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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You want something from me

You want something from me Çeviri İspanyolca

199 parallel translation
You want something from me badly enough... to put on quite a show in your velvets.
Quieres algo tanto como para hacer esta escena.
Did you want something from me or my wife?
¿ Quería Ud. algo de mí o de mi esposa?
If you want something from me, I " m down on the'Lieselotte.'
Si quiere algo de mí, estoy abajo, en la'Lieselotte.'
You want something from me, mister?
¿ Quiere algo de mí, señor?
# # lf you give something to me, then you want something from me # # l give something to you and you give something to me # # lf you take something from me, I'll take something from you #
Quiero algo hermoso Tú quieres algo, ¿ Y qué? Yo te daré algo a ti Y tú me das algo a mí Yo te doy algo a ti Y tú me das algo a mí
You want something from me.
Quieres algo de mí.
Whenever you want something from me, I'm a lady to Mr Bruno!
¡ Cuando quieres algo de mí, soy una mujer para el sr. Bruno!
If you want something from me... I would be lacking in respect for my own conscience... if I did not say that I wish something from you.
Si deseáis algo de mí... yo faltaría al respeto de mi propia conciencia... si no os dijera que deseo algo de vos.
You want something from me.
Son ustedes los que me piden algo.
Do you want something from me?
¿ Quieres algo de mí?
If you want something from me, you know where you can find me.
Si quieres algo de mí, ya sabes dónde me puedes encontrar.
You want something from me?
¿ Me buscas?
You want something from me, I glad to give it.
Si quieres algo de mí, te lo daré con gusto.
You want something from me?
¿ Quieres algo de mí?
You want something from me. I want something from you.
Ud. quiere algo de mí y yo quiero algo de Ud.
You want something from me.
" Tú quieres algo de mí.
- Now you want something from me, huh?
- ¿ ahora te interesa lo que digo?
In the future, I would appreciate it, regardless of what happens with me and Brenda or you and Brenda, if you want something from me, you don't have to put a loaded gun on my head.
En el futuro, te agradecería a pesar de lo que suceda entre Brenda y yo o entre Brenda y tú si quieres algo de mí no necesitas poner un arma en mi cabeza.
You want something from me.
Quieren algo de mi.
Butyou want something from me, I want something from you--Jimmy.
Tú quieres algo de mí y yo quiero algo de ti : Jimmy.
You want something from me.
Ud. quiere algo de mí.
I can tell you what that means that's the last ration if you want to draw food tomorrow you'll have to get it from the Austrians there's surely something happening here let me tell you then
¡ Si quieres algo mañana cuando te levantes, tendrás que pedírselo a los austriacos! ¡ Pero qué está pasando aquí! Dejen que les explique.
Some times I have the feeling that you want to hide something from me.
A veces tengo la impresión de que me ocultas algo.
If you're saying all this because you don't want to tell me the truth, because you're hiding something from me, then maybe I can understand.
Si dices todo esto porque no quieres decirme la verdad, porque me ocultas algo, tal vez pueda comprenderlo.
You seem to want something from me.
Estás resentida.
Is there something you want from me?
¿ Hay algo que deseen de mi?
I've got to tell you something let's say, for the sake of discussion, that I have the panther, well I wouldn't give it to you for the world, because I hate when people want to take from me,
¿ Por qué mientes? Si no la tuvieses, no te andarían pisando los talones de ese modo. ¿ Quien me pisa los talones?
Captain, if you want to beat me up, I've something I must tell you first, I suffered from pleurisy, they took an x-ray, did you know that?
Señor capitán, si van a pegarme, les tengo que advertir... que he tenido pleuritis y me hicieron unas placas, ¿ sabe?
Fine... and apart from your kindness in inviting me... do you want to know something else about me, maybe?
Pensé que ibas a comer sola hoy, el Día de Nuestra Santa Patrona y se me ocurrió invitarte. Pues verás... Bueno, y aparte de su amabilidad de invitarme usted quería saber algo más de mí, ¿ verdad?
I want you to promise me something. Stay away from her.
Quiero que me prometa una cosa, aléjese de ella.
As long as we're rapping it out on your terms... everything's OK, but the minute I have a question... or I want to know something specific from you... you either shine me on or go out for coffee.
Si todo va a tu gusto, no hay problema, pero en cuanto tengo una pregunta, o quiero saber más sobre algo, me das evasivas, o te vas a tomar un café.
You must want something from me.
Me necesitas.
Why should you help me? Because I want something from you. If you will let me de-hypnotise people and send them home and help me capture Irongron and his men,
Temporada 11 El Guerrero del Tiempo, 4 de 4 Emitido el 05 / 01 / 1974
You have taken something from me. I want it back!
Has cogido algo que es mío, quiero que me lo devuelvas.
I don't know if you want me to tell you... Something from those years... I can only say my childhood was very normal
No sé si quieres que te cuente algo de aquellos años.
But there is something you want from me.
Pero quieres algo de mí.
I want to give you two a little something from mother and me a little extra happiness.
Quiero darles un regalito de mamá y de mí un poquito más de alegría.
Listen, I want you to check out something from the lieutenant for me.
Escucha, quiero que veas algo del teniente para mí.
Anyway, you sound a lot like I do when I want something from him.
Me recuerdas mucho a mí cuando quiero pedirle algo.
Is there something that you want from me?
¿ Quieres algo de mí?
you want to take toby from me? then maybe it's time you knew something about him.
- Alguién viene al amanecer a tomar algún lugar -
You mean you want me to stop him from doing something stupid.
Quiere que evite que haga una estupidez.
I know you don't want to see me or hear from me, but there's something I must write to you about.
Sé que no quieres verme ni saber nada de mí, pero ahora ha pasado algo y te tengo que escribir.
Fine. I know you don't get something for nothing. What do you want from me, Dick?
Se que no lo haces solo por gracia que es lo que esperas de mi, Dick?
If you want something of great value from me,
- Si quiere algo de gran valor de mí
Thought maybe one of mine could have bribed his way in or something. What do you want from me, Angela?
Pensé que tal vez uno de los míos se había colado. ¿ Qué quieres?
Is there something you want from me?
¿ Quiere algo de mí?
Don't look at me like I want something from you.
No me mires como si quisiera algo de ti.
- Let me tell you something. Someday, many years from now, when you're all growned up, and you got your own oil company and $ 8 million of your own money on the contract, you can do whatever comes into that little A.J. idiotin'mind of yours you want.
Un dia, cuando hayas crecido y tengas tu propia compañia petrolera y hayas invertido $ 8 millones tuyos, puedes hacer lo que tu mentecita de idiota quiera.
You want something... ... from me.
Quieres algo de mí.
It's like they want something from you. Because I turned out this way, there must be something else wrong with me.
Es como si quisieran algo de ti, como si por ser yo así debería haber algo malo en mí.

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