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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You want to see them

You want to see them Çeviri İspanyolca

593 parallel translation
You'll have to hurry up, cook, if you want to see them celebrations.
Tendré que apurarse, si quiere ver los festejos.
Since I'm a stranger, here are my papers if you want to see them.
Puesto que soy un forastero aquí tengo mi documentación.
Do you want to see them?
- ¿ Quiere verlo?
- Do you want to see them?
- ¿ Los quiere ver?
Suppose someone had stolen the fruits of your genius, wouldn't you want to see them humbled in the dust?
Linda, vuelve a casa.
CHAVEZ : You want to see them, captain?
¿ Quiere verlos, Capitán?
You want to see them?
¿ Quieren verlos?
- Why d'you want to see them?
- ¿ Por qué quieres verlos?
I think they just want to see one time where you show them something different.
Siempre, estoy cansada.
I never want to see them again! You hear me?
No quiero volver a verlos, ¿ me oyes?
Except, at Mother's tonight... I want them to see you at your best.
Sólo que, en casa de mamá esta noche... quiero que vean lo mejor de ti. Larry, no lo hagas.
We want to have them just the same, day in and day out, and you don't see what the president's about, and mother declares she'd just as soon not look at a paper, there's so many murders,
Queremos que estén igual, día sí, día también, tú sin ver lo que el Presidente va a hacer, y mamá diciendo que pronto va a dejar... de leer el periódico, ¡ hay tantos asesinatos!
But now you want them down just so she won't see them'cause they're not pretty for her to see.
Pero ahora quieres demolerlo sólo para que ella no lo vea, porque no es algo lindo para que ella lo vea.
You see, Laury, there's all those other kids... ... hundreds of them, in the streets and bad environment... ... whom I don't want to see grow up like Rocky did.
Laury, están esos otros chicos cientos de ellos, en las calles y en un mal ambiente a quienes no quiero ver crecer como lo hizo Rocky.
Look, I didn't want to see you for none of them phony prayers.
Mire, no quería verlo por sus oraciones.
You mean, do I want to see them two fellas hung?
¿ Se refiere a si quiero ver a esos dos tipos colgados?
I want you to get some rest before you see them.
Quiero que descanses un poco antes de verlas.
Now you see, all you've got to do is drive or walk between the posts break the ray, and the doors start swinging. Want to see me close them?
Ya lo veis, hay que pasar entre estos dos postes cruzar el rayo, y las puertas se abren. ¿ Las cierro?
Sherry, the next time you do not want to see anybody just let me know, and I'll usher them right in.
Sherry, Ia próxima vez que no quieras ver a alguien házmeIo saber, y Ios dejaré pasar.
They do want to see you. Both of them. Very much.
Pues claro que quieren verles, los dos quieren, es sólo que...
I want them to see how kind you are to her... especially after yesterday.
Quiero que vean lo amable que eres con ella, sobre todo después de lo de ayer.
Do you want to see the rest of them?
¿ Quiere ver el resto?
Do you want to see them?
- ¿ Quiere verlas?
They want to see you over there, Mr. Bannister and them.
El Sr. Bannister dice que vayas.
Cops. You really want to see them?
Los polis...
I don't want to see them, I'm too sorry to leave you here.
No quiero verlas....... tengo demasiada pena de dejaros.
You wouldn't want the poor old man to have to get on his knees to see them?
No querrá que el pobre hombre tenga que arrodillarse para verlos.
You wouldn't want them to see me like this.
No querrías que me vieran así.
They thought you'd want to see them about the practice mission.
Han pensado que querría verles por lo de la misión de prácticas.
We don't want to have to shoot nobody, and we won't if you keep your hands where we can see them.
No queremos matar a nadie y no ocurrirá si dejais las manos donde pueda verlas.
Better had, if you don't want to see them turned into dusters
Más le vale, si no quiere que haga trapos con ellas.
Yeah, you can tell them you want to see your boyfriend
Sí, puedes decirles que quieres ver a tu novio...
You don't want them to see you hurt!
No querrá que vean como le herimos. ¡ Salga!
Tell them! I don't ever want to see you before me!
¡ No quiero ni verte!
No. Now you know why i never see none of my folks and i don't want to talk about them.
Ahora ya sabéis porque no trato con mi familia.
By the time they've unloaded their freight, you'll never want to see one of them again.
Y cuando descarguen la mercancía, olvídese de ellos.
If you want to see him or Catherine you should be allowed to see them.
Si quieres ver a Thomas o a Catalina, beberían autorizártelo.
Listen, if you want it as much as I do, we'll see each other again, but it's the normal thing for you to go back and find them.
Escuche, si lo desea tanto como yo, volveremos a vernos. Pero vaya con él, es normal.
But they want to see you. Well, I don't blame them.
Han venido a verme, pero quieren verte a ti.
Don't you want to see them again?
- ¿ Ya no tienes ganas de verles?
You don't want them to see me descending by your balcony, do you?
No querrás que me vean bajar por la ventana, ¿ no?
These people... you know, all of them, every one of them want to see that you're safe.
Estas personas sabes, todos, cada uno de ellos quiere verte a salvo.
I want you to check them right now to see whether they're in order or not.
Quiero que las chequeen para comprobar si funcionan o no.
Now, I am sure there are some of you who don't want to see them do that.
Pero estoy seguro de que algunos de ustedes no quieren que eso suceda.
Don't you want to see them again?
¿ Te gustaría volver a verlas?
You know, I just don't want them to see me.
Es sólo que no quiero que ellos me vean a mí.
Because I didn't want anybody but me to see you in them.
Porque quiero ser el único que te vea con ellas.
I thought you'd want to see them.
Pensé que querría verlas.
I'll see to it that you know the things that I want them to know. Understand?
Veré que sepa las cosas que quiero que ellos sepan. ¿ Entendió?
No, they're horrible, I don't want you to see them.
Son horribles. No quiero que las veas.
Because two ugly women showed up and I'm sure you wouldn't want to see them.
Porque han venido dos viejas feísimas y no te gustaría verlas. Estoy seguro.

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