An incident Çeviri Fransızca
1,540 parallel translation
She's at the center of an incident... that cost the lives of two prisoners... and suddenly she's on emergency leave?
Elle est au centre d'un incident qui a coûté la vie à deux prisonniers... et soudain elle est en permission d'urgence?
Still want me to write up an incident report?
Vous voulez encore que je fasse rapport de l'incident?
A couple of weeks ago there was an incident, and Christina ran away again... and she found her way to you, to your family.
Après un incident, il y a peu, Christina s'est encore enfuie et s'est retrouvée avec toi, dans ta famille.
We already had him linked to illegal arms trading out of Russia, drugs out of South America and an incident here in Canada.
On a pu le relier à du trafic d'armes, en Russie, de drogue en Amérique du Sud, - et un incident ici-même.
There was an incident at Darnell's foster home.
Il y a eu un incident dans sa famille d'accueil. Il a pu être témoin.
I never told him molestation. I said there was an incident.
Je n'ai pas parlé de maltraitance mais d'incident.
You really want to risk an incident like that again?
Tu veux vraiment risquer une rechute?
In particular, there was an incident involving an alien nano-virus, in which Major Sheppard directly disobeyed one of your orders.
En particulier, il y a eu cet incident impliquant un nanovirus extraterrestre, au cours duquel le major Sheppard a directement désobéi à un de vos ordres.
Hey, wasn't there an incident or something in the... in the hospital, I guess, in the south wing, right?
N'y a-t-il pas eu un incident ou quelque chose du genre dans... Dans l'hôpital, je crois. Dans l'Aile Sud, c'est ça?
Our data miners picked up an incident on a police scanner.
Nos analystes de données ont relevé un incident sur le scanner de la police.
There was an incident last night.
Il y a eu un incident la nuit dernière.
I'm told there's been an incident.
On m'a prévenu qu'il y avait eu un accident.
There's been an incident in Kazakhstan.
Il y a eu un incident au Kazakhstan.
Then there's an incident, and they ask you back.
Puis arrive un incident et il vous rappelle.
There was an incident 18 months ago where a guard was trying to break up a fight and MacAvoy punched him in the mouth.
Un incident il y a 18 mois avec un gardien venu interrompre une bagarre. MacAvoy l'a frappé au visage.
Phone Carmel. There's been an incident at the school.
Appelle Carmel, il y a eu un problème à l'école.
Today, near Tazarine, there was an incident.
Aujourd'hui, vers Tazarine, Il ya eu un accident.
There was an incident involving a rifle in your father's name.
Il y a eu un incident impliquant un fusil enregistré au nom de votre père.
Sir, there was an incident and...
Monsieur, il y a eu un accident, et...
Was there an incident they could hold against her?
Y a-t-il eu un incident dont ils pourraient la blâmer?
An incident on board forced the pilot to make an emergency landing.
En raison d'un incident dans l'avion, le pilote a fait un atterrissage forcé.
I've an incident behind the Jet garage...
Un incident derrière le Jet Garage à...
There was an incident last night with the fire extinguisher.
Un incident avec l'extincteur.
I have also asked them to deliver a full set of recommendations that will insure that an incident like this never happens again.
Je leur ai également demandé de rédiger des recommandations pour qu'un tel incident ne puisse plus jamais se reproduire.
Yes, actually, and, in fact, there was an incident there just the other night.
Oui, et il y a eu un incident l'autre soir.
An incident?
Un incident?
We, uh, we had an incident this morning.
On... on a eu un accident ce matin.
So maybe there's an incident out on the road someone in the other car shoots, victim veers off here.
Il y a un incident. Quelqu'un tire, la victime atterrit là.
We had an incident with one.
Nous avons eu un problème avec une de ces bêtes.
There's been an incident in Kazakhstan.
On a un problème au Kazakhstan.
We were hoping to ask you about an incident we think you witnessed last may... on the Coronado bridge.
On espérait vous poser des questions sur un incident dont vous avez été le témoin en mai... sur le pont Coronado.
If there was an incident, I would remember it.
S'il y avait eu un incident, je m'e rappellerais.
He had an incident with Officer Hanlon last night.
Inspecteur Hoffman. Il a eu un problème avec Hanlon.
We've had an incident, sir.
On a eu un accident.
There's been an incident.
Il est arrivé quelque chose.
Then came an incident at a school outing.
Ensuite, un incident arriva à l'école.
We're investigating an incident that happened a few years ago.
Nous rouvrons une enquête.
She had an incident with a wedding cake.
Elle a eu un problème de gâteau.
We are here for an incident that happened today,
Je suis l'inspecteur Halil. Nous enquêtons sur l'incident.
The story of the death of a woman and child in Iraq... has taken an even more disturbing turn in the last 24 hours... as insurgents have now kidnapped the journalist who shot the original footage.
L'histoire de la mort d'une flemme et d'un enfiant en Iraq, a pris une tournure plus troublante dans les 24 dernières heures, Les insurgés ont kidnappé le journaliste qui a tourné l'incident,
This paper trail of an indictment that never even happened?
Une piste sur incident qui ne s'est jamais produit?
At the moment we do not know whether the explosion will remain'an isolated event, so if anyone in the audience
À ce stade, on ignore si cela restera un incident isolé.
That was an isolated incident.
C'est un incident isolé.
I guess after this incident they'll probably be... telling all the teachers and the students, you know, to really be... keep an eye out because, uh, uh...
J'imagine qu'après cet incident, il sera probablement... Dit à tous les enseignants et aux élèves de vraiment être... De garder un oeil ouvert, mh, mh...
It was an unfortunate but unavoidable incident.
C'était un accident malencontreux, mais inévitable.
This is an isolated incident.
C'est un incident isolé.
- It was just an accident.
- C'était un simple incident.
I even have an alibi for the time of the incident.
J'ai même un alibi pour l'heure du crime.
Your Honor, this incident was an aberration.
- Vous plaisantez! Votre Honneur, cet incident a été une aberration.
In some ways, this horrible shooting may provide an opportunity for him to learn from your mistakes.
En quelque sorte, cet horrible incident lui donnera peut-être l'occasion d'apprendre de vos erreurs.
No one wishes this to be an international incident, therefore this is our only priority.
Personne ne veut d'un incident international. C'est donc notre priorité.
incident 80
incidentally 264
an interview 25
an invitation 24
an innocent man 28
an in 17
an indian 21
an intervention 30
an innocent 18
incidentally 264
an interview 25
an invitation 24
an innocent man 28
an in 17
an indian 21
an intervention 30
an innocent 18