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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ B ] / But i don't have it

But i don't have it Çeviri Fransızca

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I'll run it by him, but we don't have a lot of time.
Je lui demanderai, mais on a pas beaucoup de temps.
I don't believe he would give that to me, but just knowing that he has it is huge which means when we do get rid of him, it's going to have to be a big blindside.
Je ne crois pas qu'il me la donnerait, mais juste savoir qu'il l'a, c'est énorme, ce qui veut dire que quand on devra se débarasser de lui, ça devra être un gros blindside ( dans son dos ).
But when it comes to Blair Waldorf, I don't have to do much but sit back, lit a match and watch her go up in flames.
Mais quand il s'agit de Blair Waldorf, je n'ai qu'à me détendre, frotter une allumette et la regarder s'enflammer.
Look, it's not like, you know, we were in a serious relationship or anything. Of course I did have a lot of fun that night too, but... No, it's - - don't worry about it.
- Oui, je sais.
I appreciate it, but I don't have any problems.
C'est gentil, mais tout va bien, je vous assure.
you want to point accusatorily, but... i don't have any big... but it really boosts your mobility.
But forget it, I don't have time to explain the world to you.
Je vais pas t'expliquer la vie.
Jeez, Mom. I know you have the rabies, but you don't have to be such a B. About it.
Je sais que tu as la rage, maman, mais sois pas casse-bonbons.
I can call indycomm and see if they saved it, but- - we don't have time for that.
Je peux appeller IndyComm et voir s'il l'ont gardé, mais On n'a pas le temps pour tout ça.
I don't like a lot of the things that this country has done, but I have nothing but respect for the people who risk their lives for it.
Il y a beaucoup de choses que ce pays a faites que je n'aime pas, mais je n'ai que du respect pour les personnes qui risquent leurs vies pour lui.
You know, I don't have an hourglass set up here, but it's the longest wrong number I've ever had in my life.
- Je n'ai pas de sablier dans cette pièce, mais c'est le plus long faux numéro de toute ma vie.
Look, i'm not saying it wasn't traumatic for mia And for me, and i may believe in a lot of crazy crap, But i don't think i have the power to kill someone
Ecoutez, je ne dis pas que ça n'a pas été traumatisant pour Mia et pour moi, et j'ai beau croire à plein de choses folles, je ne crois pas avoir le pouvoir de tuer quelqu'un
It started out really innocent, and i swore that i would stop. But then he'd come in looking so cute, And i'd say, well, i don't have a picture of him
Mais une fois, il était si beau, et je me suis dit que bon, je n'avais pas encore de photos de lui habillé comme ça, enfin bon voilà quoi.
I know I don't have a client, but... it's not fair, me throwing Lucas in your face.
- Je n'ai pas de client, mais... - C'est pas juste... de t'imposer de voir Lucas.
I hated my apartment. I don't know if you noticed, but it didn't have a bathroom. I won't be getting that security deposit back.
Et ça se propage... maintenant.
I don't have much but it's really, really good.
J'en ai pas beaucoup. Mais elle est super bonne.
Okay, I don't know where you're going with this but tread carefully because it may be the last conversation we ever have.
J'ignore ce que tu as l'intention de me dire, mais choisis bien tes mots, parce que ça peut être notre dernière conversation.
But I don't know what it is, but all I have so far Is a hammer.
Mais je ne sais pas ce qu'elle est, mais tout ce que j'ai jusqu'ici c'est un marteau.
I know it's hard for you to understand right now but sometimes, us adults we have to do certain things that we don't like.
Je sais que c'est difficile à comprendre, mais, parfois, les adultes doivent faire des choses qui ne leur plaisent pas.
And I don't know if it's me or if I have some bad karma because I'm a cheater, but every man I meet, it's either the wrong person or the wrong time.
Je sais pas si c'est ma faute ou si j'ai un mauvais karma parce que j'ai trompé, mais c'est jamais le bon mec ou jamais le bon moment.
I don't mean to suggest that it's comparable, but everyone has their own scores to bear. We all have our insecurities, and... and they're painful and...
Ça n'est pas comparable, mais on a tous des cicatrices, des fragilités.
Looks like a hand-built amigo kit, but I don't think we have to worry about it being an attack unless they suicided a little early.
On dirait un Amigo fait main, * mais je ne pense pas qu'on ait à craindre une attaque. Sauf s'ils se sont suicidés un peu trop tôt.
And I'm sorry, dad, but I just don't get it, And I never should have agreed to participate.
Et je suis désolée, papa, mais je ne l'accepte pas et je n'aurais pas dû accepter.
No, I know that we don't have to, but I--I just wanted to say that, honestly, it's fine if you...'cause everyone does, and I do.
Je sais qu'on est pas obligé mais... je voulais juste dire que sincèrement ce n'est pas grave si tu... Parce que tout le monde le fait... et moi aussi...
