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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Cat got your tongue

Cat got your tongue Çeviri Fransızca

185 parallel translation
Cat got your tongue?
Tu as perdu ta langue?
Cat got your tongue, Pres?
Auriez-vous perdu votre langue?
What's the matter, dearie, cat got your tongue?
Vous avez perdu votre langue, chérie?
Cat got your tongue?
Vous avez perdu votre langue?
Has the cat got your tongue?
Tu as donné ta langue au chat?
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
Vous avez perdu votre langue?
Cat got your tongue?
Tu as donné ta langue au chat?
So talk! Cat got your tongue?
Tu vas répondre, hein?
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
Vous n'avez pas de langue?
Cat got your tongue?
Le chat a avalé ta langue?
Cat got your tongue? All hands.
Tu as perdu ta langue?
The cat got your tongue?
T'as perdu ta langue?
Cat got your tongue or something?
T'as donné ta langue au chat?
What's the matter? . Cat got your tongue?
Eh bien, vous avez perdu votre langue?
Well, cat got your tongue?
Tu t'es coupé la langue?
- Has the cat got your tongue?
- C'est la commotion.
Cat got your tongue!
Tu as perdu ta langue?
Cat got your tongue?
T'as perdu ta langue? .
Cat got your tongue, Professor?
Vous avez mis votre langue dans votre poche?
Hmm? Cat got your tongue?
Mon gros chat a avalé votre langue?
Cat got your tongue? .
T'as perdu ta langue?
- The cat got your tongue?
- Tu as perdu ta langue?
Cat got your tongue?
Un chat dans la gorge?
Cat got your tongue?
T'as perdu ta langue?
Cat got your tongue?
Tu es devenue muette?
The cat got your tongue?
Tu es muette?
Cat got your tongue?
On vous a coupé la langue?
- What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
- Tu as perdu ta langue?
What's the matter - cat got your tongue?
Eh bien? Tu en avales ta langue?
Cat got your tongue. You miserable stink?
T'as perdu ta langue, sale puanteur!
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
T'as avalé ta langue?
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
Eh bien, vous avez perdu votre langue?
Or has the cat got your tongue?
Ou bien t'as avalé ta langue?
Cat got your tongue, Mattis?
Tu as perdu ta langue, Mattis?
Cat got your tongue?
T'as avalé ta langue?
Has the cat got your tongue?
Donnez-vous votre langue au chat?
Cat got your tongue?
T'as donné ta langue au chat?
What, cat got your tongue?
T'as donné ta langue au chat?
Cat got your tongue?
Le chat a ta langue?
Cat got your tongue?
Tu fais la tronche ou quoi?
- Cat got your tongue?
- Tu donnes ta langue au chat?
Cat got your tongue?
Vous avez donné votre langue au chat?
What? ! The cat got your tongue?
Vous avez perdu votre langue ou quoi?
Cat got your tongue?
Vous avez avalé votre langue?
Cat got your tongue?
Alors quoi, t'es devenue muette maintenant!
Cat's got your tongue?
Le chat t'a mangé la langue?
So when the cat has got your tongue There's no need for dismay
Dès qu'au chat on donne sa langue Les beaux rêves sont permis
What - cat got your tongue?
Vous avez perdu la parole?
Cat got your tongue? In a trance?
Tu vas parler?
Cat got your tongue?
On t'a coupé la langue?
Cat got your tongue?
Tu as avalé ta langue?

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