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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Z ] / Zealously

Zealously Çeviri İspanyolca

30 parallel translation
It is our duty to guard them zealously if we are to remain a nation of free men.
Debemos protegerlos con celo para ser una nación de hombres libres.
Is it usual for you to zealously defend persons whom you know by sight to the extent that you snap off the head of a woman who has served you faithfully for five years?
¿ Es usual para Vd. defender tanto a personas que sólo conoce de vista, hasta el punto de maltratar a una persona que le sirvió fielmente durante 5 años?
Zealously crushing the life out of everything.
Aplastando denodadamente la vida de todo el mundo.
"Should zealously represent his client within the bounds of the law."
¡ "Celosamente representará a su cliente conforme a la ley"!
" Wanted,'friendly, companionably reclusive... socially unacceptable, alcoholically abstemious... tirelessly talkative, zealously unzealous... spiritually intense, minimally turquoise... maximally ecstatic loon... seeks moth or moths with similar equalities... for purposes of telephonic seduction... Tristan-esque trip-taking - Tristan-esque - Tristan-esque trip-taking... and permanent flame-fluttering.
" Simplón amigable, afablemente recluso, socialmente inaceptable... alcohólicamente abstemio, incansablemente hablador... celosamente no celoso, espiritualmente intenso... mínimamente turquesa y máximamente extático... busca polilla o polillas con cualidades similares... para una seducción por teléfono... viajes como el de Tristán... como el de Tristán, viajes como el de Tristán... y flameo permanente de pasión.
And she's protected our privileges zealously ever since.
Por ello, protege sus privilegios.
My people guard their privacy zealously.
- Mi gente protege celosamente su intimidad.
I have not built a conspiracy against the king and devastated the treasury. I have always fulfilled the orders of the King Philip the Fourth zealously.
Niego haber hechizado al rey... y robado del tesoro.
Lawrence will, of course, be zealously guarding his Millennium Goals... won't you, Lawrence?
Lawrence estará, por supuesto, cuidando sus objetivos para el milenio... ¿ no, Lawrence?
You've supported him zealously from the first day you met.
Lo apoyaste celosamente desde el día que se conocieron.
Yes, to zealously represent my clients.
Sí, representar a mis clientes.
Would you give yourself more zealously if he wasn't here?
¿ Se entregaría con más amor si él no estuviera aquí?
But I, zealously, told the truth.
Pero yo, con celo, dije la verdad.
A 32-year old federal official, a pioneer defender of the rights of women, would zealously prosecute those violators, even as her own superiors were routinely flouting the law.
Una oficial federal de 32 años, famosa defensora de los derechos de las mujeres, se dedicaría a procesar con fuerza a esos delincuentes, incluso mientras sus propios superiores normalmente quebrantaban la ley.
Zealously represent your client?
¿ Representar a tu cliente como un fanático religioso?
Zealously represent your client?
¿ Presentar a tu cliente como un fanático religioso?
And either way, we have a duty to zealously represent our clients.
- Y de todos modos, tenemos la obligación de representar celosamente a nuestros clientes.
We have to zealously represent the interests of our client.
Debemos representar celosamente los intereses de nuestro cliente.
"Simple guy when dances zealously.."
"Cuando un chico baila un poco torcido..."
We have to zealously represent our client.
Tenemos que representar celosamente nuestro cliente.
You have to zealously represent your client by using it.
Usted tiene que celosamente representar a su cliente mediante el uso de ella.
People think by adding "zealously" to everything, it makes it all right.
La gente cree que al añadir "celo" a todo, lo hace bien.
Society depends zealously on this, so we can structure it.
La sociedad depende estrictamente de esto... para poder estructurarla.
You have an obligation to zealously defend me.
Tienes la obligación de defenderme celosamente.
Zealously protecting my client's rights.
- Protejo los derechos de mi cliente.
The party are in excellent health and spirits. " " Zealously attached to the enterprise and anxious to proceed. "
Nuestra salud y nuestro ánimo son excelentes, estamos comprometidos con la misión, y ansiosos por comenzar.
You have a duty to zealously represent that client.
Tienes un deber de representarle a conciencia.
To zealously represent our clients.
Representar a nuestros clientes a conciencia.
Forgive mr. Pond, He is zealously dedicated to my protection,
Disculpe al Sr. Pond, se dedica celosamente a mi protección, lo cual agradezco.
We'll represent each zealously.
Los representaremos celosamente a ambos.

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