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But why are you here Çeviri Fransızca

162 parallel translation
But why are you here?
Mais pourquoi tu es là?
But why are you here alone?
Pourquoi es-tu tout seul ici?
But why are you here?
SENTA : Que faites-vous ici?
But why are you here? Uh...
Mais que faites-vous ici?
Christina, but why are you here in Japan?
Christina, mais pourquoi es-tu venue au Japon?
But why are you here?
Mais que viens-tu faire?
But why are you here?
Mais que faites-vous ici?
- Excuse me, but why are you here?
- Pardon, que fais-tu ici?
I'm sorry, but why are you here?
Je ne veux rien d'officiel.
Not that I'm complaining, but why are you here?
Je ne me plains pas, mais que faites-vous?
But why are you here with me now?
Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais ici, avec moi?
But why are you here so early?
Vous venez tôt aujourd'hui.
I don't mean to be rude, but why are you here?
Je ne veux pas être impoli, mais pourquoi êtes-vous ici?
Yeah, but why are you here? In the neighborhood, in this place?
Que faites-vous ici?
But why are you here?
Mais pourquoi êtes-vous ici?
But why are you here?
Mais que faites-vous là?
But then, why are you here to talk about this?
pourquoi êtes-vous ici pour parler de ça?
But, seriously, why are you here?
pourquoi êtes-vous ici?
But, why are you here?
Mais pourquoi tu es là?
But, why are you here, Representative?
But why do you talk about him when we are here together?
Mais pourquoi parler de lui quand nous sommes ici ensemble?
I don't know why you are here, Mr. Marlowe, but I must ask you to go.
J'ignore pourquoi vous êtes venu, mais je vous demande de partir.
But he knows who you are, and why you're here.
Il sait pourquoi vous etes ici.
But why you are here, I have not the faintest idea.
I don't understand this story,..... but if it's so painful, why not stay here, even if you are alone?
Je ne comprends pas cette histoire..... mais si c'est si douloureux, pourquoi ne pas rester ici, même juste seule?
Hildy, I don't know why you're here, but I'm mighty glad you are.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu es là, mais je suis content.
pardon me... but you are the closest kin to flora and miles. that is why we leave them here.
Flora et Miles n'ont que vous.
But as you Americans might say, in case they blow it... I'd feel more secure with the jewel in my possession... which is why, naturally enough, we are here.
Mais si, comme vous dites en Amérique, si ils déconnent je me sentirais mieux si j'avais le bijou, ce qui explique pourquoi nous sommes ici.
You see, I wasn't warning you, but telling you why you are here... For all eternity.
Vous voyez, je ne vous avais pas mis en garde mais annoncé que vous êtes ici pour l'éternité.
And that is why in the United Nations... they have already passed... one of the agenda... that the Black September should be treated... as prisoner of war, but not as the criminal... because they are fighting for their cause. So you will put them in prison if they come here?
C'est pour cela que les Nations Unies ont voté... ont décidé que... les membres de Septembre Noir doivent être traités en prisonniers de guerre et non en criminels, car ils se battent pour leur cause.
But if you are not going to give it to us now, why have you come here?
Alors pourquoi viens-tu ici sans le dossier?
My life has been blessed with success, but that is not why you are here.
Ma vie est marquée par le succès mais ce n'est pas pour cela que vous êtes ici.
- Yeah, but why are you callin'me here?
- Mais pourquoi m'appeler ici?
But why are you wandering here alone?
Mais que faites-vous ici toute seule?
But if you're quitting here this month, why are you two waiting so long with the wedding?
Si tu nous quittes ce mois-ci, pourquoi t'attends pour te marier?
But why are you still here?
Mais tu es encore là?
The House of Martok is an honored one with a proud tradition but I must know why you are here.
- Moi non plus. La Maison de Mortok est une maison honorable. Mais pourquoi es-tu ici?
I have a fair idea of why I'm here, but why are they doing this to you?
Je sais pourquoi je suis là, mais toi?
I don't like to pry, but why are you sitting here with your wiper blades on?
Sans indiscrétion, pourquoi vos essuie-glaces sont en marche?
I'm sorry, maybe you already answered this but why are we here?
Désolé, vous l'avez peut-être déjà dit... Que fait-on ici?
But why are you shooting the craft service guy when I've got 5 male models in expensive suits over here? I trust you.
Je te fais confiance.
I understand how you feel but you must think why we are here in this village!
Je comprends ce que vous ressentez mais vous devez vous rappeler pourquoi nous sommes ici!
Which begs the question, and don't think I'm not glad to see you, but..... why are you here?
Dis-moi, c'est pas que je suis pas contente de te voir mais... Pourquoi tu es là?
You know, I really don't know who you are. But ever since you showed up here, things have been going from bad to worse. So why don't you just -
J'ignore qui vous êtes, mais depuis votre arrivée les choses ont empiré...
You have fooled Damar into believing you're here to fight the Dominion, - but I know why you are here.
Vous avez fait croire à Damar que vous vouliez combattre le Dominion, mais je sais pourquoi vous êtes ici.
But... why are you here?
Qu'est-ce que tu fais là?
But... why are you here?
Qu'est-ce que vous faites là?
It's just that I'm still so jumpy. But I guess that's why you're here- - - Who are you?
Je suis toujours aussi nerveuse, mais c'est pour ça que tu es là...
I was just explaining why you are being suspended, but I think your actions here speak for themselves.
J'exposais justement les raisons de votre suspension, mais je pense que vos actes parlent d'eux-mêmes.
I know why your earnest friend's here, but why are you?
Je sais pourquoi votre ami est ici. Mais vous?
I mean, I'm sure you probably think that your little visits here are a spontaneous surprise, but did you ever wonder why the only two candles I own are already lit when you walk in that door?
Je suis sûr que tu te dis que tes petites visites ici sont des surprises, mais tu ne te demandes pas pourquoi mes deux seules bougies sont déjà allumées quand tu arrives?

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