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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ A ] / And it's all because of you

And it's all because of you Çeviri Fransızca

203 parallel translation
Well, it is. And it's all because of you.
Tout ça, c'est à cause de vous.
But my Scotch blood is working right this minute... and it tells me that there is one thing in your life that's worrying you... something that you find very difficult to handle... because all your strength and your courage... and your authority in the town seems to be of no avail.
Mais mon sang écossais me parle, et me dit que quelque chose dans votre vie vous préoccupe. Un problème difficile à résoudre. Votre force, votre courage et votre autorité ne vous sont d'aucune aide.
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
Here's to your career, Otello! - I hope it's all you've dreamed of! - Thanks, to your health and to all of your clients, because I never hold a grudge.
Otello! parce que je ne suis pas rancunier.
All this and more. It's all because of you, Ichi!
Tout ça, c'est grâce à toi.
Yeah, well, Goose, you got it all wrong. Because, you see, right now, I'm gonna go out, and I'm gonna bust another one of Amboy's operations.
Non, Goose, vous n'avez rien compris, parce que je vais de ce pas aller anéantir une autre affaire d'Amboy.
It's amazing. I'm stunned because, of all the people I know, I always thought for sure that you and Emily had one of the best marriages.
Je suis surpris parce que de tous les couples que je connais, j'ai toujours pensé que votre mariage était le plus solide.
Now, if you don't think that's a serious business... tell me about it when your house is burning, we can't get the pump out... and the road's all blocked because of a nigger's car.
Si tu trouves pas ça grave, on verra quand ta maison brûlera, qu'on sera coincés à cause de la voiture d'un négro!
Not as a result of a histórical analysis. It's more because... your housing situation is terrible and you see the same all around you. It's the same for lots of people.
Je ne m'y suis pas mis après une analyse historique mais je suis très mal logé et je vois qu'énormément de gens sont dans le même cas.
I don't know, It's nice to Iearn about people who are different from you, because when you're born some place and you live there all your life, you don't get exposed to a Iot of different kinds of people or places.
Je sais pas, c'est sympa d'apprendre à connaître quelqu'un de différent de toi, parce que quand tu es né quelque part et que tu y as toujours vécu, tu n'as pas l'occasion de voir beaucoup de gens et d'endroits différents.
He's Altered His State. And It's All Because Of You, Miss Hayes.
C'est grâce à vous tout ça.
Because even though I'm sure you personally find this very awkward her being a friend of yours, part of the family and all that I don't think it's any of your business.
Parce que même si tu trouves ça gênant, parce que c'est ta cousine et également ton amie, ce n'est pas tes oignons.
In spite of everything, you'll put your arms around me and tell me it's all right, and I'll be resurrected because you love me and you've got the magic.
Tu mettras tes bras autour de moi, tu me diras que tout va bien et je ressusciterai parce que tu m'aimes et tu as un pouvoir magique.
Geoffrey, I'm surprised at you, getting all hot and bothered... just because the boy ducked out of it early.
Geoffrey, je suis surpris que vous ayez pris ainsi la mouche, tout ça parce que Will s'est éclipsé un peu trop tôt.
I don't want you to get upset or anything but with Martin and all, maybe it's not a good idea to be seen together in the building, because he had a lot of friends.
Ne le prends pas mal, mais... vis-à-vis de Martin, évitons d'être vus ensemble dans l'immeuble. Il a des amis, ici.
It's all because of you. You inspired us to go out into the community and do some good in the hood.
Grâce à toi, qui nous as ouvertes sur la vie, et poussées à faire bouger le quartier.
We're all here tonight because of our daughter, Jade, a girl that brings so much light to our life, and as you can tell, if there's one thing we need, it's light.
On est ici ce soir pour notre fille, Jade, qui apporte beaucoup de lumière dans notre vie. Et en ce moment, on a besoin de lumière.
You have a nice dinner with the guy, you spend the night. Suddenly he's all over you like it's a thing... and it's not a thing because I'm flying out of here tonight.
On a un dîner sympa, on passe la nuit ensemble, et il ne vous lâche plus, comme si c'était sérieux, je dois m'échapper.
No, I seem, on the contrary... a powerful, a motive force... with my own system of thought and philosophy. And all of you, my dears - because it's true - look as big as cockroaches... or some quite, quite unimportant things.
Au contraire, je possède des pouvoirs immenses, j'ai mon propre système philosophique et vous n'êtes plus que des insectes... des êtres sans importance...
It's hard for you to see it all because of the way it jolts up and down.
Il a du mal à voir à cause des secousses
All the management at NBC... bunch of creeps, and I'm not afraid to say it right now, and, you know, it's funny, because I know you feel the same exact way I do about NBC
Les directeurs de NBC sont des larves, et je le dis! Le plus drôle, c'est que tu penses la même chose.
It's all because of you that we've been taken away from everything that we knew and everybody that we loved.
A cause de toi, on nous a enlevé tous ceux qu'on aimait.
And it's all because of you.
Et c'est grâce à toi.
It's because you are all ashamed of us and we are not ashamed of you.
Vous avez honte de nous mais nous on n'a pas honte de vous.
- Well, I am, Holman, and it's all because of you.
Oui, et c'est grâce à toi.
And it's all because of you Had I known about your daughter-- -
Et c'est de votre faute. Si j'avais su pour votre fille...
