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As much as you want Çeviri Fransızca

1,129 parallel translation
You can hit me as much as you want, too.
Vous pouvez me frapper autant que vous le voulez, aussi.
I'll pay you as much as you want...
Je vous paierai autant que vous voudrez.
Look, if you do what they want you to do, but only as much as you want to do. It might just be the way for you to get out of here.
Si tu fais ce qu'ils te demandent, mais comme tu le décides toi, tu pourras peut-être sortir d'ici.
"And you can move as much as you want" - "and we'll stay quietly underfoot". - That's alright.
- Tu peux bouger autant que tu le veux et nous resterons en-dessous en silence.
Eat as much as you want.
Mange autant que tu veux.
Scream as much as you want!
Criez autant que vous voudrez!
Do you really resent me as much as you want me to think you do?
Tu m'en veux autant que tu veux me le faire croire?
Take as much as you want.
Prenez ce que vous voulez.
As much as you want
Donne ton chiffre. J'accepte.
I'll show them, to the very last one. Here, take as much as you want.
je les écorcherai vifs pour ça j'ai de l'argent sur moi, prends ce que tu veux
We're going to change it up and jump to Yamazaki I'm making it so, as of now, you can chuckle as much as you want
{ \ 3cHC93700 } On passe à Yama-chan désormais vous pouvez rire là
You can look as much as you want to, but this is our business and we don't want no help from out-of-parish.
Regarde tout ce que tu veux, mais c'est nos affaires. Alors, ne viens pas piétiner notre secteur.
You can watch cartoons as much as you want.
Tu peux regarder des dessins animés autant que tu veux.
Don't worry about that. Just cut loose as much as you want to. You're...
Ne te fais pas de souci pour ça, vide toi autant que tu veux.
Not to find work, there's as much as you want right here.
Pas pourdu boulot, ici il y en a...
You could take as much as you want...
Attends! Chérie, chérie...
As much as you want.
A volonté.
I want him as much as you do.
Je veux sa peau autant que vous.
Now listen, I want to know just as much as you two. But what happened between her and Arnie is private.
Moi aussi, j'aimerais savoir, mais c'est leur vie privée.
But I want it made clear that I care as much about Miss DiPesto as you do.
Mais que ce soit bien clair. Je tiens autant à Mlle DiPesto que vous.
You can bug me as much as you want, be as silly as you want,
être abrutie, autant que tu veux!
I think I want to do it as much as you do.
Je pense le vouloir autant que toi.
You eat as much of it as I want you to eat, until I tell you to stop.
Vous mangerez ce que je dirai.
Go into my place, lie down. Take as much time as you want.
Va donc te reposer dans mon bureau.
If we're going to do this, I want to be only as much in love with you as you are with me.
Si on doit le faire, je veux être amoureuse de toi autant que tu l'es de moi.
- We want him just as much as you do.
- On veut avoir ce type autant que toi.
So you'll have as much computer power as you could possibly want.
Tu auras accès à toutes les données dont tu as besoin.
Do you want it as much as I do?
Le désires-tu vraiment autant que moi?
I want you to write it down in as much detail as you can.
Notez-moi tout ça, le plus précis possible.
yeah, you can eat as much as you want... of whatever you want.
Tu as changé quoi?
Gina, Trudy, I want you to dig up as much as you can on —
Gina, Trudy, trouvez tout ce que vous pourrez sur...
Look at me and tell me you don't want to study that fish as much as I do.
Regarde-moi et dis-moi que tu ne veux pas l'étudier autant que moi.
Honey, I want him to stay as much as you do.
Chérie, j'aimerais bien qu'il reste.
You want a clean slate as much as I do.
Tu veux un nouveau départ tout autant que moi.
The Federation will offer as little or as much help as you want.
La Fédération vous offrira son aide si vous la sollicitez.
If you want them to know so much, why don't you tell them?
T'as qu'à leur raconter toi-même.
You should be entitled to as much privacy as you want, but why stop writing?
Vous avez droit à votre vie privée Mais pourquoi cesser d'écrire?
I mean, after all, I want these swine captured every bit as much as you do.
Je veux capturer cette vermine... autant que vous.
They want to get rid of Tracy as much as you.
On dirait qu'ils veulent régler le problème Tracy tout autant que toi.
I want you to know, dear, that we're your friends and that Mr Madox hated having'to do it just as much as I hate havin'to mention it now.
Sachez que nous sommes vos amis et que M. Madox m'a raconté ça à contrecœur, tout comme j'en parle maintenant à contrecœur.
Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?
Avez-vous autant envie de m'embrasser que moi?
So I want you to just relax as much as possible. And before I scrub in, we have a little treat for you.
Détends-toi au maximum, et avant de préparer ta peau, on a une surprise pour toi.
Takes a little bit longer, but I feel when you're in a room with a revolting stench, you want to spend as much time as you can.
Certes, cela dure un peu plus longtemps, mais qui n'aime pas s'éterniser dans un endroit nauséabond?
I want you to have a good time and drink as much of Ben Schiller's liquor as possible.
Amusez-vous bien... et buvez toute la cave de Ben Schiller, si possible!
You want to humiliate my mother as much as you can.
Tu veux humilier ma mère autant que tu le peux.
He said he didn't want to, but you persisted. So as much as I like you, Kane, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Il a dit qu'il ne voulait pas mais tu as insisté et même si je t'aime bien je vais te demander de partir.
We want to keep as much of you as possible.
On va en garder autant que possible!
... you have learned so much! The people here want to help you make up for lost time.
Tu as beaucoup de choses à rattraper parce qu'avant, tu n'étais pas parmi les hommes.
If it's food you want, I'll feed you as much of it as you like!
Si tu veux à manger, Je te nourrirai autant que tu veux!
Je crois que tu as très envie que je te voie.
Take as much time as you want.
Prenez tout le temps qu'il vous plaira.

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