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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You should have told me

You should have told me Çeviri İspanyolca

1,061 parallel translation
You should have told me.
Me lo hubiese dicho.
You should have told me.
Deberías habérmelo dicho.
You should have told me your wife was here.
Deberías haberme dicho que tu esposa estaba aquí.
But you should have told me.
Pero deberías habérmelo dicho.
- i'm all for so much so that after the war i became of member of the party i don't give a damn if it bothers you you should have told me you have your membership card?
- A favor. Tanto que al final de la guerra me hice miembro del partido. Me importa una mierda si eso le molesta.
Even if that's so, Elspeth you should have told me about Montdrako in the first place.
Aunque sea eso, Elspeth debería haberme hablado de Montdrako
Oh, David, if you're in trouble, you should have told me.
Si tenías problemas, ¿ por qué no me lo contaste?
You should have told me and I'd leave the car to you.
Debíais habérmelo dicho antes y os hubiera dejado el coche.
- You should have told me first!
- ¡ Deberías haberme dicho primero!
You should have told me.
Debería haberlo dicho.
You should have told me before
¿ Qué es esto? Deberías habérmelo dicho antes.
You should have told me.
Debiste haberme dicho.
You should have told me.
Debió avisarme.
You should have told me.
Debería habérmelo dicho.
You should have told me sooner
Debiste avisarme antes
You should have told me earlier!
Teníamos que haber salido más temprano.
You should have told me before.
Debiste habérmelo dicho antes.
~ You should have told me.
- Usted debió avisarme.
You should have told me about the epidemic at the fort.
Deberías haberme dicho lo de la epidemia en el fuerte.
You should have told me, Mama. You should have told me.
Tenías que habérmelo dicho, mamá.
You should have told me it was Tony Lacey's party.
Debiste decirme que era la fiesta de Tony Lacey.
You should have told me.
Deberías haberme escrito para decírmelo.
- You should have told me about it.
- Deberías haberme avisado.
You should have told me early.
Deberías habérmelo dicho en seguida.
This week? You should have told me.
- Habérmelo dicho.
You should have told me earlier
Me lo deberías haber dicho antes
My mother? She wrote what you should have told me a long time ago.
- Escribió lo que debiste decirme hace mucho tiempo.
You should have told me, I would have gone on a diet.
De haberlo sabido hubiera hecho régimen.
You should have told me earlier.
Debiste haberme dicho más temprano.
You should have told me.
Me debería haber dicho.
You should have told me right away that you didn't want a child.
Decir claramente que no querías ese niño.
I said if you want to watch me undress so badly, you should have told me.
Dije que si tanto quieres ver que me desvista, debiste decírmelo.
Damn, you should have told me.
Maldita sea, haberme avisado.
Well, I'll have to study this, but from what you told me, we should be able to neutralize the assault by protecting our central communication points and the key officials.
- 5 días... Tendré que estudiarlo pero, por lo que me dijiste podríamos neutralizar el asalto protegiendo nuestros centros de comunicación y a los dirigentes.
Oh, my! You should've told me about this. I'd have gone into training.
¡ Debería haberme entrenado!
I suppose I should have told you in the first place. I'd been working on that advertising campaign with Laura. Well, we'd been working so hard, I- - I just couldn't keep my eyes open.
No debí ocultarle... que estaba colaborando en una campaña publicitaria con Laura y habíamos trabajado tanto que me moría de sueño.
I don't like to be an "I told you so," but, uh... you should have come home.
No me gusta decirte que ya te lo dije,... pero deberías haber venido a casa.
You've told me there's already someone who knows... but do you realise that it should have been you instead of Carroll?
De acuerdo a lo que me dijiste debió ser alguien que conocías... Pero te das cuenta que... ¿ debiste ser tú en lugar de Carroll?
I should have told you this evening that I decided to move my coffin, but, then, it was you who gave me the idea.
Debí decirles que decidí trasladar mi ataúd. Usted me dio la idea.
I told you you should have given me more points.
Le dije que debía darme más puntos.
You should have told me the porters where here.
Debió decirme que los portadores estaban aqui...
I told you we should have got an S-47 / 19-J accompanying, but you wouldn't listen!
Te dije que debimos haber tenido una S-47 / 1 9-J... - pero no me hiciste caso.
You should have told me that you were a virgin.
- Tenias que decirme que eras virgen
People have told me I should talk to you, Mr Braxton.
Me dijeron que hablase con usted Señor Braxton.
If you're really seeing it, you should not have told me but the police.
Si realmente crees que hay un asesino, ¿ por qué no vas con la policía?
Maybe I should have told you that I can't stand girls. Stop it this instant!
Puede que tuviera que haberte dicho antes, que no me gustan las chicas.
You told me that we have to love people for what they are, not for what they should be.
Al principio, me decías que hay que querer a la gente como tal como es... y no como debería ser.
He should have told me about you, but he never really spoke of his personal affairs.
Debería haberme hablado de usted, pero él nunca hablaba de sus asuntos personales.
I should have told you I'll never marry you.
Debería haberte dicho desde el principio que nunca me casaría contigo.
I should have told you.
Me esperan unos amigos.
What should he have told me? That you're a widow?
¿ Qué tenía que haberme dicho, qué es Vd. viuda?

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