Maybe it was current in the 1970s, but, I don't know, there have been some exciting breakthroughs in modeling weather front formation.
C'était courant en 1970, mais depuis, il y a eu d'importantes avancées avec la modélisation météorologique.
- ⠙ ª walk a lonely road ⠙ ª ⠙ ª only one that I have ever known ⠙ ª ⠙ ª don't know where it goes ⠙ ª ⠙ ª but it's all to me and I walk alone ⠙ ª
Laisse-moi t'aider.
Indeed. Look, I know I don't have to say it, but, uh thanks for all the calls.
Ecoute, je sais que je n'ai pas à le dire mais... merci d'être resté en contact.
I don't think it helped having Luc as your boyfriend and your financial advisor. Apparently, he was terrible at both, but anyway, there you have it.
Je pense qu'avoir luc comme petit-ami et conseiller financier n'a pas aidé, il a été catastrophique.
But it's like I have amnesia, I don't remember anything.
Mais, c'est comme si j'étais amnésique, je ne me rappelle de rien.
I'm gonna redirect the heat from the flamethrower to speed up deicing but it's gonna take a while and we don't have time to wait.
Je vais utiliser le lance-flammes pour accélérer le dégel! Mais ça sera long, on n'a pas le temps d'attendre!
Well, the whole sex thing is kind of weird, but I'm not really sure because I don't really have much to compare it to.
Eh bien, les trucs du sexe c'est un peu bizarre, mais je ne suis pas vraiment sûr, car Je n'ai pas vraiment de quoi comparer.
You nailed it. Okay. So in other words, then don't have so many feelings, but if I do, don't show'em.
À t'entendre, mieux vaut pas en avoir, ou alors, ne pas la montrer.
I don't like to have nothing to do with white folks'business, but it bothers me what somebody do to that girl.
Je n'aime pas trop m'occuper des affaires des autres, mais je n'aime pas ce qui lui est arrivé.
But I don't have to speak Japanese to see how beautiful you are when you speak it.
Je n'ai pas besoin de parler japonais pour voir combien vous êtes belle quand vous le parlez.
I don't have the battery, but no one's gonna get it now.
J'ai pas la batterie mais personne l'aura, maintenant.
I don't wish to alarm you, but it smells as though you might have dropped something.
Je ne voudrais pas vous alarmer, mais ça sent comme si vous aviez perdu quelque chose.
But she does have this protrusion on her stomach. I don't know, you know, what it is.
Elle a une petite boule sur le ventre.
I know we got it backwards. You're supposed to meet, fall in love, then have a baby, but I don't care.
On a tout fait à l'envers.
I could have done it myself, Patty, but I don't want to work that way any more.
J'aurais pu le faire moi-même, mais je ne veux plus travailler comme ça.
Do you have a name for the picture? I don't name my pictures, but my friends, they, uh, they named it The Budgie Picture.
- Je ne donne pas de noms à mes images, mais mes amis l'ont appelé l'image de la perruche.
I don't know if he's here for Nicola or what's his story, but considering the current climate, I figure it best... that I don't have to find out myself.
J'ignore s'il est là pour Nicola, mais, vu le climat ambiant, j'ai pas intérêt à le découvrir moi-même.
I really appreciate it, but I don't have the time right now.
C'est gentil, mais je n'ai pas le temps.
So now I'm happy on the work front, but you know. Even though I have more balance it's personal. I don't know.
Euh... alors... aujourd'hui, je me sens très bien au niveau travail, mais... je veux dire... je sais pas trop...
I don't know what it means to have lost a child... but I know what it means never to have had one.
J'ignore ce que c'est de perdre un enfant mais je sais ce que c'est de ne pas en avoir.
Okay. But I don't have it right now.
Je n'ai pas d'argent.
It's nice. It's a bit extra, but you don't have to. I have to fucking work.
C'est bien et un peu de sou supplémentaire mais tu n'es pas obligée de travailler je suis obligé de le faire pour payer les factures de l'électricité, la nourriture et le charbon
So he goes to the lady at the whorehouse, he goes, "Miss, " look, I know usually you want money, but I don't have any money and it's my birthday. "Do you think I could have sex with you for this duck?"
Il va voir la dame au bordel et lui dit : "Madame, je n'ai pas d'argent, et c'est mon anniversaire, je peux coucher avec vous pour ce canard?"
I would get it, but I don't have any cash.
J'en achèterais bien, mais je n'ai pas de fric.
You don't have to tell me who he is but is it someone I know?
Tu n'as pas à me dire qui c'est, mais est-ce que je le connais?
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not all rosy. I have good days and bad days like everyone else, but, hey!
Ne te fais pas d'idées, j'ai des hauts et des bas comme tout le monde.
But I have this strange feeling that if I don't make an exception this one time I'm really going to regret it.
Mais j'ai ce sentiment étrange que si je ne fais pas une exception cette fois-ci Je vais vraiment le regretter.

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