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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ B ] / But in order to do that

But in order to do that Çeviri Fransızca

86 parallel translation
Yes, but in order to do that, I'd specifically have to know what it is I'm trying to find.
Pour vous en dire davantage, il faudrait que je sache ce que je cherche.
But in order to do that, we have to flood the entire complex with sodium hydroxide. What's that?
Mais pour se faire, on doit rependre de l'hydroxide de sodium.
But in order to do that, you gotta hit rock bottom first.
Mais pour cela, il faut que je touche le fond.
But in order to do that..... I have to work completely...
Mais pour faire ça, je dois travailler
But in order to do that, you have to let me bring a suit in your name... charging negligent infliction of emotional harm.
Mais pour ça, il faut que je porte plainte en votre nom pour souffrance émotionnelle.
Yes, we will. But in order to do that, I'll have to pull a lot of our ships off the front lines.
Oui, mais pour y parvenir, un nombre important de nos vaisseaux vont devoir quitter le front.
I know you'd like nothing better than to shoot me. But in order to do that, you're going to have to shoot through young Tom here.
Je sais que vous rêvez de me tuer, mais pour ça, il faudra tirer à travers le jeune Tom!
I have it in me to be a great doctor... but in order to do that I have to sacrifice if I want to be better.
Je peux etre un grand medecin. Mais je dois me sacrifier pour mieux faire.
But in order to do that, I need to know what you found out about my father.
Mais pour ça, j'ai besoin de savoir ce que vous savez sur lui.
We need to neutralise it first, but in order to do that, we have to find it.
Nous devons d'abord le neutraliser, mais pour ça, nous devons le trouver.
Yes, but in order to do that, I · d specifically have to know what it is I · m trying to find.
Pour vous en dire davantage, il faudrait que je sache ce que je cherche.
But in order to do that he had to split his forces.
Pour ce faire, il a dû diviser ses forces.
All I care about is maintaining the Grand Design, but in order to do that, I must claim the soul of the chaplain soon.
Tout ce que je veux, c'est maintenir le Plan d'ensemble et pour ça, je dois collecter l'âme de cet aumônier.
But in order to do that, we gotta get some fresh meat.
Mais pour y parvenir, on va avoir besoin de viande fraîche.
I want to help you, but in order to do that, I need to forgive you, and... I can't do that until you admit what you've done.
Je veux vous aider, mais, il faut d'abord que je vous pardonne, et... je ne peux vous pardonner si vous n'avouez pas ce que vous avez fait.
I'm your bestest, bestest, bestest buddy, and I'm gonna make all this nasty shit go away, but in order to do that, I need 10 minutes of your time right now, ok?
Je suis ton meilleur, meilleur, meilleur pote, et je vais te débarrasser de toute cette merde dégoûtante, mais pour le faire, j'ai besoin de 10 minutes de ton temps tout de suite, okay?
But in order to do that, they need to rule you out as a suspect as quickly as possible.
Mais pour cela, ils doivent vous rayer de la liste des suspects le plus rapidement possible.
But in order to do that, I have to...
- Mais pour faire ça, je dois...
It's standard procedure for late-stage aids patients, but in order to do that, I'd have to convince them that I was about to die,
C'est courant pour les sidéens en fin de vie. Il fallait donc les convaincre que j'allais mourir.
But in order to do that, you're gonna have to stay calm.
Mais pour le faire, tu vas devoir rester calme.
But in order to do that, we would have to leave the frequency open.
Mais pour ce faire, il faut que nous laissions la fréquence ouverte.
But in order to do that, I have to be late, a I worry, And that's why I have these wrinkles in my forehead
Ça me met en retard, je m'inquiète et j'attrape des rides.
I finally got Casey's mom to like me, But in order to do that, I had to agree to something That I really don't want to do.
J'ai enfin réussi à me faire aimer de la mère de Casey, mais pour y arriver, j'ai du donner mon accord sur un truc que je veux vraiment pas faire.
But in order to do that, we've gotta shoot it In a premium good location, so I.
Pour le faire, on doit avoir un pur endroit.
But in order to do that, sometimes we all need to look the other way.
Mais pour ça, il faut parfois mettre ses scrupules dans sa poche!
Timo can buy his way out of this arranged marriage, but in order to do that, he'll end up doing something really illegal and dangerous.
Il peut payer l'annulation, mais pour ça, il finira par faire un truc illégal et dangereux.
- If they learn what's going on, not only do I lose the case I've dedicated my Iife to, but you'II lose your eyes, ears and what's left of your balls ; in that order
- S'ils apprennent ce qui se passe, non seulement je perds le dossier auquel j'ai consacré ma vie, mais toi, tu perds tes yeux, puis tes oreilles, puis ce qu'il te reste de couilles. Dans l'ordre!
But in order to leave him I had to believe it was the only thing I could do and that it was the best thing for him.
Pour pouvoir le quitter... je devais être sûre que c'était la seule chose à faire... et que ça valait mieux pour lui.
But, in order to do that, we would have to catch this man with the stolen diamonds, right in the palm of his hand.
