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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ 1 ] / 1210

1210 Çeviri Fransızca

9 parallel translation
" He's in suite 1210.
" Il est dans la suite 1210.
1210 lilac terrace.
1210 Lilac Terrace.
Green... grid 1210.
- Vert. Grille 12-10.
Yeah, yeah, you're dignifying her in the ass at the Jefferson Hotel, room 1210.
Mais vous la gratifiez, elle, dans la chambre 1 210 de l'hôtel Jefferson.
- Guys.1210.
- Les gars. 1210
We saw that we had the same interest. He ​ ​ was the first of two turntables. You could then nowhere Technic 1210 to come.
On avait des intérêts similaires et on a eu deux platines avant les autres car c'était impossible d'avoir la Technics 1210.
Meet at 10 : 30 am at the station!
0 ) \ cHEBE9DE } m 338 700 l 338 364 798 354 1136 486 1150 560 1172 596 1174 696 0 ) \ cHEBE9DE } m 332 796 l 324 1210 1624 1254 1626 802
Lots of girls dancing on a beach.
061810 ; 46 ; 5 ; 1210 ; 46 ; 54 ; 00

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