- Tiene mi palabra, señor.
I haven't seen her since, you have my word on that,
Pero no la he vuelto a ver. Te doy mi palabra.
You have my word on that.
Tienes mi palabra.
Okay. You have my word on that, as long as you let the passenger on first.
Tienes mi palabra, en tanto dejes subir a los pasajeros primero.
You have my word on that.
voy a curarte George, te doy mi palabra.
You have my word on that, you hear?
Le doy mi palabra, ¿ me oye?
You have my word on that.
Te doy mi palabra.
You have my word on that, and I promise.
Tiene mi palabra.
You have my word on that, Senator.
Le doy mi palabra, senador.
You have my word on that.
Le doy mi palabra.
You have my word on that.
Usted tiene mi palabra sobre eso.
You have my word on that.
You have my word on that. Come on, come on!
Te lo prometo.
You have my word on that.
Les doy mi palabra.
No, gentlemen, you have my word on that.
No, caballeros, tienen mi palabra.
I will do everything I can to keep you in the game as long as possible. And you have my word on that.
Haré todo lo posible para mantenerte en el juego lo máximo que pueda.
You have my word on that. Governor Williams.
Tienen mi palabra.
You have my word on that.
Tiene mi palabra.
You have my word on that, Dan.
Te lo prometo, Dan.
You have my word on that, sir.
Tiene mi palabra, señor.
- You have my word on that.
- Tienes mi palabra.
And you have my word on that.
Y tienes mi palabra en eso.
You have my word on that.
Tiene mis palabra.
You have my word on that.
lo estamos tomando muy seriamente. Tiene mi palabra.
You have my word on that.
Tiene mi palabra en eso.
- You have my word on that.
- Tiene mi palabra en eso.
You have my word on that.
Puede tener mi palabra.
You have my word on that.
Tienes mi palabra sobre eso.
You have my word on that.
Te doy mi palabra sobre eso.
Unless you give me your solemn word that you will neither see nor have any communication with this man again,... you will leave my house at once as you are with nothing but the clothes you have on.
A menos que me des tu solemne palabra de que nunca tendrás ningún tipo de comunicación con ese hombre dejarás mi casa enseguida sólo con lo que llevas puesto.
You have my word that if the train has not left the station tomorrow morning at 6 : 00... with the King of Saxony on board... there will be a Prussian battalion from Rastatt here at 8 : 00 a.m.
Tiene mi palabra de que si el tren no ha salido mañana a las 6 : 00... con el rey de Sajonia a bordo.. habrá un batallón prusiano de Rastatt aquí a las 8 : 00
I have given you my word on that.
No puedo hacerle lo más mínimo.
You have only my promise, but I give it sincerely that if we are allowed to leave peacefully no word of what we have seen shall be passed on to a living soul.
Tiene mi palabra sincera de que si se nos permite marchar en paz no diremos ni una palabra de lo que hemos visto.
You have to take my word for it that I'm on the level.
Fíate de mí y no te preocupes, soy legal.
You can have my word on that.
Le doy mi palabra.
- You have my word on that.
Tienes mi palabra.
- You have my word of honour on that.
Tiene mi palabra de honor.
You have my personal word of honour on that.
Tiene usted mi palabra de honor, mi palabra de honor personal, en eso.
You have my personal word of honour on that.
Tiene mi palabra de honor, mi palabra de honor personal sobre eso.
On that you have my word.
En eso tendrá mi palabra.
Federal relief has been given, and you have my word that more help is on the way.
Se ha dado ayuda federal y tienen mi palabra de que va más en camino
You can have my word and a couple middle fingers on that, Taylor.
Tienen mi palabra y un par de mis dedos, Taylor.
On that, you have my word.
En eso, tiene mi palabra.
No Jaffa blood will be spilled on this day... on that you have my word.
Ninguna sangre Jaffa será derramada este día. En eso tienes mi palabra.
I mean, you only have my word on that.
Quiero decir, solo tiene mi palabra.
You have my personal word On that. " you have my personal word
"Tiene mi palabra"
Well, you're gonna have to take my word on that.
Tendrás que confiar en mí sobre eso. Vamos.
You have my word on that.
Tienes mi palabra en eso.
Relax, kid, you'll see how everything gets done... I swear on my saint's name that your Mom's coming back,... you have my word.
Tranquilo, hijo, ya verás como todo se arregla, te juro por mi santo nombre que tu madre va a volver, te lo digo yo.
On that, you have my word.
Sobre eso, tienes mi palabra.

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