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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You have to go home

You have to go home Çeviri İspanyolca

778 parallel translation
Brother, don't you have to go home?
Cuñado, ¿ no quieres ir a casa?
You have to go home, don't you?
Tienes que irte a casa, ¿ verdad?
But, you have to go home for Mam.
Tienes que ir a casa por mamá.
Cheetah, you have to go home.
Chita, tienes que irte a casa.
You have to go home.
Tendrás que volver a casa.
You have to go home
Tienes que ir a casa.
Do you have to go home before our date?
¿ Quieres pasar por casa?
Now, you have to go home. You have to.
Y ahora, volverás a casa.
Go home to your parents, and explain to them that you have all...
Vatan a casa con sus padres y díganles lo mucho que han fallado.
Hurry up and go to sleep. You have to get to work in the morning so that you can come home with him tomorrow.
Vete a dormir.
You have to do well so that you can continue to go home with that man. And you can receive his energy, too.
Tienes que comportarte bien aquí para que puedas ir a casa con ese chico y recibir su "buena energía".
I want to as much as you do. Go home now. I have to go.
No, no, escúchame, vete, me voy a casa.
You may go through life and never find anything so good and beautiful as this old home, and i'm not going to have it spoiled without a fight.
Podrías vivir mil años y no encontrar un lugar tan acogedor como esta vieja casa. No permitiré que Io arruinen todo sin luchar.
You have to go at home.
Tienes que ir a tu casa.
You don't have to go right back home, do you, honey?
No debes volver directo a casa, ¿ no?
excuse me, Madame, but I'd like to know if you'll have dinner at home otherwise I'd go to church
Perdone, señora, pero me gustaría saber si van a cenar en casa. Si no, me iría a la iglesia.
bravo, that was charming so, good night children it had been very nice of you all to have come now you all go home we'll see each other later good night, it had been very nice
¡ Bravo, ha sido encantador, hija mía! Bueno, buenas noches, niños. Ha sido muy amable que hayáis venido todos.
You know, sometimes you.. You have to go away from home to find out who you really miss.
A veces tienes que irte lejos para echar de menos a alguien.
No senior class has ever set a higher standard for succeeding ones to follow, and I only hope that now, when you go home to friends and family, you will carry with you all the courage and idealism... and the sportsmanship that have made us all... so proud to be associated with this graduating class.
Ninguna clase dejó jamás el listón tan alto para las clases venideras... y sólo espero que ahora... cuando regresen con sus amigos y su familia... lleven consigo... todo el coraje, el idealismo y el espíritu deportivo... que nos hizo sentirnos a todas... tan orgullosas de asociarnos con esta clase que se gradúa.
Crying your eyes out... just because you don't have a home of your own to go to.
Llorar a lágrima viva... sólo porque no tienes una casa a la que ir.
You've told me to go home, to forget I have a mother.
Me pides que vuelva a casa, que olvide que tengo una madre.
it's a pity, Mitja do you really have to go home?
¡ Qué pena, Mitja! ¿ De verdad tienes que volver a casa?
I want you all to go home now and have a very Merry Christmas.
Quiero que todos se vayan a casa y tengan una muy feliz Navidad.
If you'll pardon me, ma'am I've watched you go in and out of town for years now and you've always had time to stop and have a word with me and I've always waited for you to come home and you remind me of the flower.
Si me disculpa, señora la he visto pasar durante años y siempre ha tenido un momento para parar y hablar conmigo siempre he esperado a que usted llegase a casa porque me recuerda a la flor.
I have 18 rooms here, a bone-idle staff eating their heads off, and when you come home from South Africa, - you go straight to your club.
Aquí tengo 18 habitaciones, un servicio ocioso mano sobre mano y tú, cuando vuelves de Sudáfrica, te vas directo a tu club.
We have to go home. It was such a pleasure running into you.
y ya tenemos que volver a casa, ha sido un placer el haberle encontrado.
But you've got to go home in the morning and we'll go along and have a nice long talk with that uncle of yours.
Pero mañana tendrás que regresar... te acompañaremos y tendremos una larga charla con tu tío.
If, one day, you should want... ah... this is difficult... well... to live your life, make your home... you have only to go and find Miss Perdrières and put me out of your mind.
Si un día tú quisieras... Ah, es difícil... Bueno, vivir tu vida... tu hogar... solo tienes que ir a buscar a la Srta. Perdrières y no pensar más en mí.
- As the poet said, Home is where you go, and they have to let you in.
Si llegas tarde al hogar igualmente te dejarán entrar.
You probably have to go home.
Ya tendrás que partir.
Vete a casa.No tienes por que estar aquí sentada escuchándome.
You and I, Rodolphe, someplace, somewhere where it's only ourselves, and we'd never have to go home.
Tú y yo, Rodolphe, a algún lugar, donde sea, donde sólo seamos nosotros mismos, y nunca tengamos que regresar a nuestras casas.
I'll get you back home if I have to go to jail for it.
Te llevaré de vuelta a casa así tenga que ir a prisión.
This great desire you had to leave the Philippines, to go home - you have a wife there?
Ese gran deseo que tenía de abandonar las Filipinas, irse a casa, - ¿ tiene una esposa allí?
I know how you feel, Marie, but the inmates aren't allowed to go home to have their babies.
Sé como te sientes, Marie... pero las reclusas no pueden volver a casa a tener a sus bebés.
You have three days to go back home.
Tienen 3 días de plazo para regresar.
You should have been reported for clandestine expatriation... we are giving you the chance to go back home, free, instead.
Debíamos haberles denunciado por expatriación clandestina... y, sin embargo, les dejamos volver libres a sus casas.
I don't know. Don't you have any reason to go back home?
Alguien que le esté esperando, su madre, o su hermana...
Must give you a warm feeling to have a home to go to
Qué suerte tener una casa...
You should better go home early to have fun with your customers here is a good-mannered household
Sería mejor que te volvieras pronto a tu casa para divertirte con tus clientes. Ésta es una casa seria.
Let's listen to this. Then you ought to go home, I have to finish that painting.
Escuchémoslo y después te vas.
Give me my money back, I have to go home No, but if you will, I'll follow you
- Devuélveme el dinero, tengo que regresar.
But when I have to leave you, when I have to go back home, then it's not so easy.
Pero cuando tengo que dejarte, cuando tengo que volver a casa, no es tan fácil.
If you'll have to go home, you won't be able to continue your studies.
Si tienes que volver a casa, no podrás continuar tus estudios.
Do you really think youll have to go back home?
¿ De veras crees que tienes que volver a casa?
No, I have to go home. And besides, I don't want to put you out.
No, tengo que irme a casa y además no querría molestaros, de verdad.
Well, you don't have to go all the way home to take a nap.
Bueno, no tiene que ir hasta su casa para hacer una siesta.
I have to go home and change anyway. I'll get rid of this and drive you.
- Solucionaré esto y te llevaré.
I wish you didn't have to go home for dinner.
Desearía que no tuvieras que irte a casa a cenar.
- You know I have to go home. - That's impossible.
- Sabes que tengo que hacerlo.
Now, um, I... I want you two to go home and dig into your memories and into any records you may have and discover exactly where you were and what you were doing on these two key dates, the dates that the insurance company was held up.
Ahora quiero que vayan a casa y rebusquen en Lo más profundo de sus recuerdos y sus documentos para saber dónde estaban y que hacían exactamente los dos días de los atracos a La agencia de seguros.

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