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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ 1 ] / 180th

180th Çeviri Fransızca

4 parallel translation
In case you'd like to know he's at the Huntington Memorial Hospital on 180th Street.
Si vous tenez à le savoir, il est à l'hôpital Huntington. C'est vrai?
180th and 11th Avenue, it looks like they set up camp there.
180e et 11e avenue. On dirait qu'ils ont fondé un camp là-bas.
On my tenth birthday... I caught my 180th steelhead with my dad... on a fly.
A mon 10e anniversaire j'attrapais ma 180e truite.
I felt like shit for the 180th time. So I just went to her and did the same thing.
Alors je lui ai rendu la pareille.

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