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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ 1 ] / 1488

1488 Çeviri Fransızca

5 parallel translation
We go now to the underground home of a sorceress in the year of the Lord 1488.
Nous allons maintenant emprunter les souterrains de la sorcellerie en l'an de Grâce 1488.
( Boyer ) 1488, what's that, like, a date?
14 / 88, c'est quoi? Une date?
201 south brookline. 1488 edenhurst.
201 Brookline sud. 1488 Edenhurst.
Woodcarving, 1498.
Sculpture sur bois datant de 1488.
1488 Brickell Avenue, Apartment 1037.
1488, avenue Brickell, appartement 1037.

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