You won't have to Çeviri İspanyolca
4,836 parallel translation
Davis, I have to ask a question and I hope you won't take offense.
Davis, tengo que hacer una pregunta y espero que no te ofendas.
You won't have to.
No tendrás que hacerlo.
Kill her and she won't have to live with the fact that you're smarter.
Mátala y no tendrá... que vivir con el hecho de que eres ms inteligente.
Charmese won't give me a divorce because she doesn't believe I'm gay, so I need you to have sex with me while she watches.
Charmese no va a darme el divorcio porque cree que no soy gay así que, necesito que tengas sexo conmigo mientras ella observa.
In prison, you won't have to pay for dates.
En prisión, no tiene que pagar por citas.
Well, you and Homeland won't be working together directly, but Kirkland and his team will have full access to your investigation.
Bueno, Seguridad Nacional y vosotros no estaréis trabajando juntos directamente, pero Kirkland y su equipo tendrán acceso total a vuestra investigación.
You plead guilty today, and as long as you complete rehab, the charges will be dropped... And you won't have to set foot in this courtroom again.
Te declaras culpable hoy, y siempre y cuando completes la rehabilitación... retirarán los cargos y no deberás volver a poner un pie en esta sala.
You won't have to look far.
No tendrás que buscar demasiado.
- But you won't have to...
- Pero no tendrá...
But before I do, you have to promise you won't get mad.
Pero después de hacerlo, tienes que prometerme que no te enfadarás.
I'm just worried that when the baby gets here, you're going to be so busy with him, you won't have any time for me.
Estoy preocupada por que cuando el bebé llegue, vas a estar muy ocupada con él y no tendrás tiempo para mí.
If there won't be any more spies in my life, if my kids are safe, I'm sorry, but I have to tell you I'm inclined to take the offer.
Pues si no habrá más espías en mi vida y si mis hijos están a salvo perdón pero tengo que decirles que estoy inclinada a aceptar.
Look, you won't have to pay any extra money, okay?
Mira, no vas a tener que pagar dinero de más, ¿ vale?
Okay, but Lucas, you have to promise you won't move much today, And that you'll help Dani when they come to make him grow.
Está bien, pero Lucas, tienes que prometerme que hoy no te moverás mucho, y que ayudarás a Dani cuando vengan a hacerle crecer.
You won't have to feel guilty about all the dirty thoughts you have about Klaus.
No tendrás que sentirte culpable por los pensamientos sucios que tienes sobre Klaus.
You get the line even the first time, then you won't have to do it over again.
Si te queda bien la línea desde el inicio, no tienes que hacerlo otra vez.
Okay, I have to tell you something, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone.
Bien, tengo que contarte algo, pero tienes que prometerme que no le dirá a nadie.
You're just gonna have to ask him, won't you?
Tendrás que preguntárselo, ¿ no crees?
Wow. Now you won't have to get Mom another gift for 30 years.
Ahora no tendras que conseguirle otra tarjeta por ser madre por 30 años.
So, you all know what you have to do, and I know you won't fail me.
Ya sabéis lo que tenéis que hacer, y sé que no me fallaréis.
You won't even have to leave the house.
Ni siquiera tendrás que salir de casa.
Then you won't have anything to worry about.
Así no tendrás nada de qué preocuparte.
Well, then don't be all condescending toward my brother and you won't have to hear it.
Bien, entonces no seas condescendiente con mi hermano y no tendrás que oírlo. No me gusta cómo te ves.
Like the innocents who have died in your wars- - the acceptable losses- - you won't be able to predict it.
Al igual que los inocentes que han muerto en sus guerras - las pérdidas aceptables - usted no será capaz de predecir.
You always walk away so you won't have to lie.
Siempre te alejas así no tienes que mentir.
Now I won't manage to fill the void you have left, nothing of what I say will console you, but this strength, you have to use for the group.
Ahora no conseguiré llenar tu vacío, nada de lo que diga te consolará, pero esa fuerza la tienes que utilizar para el grupo.
" I won't put it on the market yet, you know, we have to get things ready,
Aun no habia puesto la casa en el mercado inmobiliario. Tu sabes, teniamos cosas que preparar,
And you won't have to pitch me. I-I'll pitch myself, and they will see how much I've grown.
Y no tendrás que lanzarme, me lanzaré yo sola, y verán lo mucho que he crecido.
I know. Ugh! You won't be able to move for 20 minutes which is 10 minutes longer than you have left.
Lo sé.
Besides, you won't have to deal with him much longer.
Además, no tendrás que lidiar con él mucho más.
You won't have to.
No tienes por qué.
I think you should be able to get there and back in a day, so you won't even have to stay overnight.
Creo que deberías ser capaz de ir y volver en un día, así que ni siquiera tienes que hacer noche.
At least you won't have to look at these people's faces.
Al menos no tendrás que mirar las caras de estas personas.
Well, if I'm pregnant. I want my baby to have a father and I won't change my mind about that, however much you offer.
Bueno, si estoy embarazada, quiero que mi bebé tenga un padre y no voy a cambiar de opinión al respecto, por mucho que me ofrezcan.
One day, you're gonna meet a girl, you're gonna really like her, and you're gonna want to give her everything, but you won't be able to afford it because your life's kind of in shambles and you don't have money.
Un día, vas a conocer a una chica, va a gustarte mucho, y vas a querer darle todo, pero no vas a poder permitírtelo porque tu vida es un desastre y no tienes dinero.
You won't have to surrender any of your independence.
No debe renunciar a su independencia.
You won't have to work late any more, give him more time.
No tendrás que trabajar más hasta tarde, dale más tiempo a él.
Yes, so you won't have to answer the same questions again.
Si, así no tendrás que responder las mismas preguntas otra vez.
You won't have to dust off paintings like you do with Dad's.
Con esto no vas a tener problemas de sacarle el polvo a los cuadros... como hacías con los de papá.
You won't have to rush around any more
No tendrás que apresurarte más.
If you could speed things up for me, then I won't have to.
Si pudieras acelerar algo las cosas, entonces no tendría que hacerlo yo.
Do that, and I won't have to ask you to kill the others.
Hazlo y no tendré que pedirte que mates a los otros.
You don't wanna talk about it, and you won't have to.
No quieres hablar de ello, Y usted no tendrá que hacerlo.
Yeah, well, you won't come inside, so I have to work with what I've got.
Sí, bueno, no querías meterte dentro, así que me las tengo que apañar con lo que tengo.
And by the time we're done, the pac money will slow to a trickle, and you won't have so much as a frenemy left inside the beltway.
Y para el momento que hayamos terminado, todo el dinero del comité de asistencia política, será sólo un goteo, y no tendrás y no tendrás más que enemigos dentro de tu ronda.
You won't have to answer those questions.
No vas a tener que responder esas preguntas.
I won't because you have to tell everyone.
No lo haré porque tienes que ser tú la que se lo cuente a todos.
Anyway, you losers won't have passports to get out of the country... and if you hide anywhere here, she will hunt you down.
Ustedes perdedores no tienen pasaportes para salir del país. Y si se ocultan en algún lugar de la India, ella los cazara.
I promise you you won't have to worry about that from this point on.
Me da miedo que le dé demasiada importancia a lo que pienso de ella.
You have to promise me you won't leave until I return.
Tienes que prometerme que no te irás hasta que yo vuelva.
You won't have brought anything with you that you'd want to throw away but you might spread the word.
No habrás traído algo contigo que quieras tirar - pero puedes correr la voz.
you won't be alone 42
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161