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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Catesby

Catesby Çeviri Fransızca

17 parallel translation
Catesby... is it not an easy matter to make Lord Hastings of our mind... Catesby... is it not an easy matter to make Lord Hastings of our mind..... For the instalment of this noble duke..... ln the seat royal of our famous land?
Ne peut-on faire entrer Hastings dans notre projet d'installer le noble duc sur le trône royal de notre pays?
Tell him, Catesby, that Rivers is let blood.
Dis-lui, Catesby, que Rivers a été saigné...
As for his dreams, I wonder he is so foolish.
Quant à ses rêves, je les trouve naïfs. Bonjour, Catesby.
Catesby, what news in this our tottering state?
Quoi de neuf dans notre Etat vacillant?
Doubt not, my lord, I'll play the orator,..... As if the golden fee for which I plead..... Were for myself.
Je serai aussi éloquent que si l'or pour lequel je plaide m'était destiné. Catesby!
- l fear he will.
Catesby? - He wonders to what end..... you have assembled such troops of citizens to speak with him.
Il se demande pourquoi vous avez réuni ici tant de gens.
Well,..... look to it.
Chargez-vous de la chose. Catesby!
- He's doing Catesby.
- C'est pas Jim?
I've had a fearful dream. Catesby, I fear...
J'ai fait un cauchemar.
One of the government's first steps was the removal of the Secret Service's old guard, Sir Scott Catesby, and the passing of more stringent terror laws which saw the deportation of the radical cleric Nabil Alawi.
L'une des premières tâches du gouvernement est la suppression des services secrets, la vieille garde, Sir Scott Catesby et le passage d'une loi anti-terroriste plus stricte qui a vu la déportation du radical Alawi clerc Nabil.
You shall see what I can do.
Besides, the king's name..... is a tower of strength.
- What do I read?
- Il fait Catesby.
Catesby, my lord.'Tis I.
Catesby, c'est moi.

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