'Cos I sometimes feel we're better off not reading the novel at all because we come up with these expectations and then of course, we know how it's going. Don't you find?
Il vaut mieux parfois ne pas lire le roman, comme ça on n'a pas d'idées préconçues, on ne sait pas ce qui va se passer.
I've been outwitting it all my life, and there's no way that we'll set her free because of a psychic power you think she's got.
Je la combats tous lesjours et il n'y a aucune chance... qu'on libère cette sirène parce que tu penses qu'elle est devin!
I've kept Hamsun in my mind all these years, because he is one of my favourite writers, and when you get to be my age, your own ideas start to run out or they feel too unimportant, and then it's time to move on
Quand l'homme atteint un certain âge comme moi, ses propres idées se fanent ou semblent s'appauvrir.
Or maybe a movie isn't a good idea at all, because you can't talk during, and then, you know, what's the point of any of it?
Je me demande si on devrait aller au cinéma. Si on ne peut pas parler, je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt.
And the genius part of it all was Ieaking it to my mother. Because you knew, oh, you knew that telling her was just like whispering it into Robert's ear.
Et la cerise sur le gâteau, c'est qu'en plus, t'as eu l'idée de génie de le raconter à ma mère parce que tu savais... tu savais qu'en le lui disant, ça allait être aussitôt répété et que Robert le saurait.
- And it's all because of this stuff you gave him?
- Et c'est juste à cause du truc que tu lui as donné?
And it's all because of you.
Et tout ça grâce à toi.
- Good, because it's up to all of you to get lots of people to come and make it look great.
Nous comptons sur vous pour prévenir tout le monde et nous faire de la pub.
That was our first victory in five years, and it's all because of you!
C'est notre 1ère victoire en 5 ans, grâce à toi!
I hate your perfume, and everyone that wears it. I hate your friends because they get to be near you but most of all, I hate your bed. Because every night, I know that's right where I will never be.
Je déteste ton parfum et toutes celles qui le portent... tes amis qui ont la chance de t'approcher, mais par-dessus tout... je déteste ton lit... parce que je sais que je n'y serai jamais.
And it's all because of you.
Et tout ça c'est grâce à toi.
All you care about is your stupid job. Because I don't wanna live off mac and cheese for the rest of my life and that's how it'll be for me if I don't bust my ass and play by their rules.
Parce que je ne veux pas vivre de Mac and Cheese et de nouilles pour le reste de ma vie, et ce sera comme ça pour moi si je ne bouge pas mon cul et que je ne joue pas selon leurs règles.
... the dividing of the things... the things that are left behind that you don't want to return... because that seems mean, and you don't want to throw them away... because it's all you have left.
-... on a refait le tri, on a laissé des choses qu'on ne voulait pas rendre à l'autre parce que c'est méchant, mais on ne veut pas les jeter parce que c'est tout ce qui reste.
Because at the end of yet another failed relationship... when all you have are war wounds and self doubt... you have to wonder, what's it all worth?
Parce qu'au terme d'un échec relationnel de plus, lorsqu'il ne reste que blessures de guerre et doutes, on se demande si ça vaut vraiment le coup.
And don't even bother pretending it was Todd's idea because that puppy had you written all over it. Sincerity, warmth, and a hint of something, I don't know bittersweet?
C'est bizarre que tout cela aura disparu demain, comme si ça n'avait jamais existé.
So it's all still too new to me. So you guys are going to have to teach me how to tune out the faces of the kids who die... and their parents. And even their future lives that I have seen that they'll never get to live... because of my "actionable intelligence."
Vous allez devoir m'apprendre à effacer de ma mémoire le visage des enfants morts, de leurs parents, et leur vie future, que j'ai vue et qu'ils ne vivront jamais à cause de mes "infos donnant lieu à une action".
And it's all because of you the best sidekick a homicidal maniac ever had.
Et tout ça, c'est grâce à toi. La meilleure équipière qu'un criminel psychopathe puisse avoir.
So why don't you save us all a lot of hassle and just tell me why you decided to teach these men the true meaning of respect because that's what this is about, isn't it, Gavin?
Maintenant dites-moi pourquoi vous avez décidé de leur enseigner le respect. Car c'est bien de ça qu'il s'agit.
That's just how it is and of course it's hard being a teenager because you see all the girls in the Cosmo girl are teen people, and they're all beautiful and you think, "aren't I supposed to look like that?"
Du coup, on se sent moche. C'est comme ça. C'est pas facile d'être ado.
And it's all because of you, fratello.
Et tout ça grâce à toi, fratello.
You are destined to become a great civilization,... and now it's all in jeopardy... because of you.
Vous êtes destinés à devenir une grande civilisation. Et maintenant tout cela est en danger. A cause de vous.
You know a lot of people think because a piano's so big, it is very strong and you can just pound it any way you want to and nothing will happen, but that's not so at all.
Vu sa taille, on imagine qu'un piano est fort, qu'on peut taper comme un forcené, mais c'est faux.
Mom says it's because you have dependency issues and it was all just a matter of time before you threw it all away on some tramp.
Maman dit que tu as des problèmes de dépendance et que... c'était qu'une question de temps avant que tu balances tout pour une traînée.
We completely connected. And it's all because of you.
On est vraiment faits l'un pour l'autre.
It's the day you lost faith in your premonitions because of all you've been through and all your disappointments.
C'est le jour où tu as perdu la foi à cause de tout ce que tu as vécu et de tes déceptions.

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