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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You should come with me

You should come with me Çeviri İspanyolca

461 parallel translation
The script is here, here ( in your brain ), so to edit the scenes, you should come with me!
El guión está allí así que deberías estar allá para editar.
You should come with me tonight.
Deberías venir conmigo.
You should come with me one day.
Debería venir conmigo un día.
I think you should come with me.
Creo que debe acompañarme.
I'm going to Pierre Maury's. His wife died. You should come with me
[Skipped item nr. 294]
You should come with me.
Deberías venir conmigo.
You should come with me :
Debería acompañarme.
Diana, I think you should come with me.
Diana, deberías venir conmigo.
You should come with me, Hart.
Deberías venirte conmigo, Hart.
Maybe you should come with me for a few weeks.
Quizás deberías quedarte conmigo unas semanas.
Maybe you should come with me.
Quizá puedas venir conmigo.
Eddie! You should come with me.
Eddie deberías venir conmigo.
You should come with me to the Canaanite women.
Deberías venir conmigo a ver a la cananea.
You should come on home with me, Molly.
Deberías venir a casa conmigo, Molly.
Fue idea tuya.
- No good. You should've come in with me and Ford.
Debía trabajar conmigo y con Ford.
You should come drink with me some tea.
Deberíamos tomar un té juntos.
- You should let me come with you.
- Deberías dejarme ir contigo.
I should like to come with you and see you make your report.
Me encantaría ver lo que van a poner en sus informes.
Since my brothers and sons have betrayed me since the ones that should tell the truth with the loudest voice have turned their backs against the will of God they became your accusers and your executioners, Joan since the Word through their evil fingers has become an indecipherable writing I, Dominique I, Dominique I have descended from the Heavens to come to you.
Porque mis hermanos y mis hijos me han traicionado porque aquellos que deberían ser la voz suprema de la verdad se han alzado contra la voluntad de Dios tus acusadores y tus verdugos, Juana porque la palabra, a través de intrincado y maléfico dedo ha devenido una escritura indescifrable yo mismo, Dominique yo, Dominique he bajado del Cielo hacia tí.
Perhaps that color would suits you better. You will just come along with me. I should be most happy to explain it to you.
Tal vez el color le guste, venga conmigo., Con mucho gusto se lo mostraré.
You've come along the road with me as far as you should.
Me has seguido cuanto debías.
You should have invited me to come with you.
Tenías que haberme invitado a ir contigo.
I think you should come here with me in the morning itself.
Pienso que deberìas estar conmigo en las mañanas.
You should blame me, I just come back with the wine.
No lo dirá por mi, yo vengo de traer el vino.
- Oh, why should you come with me?
¿ Por qué tendrías que venir conmigo?
" Should harm come to me, who will stand with you under the lantern with you,
"Debería el dolor venir a mí, quién estará contigo bajo la linterna contigo, Lili Marleen".
Come with me Mr Kent. Ludwig should interest you.
Venga, Ludwig le interesa.
I think you and the little señorita should come with me.
Creo que usted y la señorita deberían venir conmigo.
I should like you to come next weekend and stay with me.
Me gustaría que viniera el próximo fin de semana y que se quedara conmigo.
You should've come with me.
Si lo sé, no te digo que vengas.
You should come stay with me.
Vente a vivir a mi casa.
All things considered, I think it best you should come along with me.
Si consideramos todo esto, lo mejor es que te vengas conmigo.
When you're finished with this thing, if you should come out alive... you can come and do some hunting for me.
Cuando termines con esto, si sales vivo, puedes venir y cazar para mí.
You should've come with me.
Podrías haber venido conmigo.
You should have come with me.
Deberías venir conmigo.
Don't you think you should have come to me first with this, Lieutenant?
No cree que tendría que habérmelo dicho antes a mi, Teniente?
Yes, you've come to pester me with some extravagant theory you've dreamed up concerning the Mara, and should I, the Director, fail to take sufficient notice of your colourful improbabilities, it will be the end of civilisation as we know it, at least.
Viene a molestarme con sus extravagantes teorías sobre la Mara. Y si yo, el Director, hiciese caso de esas alegres teorías, sería el... fin de la civilización tal y como la entendemos. ¿ Me he explicado bien?
But I should be extremely obliged if you would come down to Woking with me tomorrow, the same train that we took today.
Pero le estaré enormemente agradecido, si usted va a Woking conmigo mañana, en el mismo tren que tomamos hoy.
Abby, I really think you should come back with me to Maine.
Abby, creo que deberías regresar a Maine conmigo.
You should have gone out with me. Come on, make me happy, get dressed! Five minutes only.
¡ Lleváte un vestido y huyamos!
You should come to Italy with me some day.
Tienes que venir conmigo a Italia.
Maybe you should come to the casino with me?
Tal vez deberías venir al casino conmigo?
You should probably come with me.
Probablemente debería venir conmigo.
I must tell you Mr. Holmes, that at first I was not at all taken with Inspector Gregory's suggestion that you should be asked to come down here.
Debo decirle, Sr. Holmes, que al principio no me pareció muy buena... la sugerencia del Inspector Gregory... sobre pedirle que venga aquí.
It is also my wish to inform you, sir... that I propose your daughter Mary should come to live with me, if you have no objection.
También quiero comunicarle mi deseo de vivir con su hija, si Ud. No tiene inconveniente.
Well, I really do think you should cancel Bristol and come home with me. I can't.
Creo que deberías anular lo de Bristol y venir a casa conmigo.
I think you should just come home with me.
Creo que deberías venir conmigo a casa.
If you wanna come with me, let's go get'em right now, this second. 'Cause I think staying'here, man, we should have our fuckin'heads examined.
Si quieres venir conmigo, vayamos por ellos ahora mismo, en este segundo... porque creo que si nos quedamos aquí, deberían examinarnos la jodida cabeza.
Maybe you should come to a meeting with me sometime.
Quizás deberías venir a una reunión conmigo.
I mean, you should have come with me, you know?
Tendrías que haber ido conmigo.

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