Mais pour faire ça, il faudrait l'attraper avec les diamants volés dans le creux de sa main.
I think so, but, in order to get them to do that, we'd have to communicate with them first.
C'est possible, mais il nous faudrait communiquer avec eux d'abord.
We're not combating them as if this is a war, but we're using some of the army as peace agents in order that the police be more free to do their job as policemen.
We're not combating them as if this is a war, but we re using some of the army as peace agents in order that the police be more free to do their job as policemen. - At any cost?
Oh, we can do that, but in order to catch the person behind these bombings, we can't reveal that the prisoner is alive.
Nous pouvons faire ça, mais afin de coincer l'auteur des attentats, nous ne pouvons pas révéler que le prisonnier est vivant.
But in order to do so, you're going to have to learn that youth basketball ain't about you and your lack of respect for others.
Mais, pour ça, il faut que tu comprennes... que le basket ne tourne pas autour de ta petite personne.
Right, but the thing is, in order to do any of that, you need to remove it from the fuselage and deactivate the motion sensor.
Oui, mais pour le faire, il faut enlever la bombe de son fuselage et désactiver le détecteur de mouvements.
I'm trying to help Walt, but he won't tell me what I need to know in order to do that.
J'essaye d'aider Walt, mais il ne veut pas me dire ce que je dois savoir.
See, in order to interact with the physical world, he has to get himself a new shield, but he can't do that here on Earth.
Afin d'interagir avec le monde physique, il va lui falloir trouver un nouveau bouclier, mais il ne peut le faire ici, sur Terre.
In order to make sure that... you were there and did you job properly. we decided that from today not only do... you write down the bus number. but you punch'your patrol forms with the bus driver's hole puncher.
Afin de nous assurer que vous faites bien votre travail, vous devrez, à partir d'aujourd'hui, non seulement noter le numéro du bus, mais aussi composter votre registre auprès du conducteur.
We try to find other desirable natural features to find the most likely settlement sites, but, in order to do that, I'm gonna need all the information he took from Clearwater's house.
On cherche d'autres ressources naturelles prisées pour trouver les sites de colonies probables, mais pour faire ça, il me faut tout ce qu'il a volé chez Clearwater.
I have no idea where it is, but what I do know is that in order to get to it...
Je ne sais absolument pas où il se trouve, mais ce que je sais, c'est que pour le trouver...
But, in order to do that, you must stay alive.
Mais, pour y parvenir, vous devez demeurer en vie.
"I, Lorenzo Casamares, hereby confess that, contrary to my human appearance, am, in fact, the bastard son of a chimpanzee and an orangutan and I have schemed to join the Church in order to do harm to the Holy Office."
"Je soussigné, Lorenzo Casamares," confesse par la présente que contrairement à mon apparence, je suis en fait le fils bâtard d'un chimpanzé et d'un orang-outang, et j'ai rejoint l'Église "dans le but de nuire au Saint-Office."
Well, it is... Crowded, but that might have something to do with the sale, which means that if we're successful you're gonna lose the customers you have in order to get the customers you want.
C'est... animé, mais ce sont les soldes peut-être, ce qui implique que si nous réussissons, vous perdrez ces clients pour gagner ceux que vous désirez.
Whatever they're trying to do, eventually, they're gonna want to take total control of this ship, and, in order to do that, they're going to have to get into this room.
Je ne sais pas, mais leur but ultime sera de reprendre le contrôle du vaisseau, et pour ce faire, ils devront venir ici.
But, just so you know, do not need to greeting see your name in order to to know that the perfect guys I'm going to marry.
Mais pour rappel, pas besoin de te voir au générique pour savoir que j'épouse le mec parfait.
I do not like to say that, but he had the right to air is not appropriate in order to
Désolée mais il a raison. Tu n'as rien à faire avec Joe.
I mean, I don't know how to make a film, but obviously, that hadn't stopped Thierry, but I needed him out of the way in order to do it, so I said,
Je veux dire, je ne sais pas faire de films, mais apparemment ça n'a pas stoppé Thierry mais il fallait que ces images rendent quelque chose
We were able to stop the bleed, but... [sighs]... in order to do that, we had to remove your uterus.
Nous avons pu stopper l'hémorragie, mais... pour ce faire, nous avons dû... vous retirer l'utérus.
In order for that to happen, I have to alter certain conduits to open up a transfer channel, but that's not something I can do from here.
Pour ça, il faut modifier des conduits et ouvrir un canal de transfert, mais je ne peux pas le faire d'ici.
You can ignore the child if you wish, but in order to become the kind of painter you want to become, this is what you must do - - father a child. I told you three months ago, that's not what I do. You don't have to be good at it.
Il y a trois mois, ça ne m'allait déjà pas.
In order to do that, I need to get inside you.
Dans le but de faire ça, je dois plonger en toi.
That is completely understandable, but in order to birth at this hospital, we do have to.
Mais pour aller dans cette maternité, c'est obligatoire.

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