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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ B ] / But i don't know why

But i don't know why Çeviri Fransızca

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Yeah. I mean, I know you don't believe in ghosts and reincarnation and all that kind of stuff but, why not just be on his side?
Oui, je sais que tu ne crois pas aux fantômes et à la réincarnation et tout ça, mais, pourquoi ne pas le soutenir?
I don't know why, and I know that sounds insane, but... I do.
Je sais que ça paraît fou, mais... j'ai confiance.
I don't know why more homeless people are showing up in town, but I do know... that we must be extremely careful.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi il y a de plus en plus de SDF en ville, mais je sais... que nous devons être bien sur nos gardes.
There was this one chick, she was like three cells down from us. And I don't know why, but she hated me. She tried to kill me.
J'ai... juste besoin d'une petite précision sur l'article 41.
He's gonna have his hands full with Morisaki, but it's gonna be great. I don't know why everybody is not coming to this fight.
Il aura fort à faire avec Morisaki, mais c'est un combat à ne pas rater.
And again I'm not a shrink, I don't know why I reacted to that, but I was like "what the hell's wrong with it?"
Je ne suis pas psy, et je ne sais pas pourquoi cela m'a fait réagir, mais je me suis dit : "Qui a-t-il de mal à cela?"
I don't know why, but you will.
C'est comme ça.
I don't know why you're blinking more than a normal person but blink like a normal person or don't blink.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous êtes clignotant plus d'une personne normale mais clignotent comme une personne normale ou de ne pas cligner des yeux.
I complain, and you tell me there's nothing you can do, but we both know that's a big, fat lie, so why don't you just save us both the trouble and type in those special codes
Je me plains, et toi tu me mens, en disant que tu ne peux rien faire.
I don't know why, but I'm here.
Je sais pas pourquoi, mais je suis là.
Just now when I saw you sitting there, I just felt so relieved. i... i don't know why but seei you makes me think that everything's gonna be okay.
Juste à l'instant, quand je t'ai vue assise, je me sentais soulagé. Je... Je sais pas pourquoi.
Look, Patti, I don't know why I've always rubbed you the wrong way, but I know I do.
Écoutez, Patti, je ne sais pas pourquoi vous ne m'avez jamais aimée. Mais je sais que c'est le cas.
Don't ask me why I know, or how I know, but I know where Stanley Lyme is.
Ne me demandez pas pourquoi ni comment, mais je sais où se trouve Stanley Lyme.
But I couldn't say hello I don't know why
But I couldn t say hello l don t know why
I know the whole thing might sound a bit unusual but why don't we try to do something new?
Je sais que tout ça peut vous sembler assez inhabituel mais pourquoi n'essayerions-nous pas quelque-chose de nouveau?
I don't know why... but everyone I love seems to die in an accident.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi... mais toutes les personnes que j'aime semblent toutes mourir dans un accident.
" I know you have it in for me but don't know why.
" Je sais que vous avez une dent contre moi, mais j'ignore pourquoi.
Ladies, I don't know why, but I think I can trust you.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je sens que
Listen, Gloria, don't get angry, I know you've thought it all out, but why don't we do it all at once?
Écoute Gloria, je sais, tu as pensé à tout. Mais on n'aurait pas pu le faire en une fois?
Yeah, but why'd the shot kill the bride? I don't know.
Alors, pourquoi le coup de feu a tué la mariée?
I don't know why he was over here, but this has to stop.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'il faisait ici, mais ça doit cesser.
But I don't know why.
" C'est sans importance.
- I don't know why, but I know how.
- J'ignore pourquoi, mais je sais comment.
I don't know how they did it, but I know why they did it.
Je ne sais pas comment ils ont fait, mais je sais pourquoi ils l'ont fait.
I don't know why, but I thought this thing would be a lot faster.
Je pensais que ce machin serait plus rapide.
