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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ 1 ] / 1321

1321 Çeviri Fransızca

7 parallel translation
It's 3-2-1-1-3-2-1.
3-2-1... 1321.
And you'd better give him the phone number. It's 321-1321.
Il vaudrait mieux lui donner le téléphone : 321-1321.
The time, sir,... is 1321 hours, 25 seconds.
Mon colonel, iI est... 13H21, 25 secondes.
Six Adam 43, show suspects in custody at the rear of 1321 / 2 Genessee.
Six-A-43, avons attrapé les suspects au 1321 / 2 Genessee.
One thirty-two and a half?
- Au 1321 / 2?
NEMO, THE CALLS 123 581 1321
NEMO, APPELLE LE 123 581 1321
I would like the address of 123-581-1321.
Je voudrais l'adresse du 123-581-1321.

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