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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You want me to talk to him

You want me to talk to him Çeviri İspanyolca

215 parallel translation
I thought you were the one. You want me to talk to him?
- ¿ Quieres que hable con él?
- Do you want me to talk to him?
- ¿ Quieres que le hable?
Do you want me to talk to him?
¿ Quieres que le hable?
I mean, if you want me to talk to him...
- Si quiere, puedo hablar con él...
You want me to talk to him? Uh-uh.
¿ Quieres que hable con él?
You want me to talk to him?
¿ Quieres que hable con él?
Do you want me to talk to him?
¿ Quieres que hable con él?
So you want me to talk to him?
¿ Quieres que hable con él?
You want me to talk to him?
¿ Queréis que hable con él?
You want me to talk to him?
Quieres que hable con el?
You want me to talk to him, smooth things out for you?
¿ Quiere que le hable yo? ¿ Que suavice la cosa?
- You want me to talk to him?
- ¿ Quiere que hable con él?
If you want me to talk to him on your behalf -
Si hay algo que pueda hacer, hablar en tu nombre...
- You want me to talk to him?
- ¿ Quieres que yo hable con él?
You want me to talk to him, get him to change his mind.
Quiere que hable con él, que lo haga cambiar de idea.
Gordon, you want me to talk to him?
Gordon, ¿ necesitas que yo le hable?
If you don't want me to, I won't see or talk to him any more.
Si no quieres que lo haga, ya no lo veré ni hablaré con él.
Do you want me to talk it over with him as well?
¿ Quieres que lo hable con él también?
Or do you want me to have a talk with him?
¿ O quieres que hable con él?
And you want me to make him talk. Is that all?
Y pretende que yo le obligue a hacerlo ¿ no es eso?
And you want me to make him talk.
¿ Cómo puedo yo obligarle a hablar?
And do you want me to go talk to him?
¿ Y quieres que vaya a hablar con él?
I want to talk to him before - You can't keep me away, Doctor.
No puede impedírmelo, doctor.
You get angry. I calm him down, and talk him into doing what I want him to.
Tú te enfadas, yo me lo trajino... y le obligo a hacer lo que quiero que haga.
Do you want me to talk to him?
Tengo miedo.
I want to talk to him. Can you take me to him?
Quiero hablar con él. ¿ Me puedes llevar con él?
What do you want from me? I want you to talk to him.
Quiero que hables con él
I want you to talk to him. Would you do that for me, please, as a personal favor? Today?
Quiero que hable con él. ¿ Puede hacerlo como un favor personal?
You really want me to talk about him?
¿ Es imprescindible que le hable de él?
- What is he doing here? What does he want now? He's going to wait there till you leave so he can talk to me, I know him.
Luego vi que aquellos que habían hecho esto agarraron los camiones y se los llevaron en silencio.
Anything you want to say to me, talk to him first.
Cualquier cosa que me quieras decir, dísela primero a él.
I don't want that transcript going anywhere... our witness either - not till I talk to him. - You tell me. All right.
- ¿ Tú qué crees?
I may have to go to Miami to talk to Mayakofsky. What do you want me to say to him?
¿ Qué quieres que le diga a Mayakofsky de Miami?
If you want to talk to him, you talk to me.
Si quieres hablar con él, habla conmigo.
Mrs Berman, if you want to talk to him, sometimes I think that's the best thing.
Sra Berman, si quiere hablar con él, a veces pienso que eso es lo mejor. Me puedo ir.
- And you want me to talk him round?
- Y usted quiere que yo le hable de esto?
I want to talk to him again, and I'd like you there, Mr Neely.
Quiero hablar con él otra vez, y me gustaría que usted estuviera allí, Sr. Neely.
If I hear of you hanging around with him... I thought you didn't want to talk about this now.
Si me entero de que sales con él... Pensaba que no querías hablar de ello ahora.
Well, I can talk to him if you want me to.
Yo puedo hablar con él si quieren.
You want me talk to him?
¿ Queréis que hable con él?
If you want me to talk in front of him, you may be asked... to kill him later.
Si hablo enfrente de él, quizá te pida que lo mates luego.
You want me to go talk to him?
- ¿ Hablo yo con él?
You want me To talk to him?
¿ Quieres que hable con él?
If you want him to stay alive Get someone else to come talk to me
Si lo quiere vivo, traiga otro negociador.
What should we do? You want me to go talk to him?
¿ Quieres que vaya a hablar con él?
But if Muhammad doesn't come to the mountain... - You want me to go talk to him?
Pero si Mahoma no va a la montaña- ¿ Quieres que hable con él?
But I want you to promise me if you reach him first- - I would just feel better if you give me a call... before you even talk to this guy.
Pero si lo encuentra antes que yo me sentiré mejor si me llama antes de hablar con él.
will you let me speak to the Chief in peace, - or do you want to talk to him? - Why?
Oye, ¿ me dejas hablar con el jefe o quieres hablar tú, eh?
I want someone who loves him to talk to him about it. You want me to...
Quiero que alguien que lo ame le hable de esto.
I'd like to talk with him, because I don't want this going on any longer, and I can't seem to get any kind of straight answer from you.
Quiero hablar con él. No quiero que esto continúe y usted no me dice la verdad.
- You want me to go talk to him?
- ¿ Quieres que hable con él?

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