I don't know why, but somehow I expected you would have known that before anyone else.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi je m'attendais à ce que vous le sachiez avant tout le monde.
But I don't know what it means or why I drew it.
Mais je ne sais pas ce qu'elle signifie ou pourquoi je l'ai dessiné.
I understand why you don't want your mom to know. - But I'm her doctor, so... - I would tell my mom.
Je comprends pourquoi tu ne veux pas que ta mère sache, mais je suis son docteur alors...
Lots of screaming, tons of blabbing. But I don't know why. They're nervous but...
Ça gueule beaucoup mais j'arrive pas à savoir pourquoi.
I don't know why, but he started to retreat.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais il a décidé de battre en retraite.
I don't know why, but I decided to crawl out to sea.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je suis rentré dans la mer.
For some reason you want me, you know I don't know why, but you always have, you're always looking at me, watching me screw other women, your heart breaking and now it's different,
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais tu me veux. Tu as toujours été là, à me regarder. A me regarder baiser d'autres femmes, le coeur brisé.
Look... you probably won't understand this, and I don't even know why I feel the need to explain it to you, but I like to be in things.
Écoute... Tu comprendras sûrement pas, je sais même pas pourquoi je ressens le besoin de t'expliquer, mais j'aime m'engager.
I don't know why Taylor's pushing you, but you need to stop.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi Taylor te pousse mais tu dois arrêter.
I don't know why, But they did.
Je ne sais pourquoi, mais ça s'est produit.
You know what I just thought of, but I don't know why? You know why the Chevy Nova didn't work in Mexico?
Tu sais pourquoi la Chevy Nova n'a pas marché au Mexique?
I don't know why that's sexy, but it is.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi c'est sexy, mais ça l'est.
I don't want to take all the credit, but I do know why both your victims have green blood.
Je ne veux pas m'en accorder tout le bénéfice, mais je sais pourquoi vos deux victimes avait du sang vert.
I don't know why Cooper claimed that Donald Kessler killed them, but he was wrong.
J'ignore pourquoi Cooper a dit que c'était Kessler l'assassin, mais... il se trompait.
Why don't you worry about yourself, because I don't know exactly what he had to do with Lacey's death, but I'm pretty sure about you.
Inquiétez-vous plutôt de vous, car je ne sais pas s'il a participé à la mort de Lacey, mais je suis presque sûre que vous, oui.
I don't know why. But I couldn't say yes to Vito. It's not done.
Je pouvais pas dire oui à Vito, pas si vite.
I don't have an appointment, but I... I do know that when I met Mr. Halbert in Texas just a little while ago, he told me specifically to come see him when I came to New York and that's why I'm here now.
Je n'ai pas rendez-vous, mais... je sais que quand j'ai rencontré M. Halbert au Texas récemment, il m'a dit de passer le voir si je venais à New-York.
I don't know why she didn't give them my cell, but she didn't.
Il y a un décalage horaire. J'ignore pourquoi elle ne leur a pas donné mon portable.
I don't know why, but I've always found magic very sexy.
La magie, j'ai toujours trouvé ça sexy.
But I don't know why.
Mais je vois pas pourquoi.
I know this message Is going to give you Tremendous joy, Which is why I don't want to leave it, But i feel obligated To thank you.
Je sais que ce message va te procurer une joie immense, voilà pourquoi j'ai pas envie de le dire, mais je me sens obligé de te remercier.
Look, I don't know why i. a. picked me, but -'cause detective Quinn likes the ladies.
Parce que le détective Quinn aime les femmes.
I don't know why, but I- - I couldn't stop thinking about that.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je n'ai pas arrêté d'y penser.
But I don't know why they were at a hospital, I don't know how Vic found them.
Mais j'ignore pourquoi ils étaient à l'hôpital ni comment Vic les a retrouvés.
I don't know why I do, dawg, but I do.
Je sais pas pourquoi, mais c'est le cas.
I don't know why he chose me but it's happening again.
J'ignore pourquoi il m'a choisi, mais ça recommence.

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