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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You told me not to

You told me not to Çeviri İspanyolca

2,057 parallel translation
Remember when you told me not to look for Kate?
¿ Recuerda cuando me dijo que no buscara a Kate?
- No. You told me not to tell him.
No.Tu me dijiste que no le cuente a el.
You told me not to start this set of carpets. Didn't I finish them?
Me dijiste que no para iniciar este conjunto de alfombras. ¿ Acaso no las termino?
Except that in the dream, I saw myself taping everything, even though you told me not to.
Excepto que en el sueño, me vi grabando todo incluso lo que me dijiste que no filmara.
You told me not to bite her, so I didn't.
- Dijiste que no mordiera, y no lo hice.
You told me not to tell, but I told.
Me dijiste que no lo contara, pero lo conté.
I was supposed to come over. You told me not to come and you wound up working with jason.
Se suponía que iba a ir, me dijiste que no fuera y te juntaste con Jason en tu casa.
- You told me not to draft Cutler.
- Solo me has dicho que no escoja a Cutler.
You told me not to worry, and I tried not to, and now look!
Me pediste que no lo hiciera y traté, ¡ y mira ahora!
And I was a little bit scared and you told me not to worry about, because you had my back.
Yo estaba un poco asustada y me dijiste que no había nada de qué preocuparse,
I told you not to follow me.
Les dije que no me siguieran.
I told you not to follow me. - Okay, well, dock our pay. We came here to save you.
Te dije que no me siguieras vale, bueno, guárdate las gracias.
Even though you expressly told me not to.
A pesar de que expresamente me dijiste que no lo hiciera.
Take Alonso and Margarita and travel with them to Toledo to your friend's inn. You've told me about him many times, but with all due respect, I prefer not to know him.
Que coja a Alonsillo y a Margarita y los lleve a Toledo a la posada de su amigo, del que me ha hablado usted tantas veces, pero con todos los respetos, yo prefiero no conocerlo.
Kendra, if I told you something, would you promise not to tell anybody, not even Phil?
Kendra, si te digo algo ¿ me prometes que no se lo dirás a nadie, ni siquiera a Phil?
- I told you not to call me.
- Te dije que no me llamaras.
Are you the one my mom told me not to talk to?
¿ Eres el que mi mamá me dijo que no le hable?
He told me brother that you have agreed and you do not have to work for you. It's your brother say?
Me ha dicho mi hermano que habíais llegado a un acuerdo, que ya no tengo que trabajarmás para vosotros.
Nope. You know, I'm not doing this because she told me to.
No hago esto porque ella me lo haya dicho.
Dale told me when he saw the mayor stagger out of the plane and you in the cockpit trying not to laugh... That was the moment he fell in love with you forever.
Dale me dijo que cuando vio al alcalde tambalearse fuera del avión y a ti en la cabina de mando, intentando no reirme... fué el momento en el que se enamoró de ti para siempre.
I told you not to mess with me.
Te dije que no jugaras conmigo.
I told you not to speak to me.
Te dije que no me hablaras.
You told me earlier not to kill him!
¡ Me acabas de decir que no le mate!
He told me not to tell you, so what was I supposed to do?
Me dijo que no se lo dijera, ¿ qué podía hacer?
You told me that i'm not man enough to take a life.
Me dijiste que no soy hombre suficiente como para quitar una vida.
Because she told me not to tell you.
Porque me dijo que no te lo diga.
"no, it needs to read," i told you i'm not leaving.
No, se tiene que leer "te dije que no me iba"
If you did not like orecchiette, you told me that we gave to the poor, instead of throwing it in the garbage.
Si no te gustan las "orecchiette", me lo dices y se las daba a los pobres,... en lugar de tirarlas a la basura.
Evergreen! I thought I told you not to order me around!
Aun en este mundo de magia, ver un Dragon real es muy raro.
How many times have I told you not to call me Bum in public
¿ Cuántas veces te he dicho que no me llames Bum en público
You told me not to get involved.
- Me dijo que no me involucrara.
Did you think that if you told me why my feelings for you could not be returned that I would in some way think less of you, and instead thought it better to let me torment myself with all manner of speculation?
¿ Pensaste que, si me decías por qué no podías corresponderme, yo de algún modo pensaría menos en ti, y consideraste mejor dejar que me atormentase con toda clase de especulaciones?
I told jesus not to rapture me, Because I couldn't bear to leave you behind.
Le dije a Jesus que no me Raptara porque no podía soportar dejarte atrás.
I thought I told you not to follow me, Master Kenobi.
Creí haberle dicho que no me siguiera, maestro Kenobi.
I told you not to ask me anything but to your daughter!
Te dije que no me pregunte cualquier cosa solo a su hija!
I told you not to worry about me.
Te dije que no te preocuparas por mí.
I told you not to look until I gave you permission.
Te dije que no me miraras hasta que te diera permiso.
I told you not to use English around me!
¡ Dije que no se use el inglés a mi alrededor!
But he told me not to let you in.
Pero él me dijo que no te dejaran entrar
You told me... you prayed for me not to have nightmares when I was asleep, right?
Me dijiste... que rezaste para que no tuviera pesadillas cuando estaba dormido, ¿ cierto?
Lee Sun Woo, I told you not to do this to me.
Lee Sun Woo, te dije que no me hicieras esto.
You don't include me, you hardly talk to me, you never told me you wanted a baby, and now you're not telling me the truth!
No me incluyen, difícilmente hablan de mí, nunca me dijiste que querías un bebé, ¡ y ahora no me estás diciendo la verdad!
Yeah, well maybe she told you she wants me in order to look not interested in you, which makes you more interested in her.
Bueno, tal vez te dijo que yo le intereso para parecer indiferente hacia ti, lo cual te hace estar más interesado.
I told you not to talk to me that way! Is that why you killed them?
¿ Es por eso que los mató?
You told me to go easy on you, and, um, I'm not.
Me dijiste que te explicara despacio, y voy rápido.
I told you not to follow!
Le dije que no me siguiera.
Was it not you, who told me to show a little gratitude?
¿ No fuiste tú, quién me dijo que mostrara un poco de gratitud?
- I told you not to disturb me.
- Le dije que no me molestara.
Dr Bernard Hazelhof told me you should never weigh more than your refrigerator and to never eat anything bigger than your head. I once ate a watermelon bigger than my head but not all at once.
No sólo era increíble, era buena gente, era humano, era... era... era... era... es...
As you told to me only yesterday, can not you see the case that is building in front of you?
¿ No se da cuenta cómo el caso se va resolviendo?
I told you not to come and fetch me.
Ya te dije para no venir a buscarme.

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