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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ B ] / But you're not going to

But you're not going to Çeviri Fransızca

786 parallel translation
Fine, I'II go too but you're not going to blackmail me
- Moi aussi, je vais en faire, si tu veux, mais tu me feras pas chanter.
However, miracle is not something you wait for but something you make. From now on, Without wasting one breath and without looking back, we're going to run only looking ahead.
mais plutôt quelque chose que vous fabriquez. nous allons courir en regardant uniquement vers l'avant.
But you're not going to be any more.
"Mais ça, tu ne le seras plus désormais."
But you're not going to die, my love.
Mais tu ne mourras pas, mon amour.
But the voice you're going to hear is certainly not KarIoff's.
Mais la voix que vous allez entendre n'est pas celle de Karloff.
You're a strong and powerful ruler, oh mighty king. But you're not going to crush him any longer.
Vous êtes un roi tout-puissant, mais vous ne l'écraserez plus!
But, your lordship, you're not really going to worry about this barbaric prophecy.
Vous ne portez pas foi en cette superstition barbare?
You're not going to understand it, I know, but I want you to believe me as you always have when I tell you it's for the best.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire. Tu ne comprendras pas bien. Mais je te demande de me croire, c'est mieux ainsi.
But Dearest you don't mean you can't mean that we're not going to be together just as we've always been?
Mais Chérie. Tu ne veux pas dire. Que nous ne serons pas ensemble comme l'avons toujours été?
But you're not going to - Never mind.
- Mais vous n'allez pas - - Peu importe.
But it's not going to happen, because we're fighting openly... and honestly when we admit that you killed Otto Krayler.
Mais rien ne va t'arriver, car nous allons nous battre... ouvertement en admettant que tu as tué Otto Krayler.
But to make sure you're not going to get well, I will call in another doctor.
Et pour lui prouver qu'il dit vrai, il demande l'avis d'un autre médecin.
But you're not going to bed. Not yet.
Mais vous ne vous coucherez pas encore!
I brought you into the world... but it's a world you're not going to grace very long if you stay here.
Je vous ai mise au monde, mais je ne donne pas cher de votre vie si vous restez ici.
I'm afraid, you're not going to like this, Margaret, but I'm going to be quite blunt with you.
Tu ne vas pas aimer ça, Margaret, mais je dois être franc avec toi.
Listen, honey, you're not gonna like what I've done, but I've only got one life and I'm not going to live it in the ice box.
Tu n'aimeras pas ce que j'ai fait, mais je n'ai qu'une vie et je ne la passerai pas à l'ombre.
But you're not going to shoot him, are you?
Vous n'allez pas lui tirer dessus?
But he's not your child and you're going to give him up.
Mais ce n'est pas le tien et tu devras l'abandonner.
But you're not going to tell him till you get off the boat.
Mais tu ne lui diras pas tant que tu es sur ce bateau.
- Go down to the office and arrange for some radio time. - But D.B. You're not going to fall... I want it as soon as possible.
Il me faut une heure d'antenne... le plus tôt possible.
But you're not going to close on New Year's Eve, are you?
Mais nous devons fermer!
But you're not going to anymore.
Mais tu n'y arriveras plus.
Yes, but you're not going to die, are you?
- Oui. Mais vous n'allez pas mourir, n'est-ce pas?
He wants you to sue, but you're not going to.
Ne le fais pas.
You may not like the idea, but you're going to have a dentist in the family.
L'idée ne te plaît peut-être guère, mais tu auras un dentiste dans la famille.
You can have the dough we get from selling the car but you're not going to keep me a prisoner.
Tu as pris son argent. Va pour la voiture. Mais je ne serai pas ton prisonnier.
well, I guess it doesn't, but you're not going into production on this until I know it'II do what it's supposed to do.
Je suppose que non. Mais vous ne produirez pas ce médicament tant que je ne serai pas certain de son efficacité.
You've tried to make me a tramp since you've known me. But you're not going to do it.
T'as déjà essayé de faire de moi une va-nu-pieds... mais c'est fini, ça.
Mr. Bannister ´ s waiting to take you into the city to San Francisco, but you ´ re not going with him.
M. Bannister vous attend pour vous emmener à San Francisco. Mais vous n'irez pas.
You've been alone so much, Belinda... but you're not going to be alone anymore.
Vous avez passé tant de temps toute seule, Belinda, mais vous ne le serez plus.
But you're not going to compare yourself with Mr. ghenoccio. Well, it'd hardly be fair.
Je suis ta mère, mais ne te compare pas à M Ghenoccio.
But you're not really going to print this, Mr, Thomas?
Mais vous n'allez pas vraiment publier ça, M. Thomas?
I know what you're going to say, Del, but don't, not yet.
Je sais ce que vous voulez dire, ce n'est pas le moment.
Bill, we all know you're not guilty. But we're going to need help to prove it and need it badly.
Mais il va nous falloir beaucoup de soutien.
Please don't think me rude... but if you're not going to sew on that button, may I do it?
Vous n'allez pas recoudre ce bouton. Laissez-moi le faire.
But you're the kind of guy that's always on the prowl for a fast buck. And you're not going to make it off the ponies.
Mais tu es la genre de type à courir après l'argent facile et c'est pas comme ça que tu y arriveras
I don't know how to say this and I hope you understand but you're not going to have the pleasure of your daughter's company either.
J'espêre que vous comprendrez, mais votre fille ne vous fera pas l'honneur de sa compagnie.
I guess you're hoping I'll say I'll put up at a hotel. But I'm not going to.
Tu préférerais que j'aille à l'hôtel... mais je n'irai pas...
- You're very sweet, but I'm not going to let you.
Je ne peux pas accepter.
When we get a grubstake we're going to the diggings, but not with you!
On ira au boulot quand on aura une avance, mais pas avec vous.
But you're not going to write it.
Mais tu ne l'écriras jamais.
Yes, you're going to die, but not by a bullet.
Oui, vous allez mourir, mais non d'une balle.
But you're not going to endanger our lives just because you don't give a rat...
Ce n'est pas une raison pour mettre nos vies en danger.
Yes, I do, but I'm not so sure you're going to like them, Father.
Oui, mais je ne pense pas que vous apprécierez, père.
You're dear and small. But I'm not going to turn to you out of loneliness.
Tu es un petit amour, mais je ne vais pas te demander de distraire ma solitude.
No, you think you're going to win this game, but you're not!
Si vous croyez gagner, détrompez-vous.
"But, son, you do not accept this bet because, as sure as you stand there, you're going to wind up with an ear full of cider."
Mais mon fils, n'accepte pas ce pari... parce qu'à tous les coups... tu vas te retrouver avec une oreille pleine de cidre. "
Maybe not yet, honey, but you're going to.
Où vous irez, j'irai!
But you're not going to always be making 7,000.
- Tu ne gagneras pas toujours 7000 $.
But that's not what you're going to do, is it?
Tu ne feras rien de tel?
But after we get you where you're not so tough anymore, you're going to tell us.
Mais là où on va, tu seras plus un vrai dur et tu parleras.

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