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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You want to come with me

You want to come with me Çeviri İspanyolca

2,084 parallel translation
Do you want to come with me?
¿ Quieres venir conmigo?
- Do you want to come with me?
- ¿ Quieres venir conmigo?
Not for that model, but we can sort one out for you if you want to come with me.
Para ese modelo no, pero podemos buscar uno si vienes conmigo.
Do you want to come with me?
¿ Quieres venirte conmigo?
Hi baby, do you want to come with me?
Hola nena, ¿ quieres venir conmigo?
Now, the remains are in here, and, uh, Mr. Breekman's at my office if you want to come with me, Agent Booth.
Ahora, los restos están ahí, y, al señor Breekman está en mi oficina si quiere venir conmigo, agente Booth.
You want to come with me?
¿ Quieres venir conmigo?
In fact, I might go tomorrow morning - if you want to come with me.
De hecho, mañana por la mañana voy
Anthony, you want to come with me?
Anthony, ¿ quieres venir conmigo?
Do you want to come with me,
¿ Quieres venir conmigo?
If you want to survive this thing, you'II come with me.
Si quieres sobrevivir esto, vendrás conmigo.
Caleb, I want you to come with me.
Caleb, quiero que vengas conmigo.
I do not ask you to come with me nor do I want you to.
No les pido que vengan conmigo ni quiero que lo hagan.
You got nothing to be afraid of. I want you to come with me.
Quiero que vayas conmigo.
If you want to come out with us, page me later, all right?
Si quieres venir con nosotros, mándame un mensaje más tarde ¿ Está bien?
Hey, babe, you want to come to a play with me tomorrow night?
Oye, bebé, vienes a jugar conmigo mañana a la noche?
Bridge, you want to come out with me today?
Bridge, quieres salir conmigo hoy?
Do you want me to come with you?
¿ Quieres que vaya contigo?
I want you to come stay with Carol and me.
Quiero que te quedes con Carol y conmigo.
- Want me to come with you?
- ¿ Quieres que vaya contigo?
You want me to come with you?
¿ Quieres que venga contigo?
- You don't want me to come with you?
- ¿ No quieres que te acompañe?
You really would want me to come with you?
¿ Realmente quieres que me vaya contigo?
Loren I want you to come and live with me.
Loren, quiero que vengas y vivas conmigo.
Do you want me to come in with you?
- ¿ Quieres que entre contigo?
That's just a fact. If you want to live, come with me, okay?
Es un hecho, si quieres vivir, ven conmigo.
When you've read this letter, if you wanna come away with me if you want me to take you from here, tell Victor you can trust him, _ e'll find me,
Una vez que hayas leído esta carta, si quieres irte conmigo si quieres que te saque de aquí, dile a Victor puedes confiar en él. Él me hallará.
Do you want me to come with you?
¿ Esperas que venga contigo?
Kayla... I want you to come with me.
Kayla... quiero que vengas conmigo.
So if you want to know what really goes on behind closed doors, come with me.
Así que si en verdad quieren saber que pasa tras las puertas cerradas, vengan conmigo.
No, I tried, but I'm going back, and I want you to come with me.
Lo intenté, pero volveré y quiero que vengas conmigo.
You want me to come... live with you and a bunch of lunatics in a pyramid?
¿ Quieres que vaya... a vivir contigo y una bola de lunáticos en una pirámide?
Want me to come with you?
¿ Te acompaño?
Do you want me to come with?
¿ Quieres que te acompañe? .
I want you to come home with me.
Quiero que vengas a casa conmigo.
You want me to come with you?
¿ Quieres que vaya contigo?
You want me to come with you?
Cariño. ¿ Quieres que vaya contigo?
" Do you want to come to New Zealand with me
" ¿ Quieres venir a Nueva Zelanda conmigo
I just want you to come and see it with me. It's perfect and...
Sólo quiero que vengas conmigo a verla, es perfecta, y...
I mean, I just want you to come and see it with me.
no la vamos a comprar.
I want you to say that u'll come with me to Rome.
Quiero que me digas que vendrás conmigo a Roma.
I want you to come with me.
Quiero que vengas conmigo.
Do you want to come in and get your sister with me?
Quieres entrar conmigo para recoger a tu hermana?
Well do you want me to come with you? No, I...
- ¿ Quieres que vaya contigo?
Do you want to... come with me?
¿ Quieres... venir conmigo?
You tell me what I want to hear, and you come out of this with nothing more than a severe limp.
Dime lo que quiero oir, y saldrás de ésta con nada más que una leve cojera.
I'm not doing so bad over there... I want to take him with me and when you'll be free, you can come as well.
No me va tan mal allí... Quiero llevármelo y, cuando tú salgas, puedes venir también.
I want to show you - -- come with me.
Quiero mostrarte algo, acompáñame.
If I tell you, you'll want to come with me.
Si te lo digo, querrás venir conmigo.
And since your girl day is a no-go, do you, uh, do you want to come toy shopping with me?
Y dado que tu día de chicas no ha tenido éxito, te... ¿ quieres ir de compras conmigo?
I didn't want you to come with me..
No quiero que vengas conmigo..

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