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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ B ] / Be nice to him

Be nice to him Çeviri Fransızca

348 parallel translation
Be nice to him.
Sois gentille avec lui.
You'll be nice to him.
Tu seras gentille avec lui.
Let's be nice to him.
Il est important.
- l told you to be nice to him.
- Je vous ai dit d'être agréable avec lui.
Now, you tell Tommy to be nice to him and give him things like cigarettes and that,'cause this guy Smokey knows a lot of swell rackets for Tommy when he gets out.
Dites à Tommy d'être ami avec lui et de lui donner des trucs comme des cigarettes, parce que ce type, connaît tous les bons plans pour Tommy une fois dehors.
Remember what she said. Everybody be nice to him.
Rappelez-vous, que tout le monde soit gentil!
I just wanted to be nice to him. But the idea of possession was misunderstood.
Je veux être bon avec lui, mais l'idée de possession est équivoquée.
And you better be nice to him too.
Et toi, soigne-le!
- Don't joke. And you must be nice to him, Janet, anyway until after the election.
Sois aimable avec lui, en tout cas jusqu'à l'élection.
To begin with, be nice to him.
Et devant lui, je te prie de parler français!
No, I won't. The next time I see him I'll go out of my way to be nice to him.
La prochaine fois, je serai très gentil avec lui.
Food for him to eat, whiskey for him to drink, I may as well be nice to him as well.
Il ne lui manque plus que ma sollicitude.
You asked me to be nice to him...
J'ai été aimable pour t'obéir!
Don't be nice to him.
Ne sois pas gentille.
- Be nice to him.
- Soit gentil avec lui.
All right, be nice to him, and then he'll fall apart in small pieces.
Sois gentil avec lui et il deviendra comme une chiffe.
We must be nice to him.
Mais il ne faut pas le fâcher. Son père a de tout.
Meanwhile, be nice to him.
Occupe-toi de lui.
We've gotta be nice to him to get out of the lease.
On doit être gentils pour casser le bail.
You're supposed to be nice to him.
- Sois gentille avec lui.
Try and put up with his bad jokes and be nice to him. Please.
Essayer de supporter ses blagues et être gentils avec lui.
Be nice to him.
Soyez gentilles avec lui.
We'll be nice to him. In any case, when he comes out his friends will have a little chat with him. Well... you're not resentful, are you?
On va lui faire une fleur. quand il sortira de l'hosto il aura des comptes à rendre à ses amis, moi je te le dis
You better be nice to him.
Autant être gentille avec lui.
Dan's a nice guy and I don't want to be making a chump out of him.
C'est un type bien, je ne veux pas le ridiculiser.
Well, of course, a girl doesn't have to be a gold digger exactly but if she wants to be nice to a man and takes a present or two from him in a nice way, I mean.
Il ne s'agit pas forcément de se convertir en chercheuse d'or... Si on est gentille avec un homme, on peut obtenir quelques cadeaux... En restant correcte.
It must be pretty nice for a husband to have a wife who picks up bargains for him.
Votre mari a de la chance. Vous faites de bonnes affaires.
- It'll be nice to see him.
That boy's coming back tonight, he's bringing his father with him, and you're gonna be nice to them.
- avec son père. - Non... Et tu vas être gentil avec eux.
'Twould be nice to have lips — lips to whisper lies... lips to kiss a man and make him suffer.
Ce serait bon d'avoir des lèvres pour mentir, pour embrasser et faire souffrir un homme.
And you don't want to lose him altogether? Then make friends with Sophie. Be as nice to her as you can.
Alors, si vous ne voulez pas le perdre, soyez très gentille avec Sophie.
- He's so nice. - You'll be delighted to meet him.
- Tu vas être enchanté de le voir.
He can be your son that lives in our house and I'll be very nice to him.
Il peut être ton fils qui vit dans notre maison et je serai très gentil avec lui.
Be nice to see him, maybe.
Je n'ai pensé à rien. Ce serait bien de le revoir.
I had to be a little bit "nice" to him.
Il fallait que je sois... "gentille"...
Now, you will try and be extra nice to him tonight,
Essaie d'être aimable avec lui.
Cesira, tell him I said to be nice and to sleep.
Cesira, dis-lui de se calmer et de dormir. Dis-le-lui de ma part.
I think it would be nice if... if you were able to do something for him.
Je pense que ce serait bien si... si vous pouviez faire quelque chose pour lui.
Well, take him with you to Nice. He'll be warm.
Emmène-le avec toi à Nice, il aura chaud.
You've taken a perfectly nice boy, and brought him up to be a Prussian pickle.
Vous avez pris un parfaitement gentil garçon, et l'avez transformé en dur à cuire.
I try to be nice and I try not to get him angry and everything.
J'essaie d'être gentille, de ne pas le mettre en colère.
I decided it would be a nice touch to win him.
J'ai décidé de gagner sa confiance.
The whole town is going to be at the train to meet him, it doesn't look nice.
Toute la ville l'attend. Ça ne se fait pas.
She thought JuIes was nice but dumb... and found him a quiet girl whom he found to be too quiet.
Elle déconcertait Jules, qu'elle trouvait gentil mais ballot, et amena pour lui une amie placide. Mais Jules la trouva placide.
You're not still gone with him, are you? Why shouldn't I be? He's always been nice to me.
Parce qu'ils ont de l'argent!
- Try to be very nice to him.
Tâchez d'être gentille avec lui.
By evening, I must get going to take care of that so I thought it'd be nice if I could see him during the day, just for a moment.
Je dois aller au port. Je veux le voir avant de partir.
Honey, be especially nice to him.
Sois très gentille avec lui.
- I thought it'd be nice to prove to him that you were sorry after all these years.
- Je croyais que ce serait sympa... de lui prouver que tu regrettais, après toutes ces années.
But meanwhile, you be very, very, very nice to him.
En attendant, sois très, très gentil avec lui.
Can't be nice to him.
Sauf être gentil avec lui.

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