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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Clinking

Clinking Çeviri Fransızca

177 parallel translation
Boss, you aren't clinking glasses with us?
Alors patron! Vous trinquez pas avec nous?
Oh, that thing's broken again. [Thermometer Clinking]
Ce truc-là est encore cassé.
You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of caliginous junk!
Clinquante collection de camelote!
Come on, boys. - ( COINS CLINKING )
Venez, les gars.
[ICE CUBES CLINKING] You shouldn't make an important decision in such a hurry.
On ne doit pas prendre une telle décision trop vite.
Do see the maids keep quiet. They must empty the ashtrays without clinking.
Veillez à ce que les domestiques fassent leur travail en silence.
- C'est ton imagination.
Do I hear glasses clinking?
Des verres qui s'entrechoquent?
You're going to get used to wearing them chains after a while, Luke but you never stop listening to them clinking.
Tu vas t'habituer à les porter, Luke... mais tu entendras toujours le cliquetis.
" That clinking, clanking sound Could make the world go round.
Le tintement de l'or Est un bruit qui enivre L'argent, l'argent L'argent fait vivre
I don't like the constant clinking... of glasses in the counting house... and the hissing of gas.
C'est énervent ce cliquetis continu de verres dans le bureau... et le sifflement du gaz aussi.
Ne buvez pas, ne parlez pas, ne faites pas de bruit.
But I do beg... no vulgar clinking of ha'pennies in the plate.
Mais je vous en prie, pas de vulgaires demi-pennies!
- Vous faites quoi?
And as for you, you clinking, clattering cacophony... of collagenous cogs and camshafts, take... that.!
Quant à toi, espèce d'arbre à cames cliquetant et discordant... prends ça!
- JADE : To love. - ( GLASSES CLINKING )
À l'amour.
You've made quite an impression, you know, [Clinking] Hmm?
Chérie, cesse de rejeter tous tes prétendants!
Right. The suitcase was clinking.
Ta valise semblait presque vide.
[Cylinder clinking] Because I'm afraid this might explode!
Parce que ça va exploser!
- [Coins Clinking ] - [ Voice Wavering] Yes, I am! - Come on, Spotty!
- Si, allez, le Taché.
Don't get next to my fire, because you'll get burned. - [Metal Clinking]
Méfiez-vous, je suis imprévisible!
- ( glass clinking ) - Could I have everybody's attention?
Puis-je avoir votre attention?
100 shining, clinking gold coins. Reward for finding Prince Aya and Princess Kaurwaki.
100 pièces en or, brillantes, sonnantes, la récompense pour retrouver le Prince Aya et la Princesse Kaurwaki.
Um, that was a toast, and usually after the clinking part, you take a little sip.
Quand on porte un toast, après avoir trinqué, on boit une petite gorgée.
[Crockery clinking] I changed the way you look at me forever?
J'ai changé ta vision de moi?
Look, sweetheart. - ( BOTTLES CLINKING )
Regarde, trésor.
[cutlery clinking] My ex-husband.
Mon ex-mari.
She said it was terrible to hear the clinking of spoons and forks.
Elle disait que c'était terrible d'entendre le tintement des cuillères et des fourchettes.
Yeah, but I like to fine-tune everything myself. [Glass clinking]
Oui, mais j'aime bien tout peaufiner moi même.
( glasses clinking )
À la tienne.
- [Ice Cubes Clinking] - All you've got, Charlotte -
Tout ce que tu as, Charlotte...
You can't hear the clinking.
On entend pas...
[Glasses clinking] Hey, raines... my man.
Hé, Raines... Mon pote.
"Your voice can be heard in the clinking of my bangles."
J'entend ta vois dans le cliquetis de mes bracelets.
That your fear seems to hide...
That your fear seems to hide... ( GLASSES CLINKING )
- They're clinking. - Yeah. They are clinking.
Oui, on brille.
The sound of clinking ice cubes -
Le son des glaçons
Her backpack's always clinking'with empties.
On entend les bouteilles vides dans son sac.
( metal clinking ) Oh man. Oh my god, what's that?
- --
[Clinking] RAYMOND.
- Raymond.
( Bottle clinking )
- Bien.
" Money makes the world go around The clinking, clanking sound.
Son tintement Est un bruit qui enivre
( GLASSES CLINKING ) Jorge and Vic, huh?
Jorge et Vic!
Pas grave?
[Glasses clinking] Mmm!
- ( Footsteps ) - ( Clinking ) What's the matter?
C'est quoi le problème?
( BOTTLES clinking ) Who's bad?
Qui est le roi?
Meurtres mystérieux de deux adolescents
[Chains clinking ] [ muffled panting ] [ muffled whimpering]
( clinking bottles ) You're welcome.
De rien.
[Glass Clinking] I would like to make a toast.
J'aimerais porter un toast.

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