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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You scared the hell out of me

You scared the hell out of me Çeviri İspanyolca

286 parallel translation
Chachita, you scared the hell out of me!
... que he perdido hasta la calma...
You scared the hell out of me.
Me hiciste asustar.
You scared the hell out of me.
No esperaba eso de ti.
You scared the hell out of me.
¡ Me diste un gran susto!
You scared the hell out of me.
¡ Me asustó!
- You scared the hell out of me, honey.
- Me has dado un susto de muerte.
Peter, Jesus, you scared the hell out of me!
¡ Peter, por Dios! ¡ Me diste un susto fatal!
You scared the hell out of me!
Me asusto!
- You scared the hell out of me! I'm awfully sorry.
¡ Me ha asustado!
- Joe, you scared the hell out of me.
- Joe, me has dado un susto de muerte.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me asustó bastante
You scared the hell out of me.
Casi me matas del susto.
Damn! You scared the hell out of me.
¡ Se me ha encogido el alma en un puño!
You scared the hell out of me.
Menudo susto me has dado.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me has asustado.
You scared the hell out of me.
- Me has dado un susto de muerte.
Oh, you scared the hell out of me!
Oh, ¡ Casi me matas del susto!
Oh, my God. George, you scared the hell out of me.
Dios mio. me mataste del susto.
You scared the hell out of me!
Me has asustado.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me asustaste.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me diste un susto del infierno!
[Sighs] You scared the hell out of me.
Casi me matas del susto.
- You scared the hell out of me.
- Casi me matas del susto.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me asustaste muchisimo.
Shit! You scared the hell out of me!
¡ Joder, menudo susto me has dado!
You scared the hell out of me.
¡ Diablos Me asustaste!
You scared the hell out of me.
Me asustaste, maldita sea.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me diste un susto del diablo.
You scared the hell out of me, sneaking up on me like that.
Me asustaste, apareciendo de sorpresa.
- You scared the hell out of me.
- Hola. - Qué susto me has dado.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me diste un susto de muerte.
You scared the hell out of me, Emily.
¿ Tienes miedo a la mierda de mí, Emily.
You scared the hell out of me.
Usted me dio un gran susto a mi.
You scared the hell out of me!
¡ Me habéis acojonado!
You scared the hell out of me.
Me acojonaste.
You scared the hell out of me.
Me diste un susto tremendo.
- Sean, you scared the hell out of me.
- Sean, me asustate a morir.
You scared the hell out of me.
Casi me mata del susto.
You scared the hell out of me.
- Casi me matas del susto.
You scared the hell out of me. Where've you been?
Estás asustado sin mí. ¿ Dónde has estado?
You scared the hell out of me.
Me diste el susto de mi vida.
[Gasps] You scared the hell out of me. I need you to make me something, and I need it now.
me has dado un susto de muerte necesito que hagas algo y lo necesito ya
You just scared the hell out of me.
Sólo me diste un susto, es todo.
You kept slipping over into my real life, and it scared the hell out of me.
Te has introducido tanto en mi vida, que es un infierno para mí el no tenerte.
Sometimes you put on that angry voice, it scared the hell out of me.
A veces pones voz de tan enojado que me asusta hasta el infierno.
Oh, Mark, you scared the living hell out of me, you wop.
Oh, Mark, casi me cago Del susto, "Tano"!
I think you scared the hell out of me!
Pienso que casi me matas del susto.
You've scared the hell out of me!
¡ Usted me ha aterrorizado!
God, you scared the hell out of me.
¡ Me asustaste!
You scared the living hell out of me.
¡ Me has dado un susto de muerte!
Jesus, man, you scared the hell out of me.
Por Dios, viejo. Me mataste del susto.

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