Did you tell her that Çeviri Fransızca
305 parallel translation
Then why did you tell her that it was an insulting letter?
Pourquoi lui as-tu dit qu'elle contenait des insultes?
What did you tell her that for?
Pourquoi le lui as-tu dit?
- Did you tell her that?
- C'est ce que vous lui avez dit?
Did you tell her that I was in?
Tu lui as dit que j'étais là?
Et lui avez-vous dites que vous alliez vivre
You know, last night, when Easy's dress came unzipped, did you tell her that you thought I was crazy?
Hier soir, quand la robe d'Easy s'est dégrafée, vous lui avez dit que vous me trouviez folle?
And why did you tell her that?
Pourquoi lui avez-vous dit ça?
steven, Why did you tell her that Fallon Wasn't blake's daughter?
Pourquoi lui avoir dit que Fallon n'est pas la fille de Blake?
Did you tell her that Ma Bengta is dead?
Tu lui as dit que Bengta est morte?
When you called your wife, did you tell her that Ms. Johnson was a former lover of yours?
Au téléphone, lui avez-vous dit que Mlle Johnson était une de vos ex?
TS, did you tell her that every time you're on TV, you look 10lb heavier?
Tu lui as dit qu'à la télé, on prend toujours cinq kilos?
Did you tell her that, Shiniji?
Tu lui as dit ça, Shiniji?
No. Did you tell her that you'd kill him if she didn't?
Tu lui as dit que vous le tueriez sinon?
Mike, did I ever tell you that I had a grandmother who was a cook and her name was Sadie?
Mike, t'ai-je dit que ma grand-mère était cuisinière et s'appelait Sadie?
Did you tell that gal her right name?
Tu lui as donné une leçon?
- Did your wife tell you that that guy is her brother?
- Votre femme vous a dit que cet homme est son frère?
Never thought of that. Did you tell her we had met in Singapore?
Mettre mes épouses en cage!
But tell me this fact, Dr. Segert. When you saw the prisoner's hand reach for the safety catch on that cable car did she, of her own free will, decide not to kill the child at that time or did she refrain from that act because she was aware that you were watching?
Mais dites-moi, Dr Segert, quand vous avez vu la prisonnière retirer le loquet de la porte, croyez-vous qu'elle a décidé de ne pas tuer le petit de son propre chef, ou qu'elle l'a simplement fait parce qu'elle vous avait aperçu?
Did you tell her about me dancing with that South American savage?
Lui as-tu dit que je dansais avec cette sauvage sud-américaine?
Did you ever tell her that you loved her?
Tu lui as dit que tu l'aimais?
- Did you tell her about that?
Elle l'a su?
- Did you happen to tell my wife that you've been digging into her perfume?
Lâchez-moi! Dirai-je à ma femme que vous prenez son parfum?
Mr Hawkins, did you tell Mother that I wanted to have a word with her?
M. Hawkins, avez-vous dit à ma mère que je voulais lui parler?
Did the prisoner's wife show you a knife and tell you that her husband had cut his wrist while slicing bread?
Vous a-t-elle montré un couteau en disant que son mari s'était blessé en coupant du pain?
You didn't tell me that you went after me just to spite her, did you?
Ni que vous m'aviez attiré pour la contrarier.
Did you ever tell her that, Link?
Tu le lui as dit, Link?
Humbert don't tell Charlotte that I told you this, will you but did you know that you've had the most remarkable effect on her?
Ne le répétez pas à Charlotte, mais vous l'avez transformée.
Did she tell you what her plans were, anything like that?
Elle ne vous a pas parlé de ses projets?
If it wasn't about Ann, then why did you tell her... that the name of the imaginary child was Bunny?
Sil ne s'agissait pas d'Ann, pourquoi lui avoir dit que le nom de l'enfant imaginaire était Bunny?
He got her to tell you that Sam Wood did it.
Il lui a dit de te dire que c'était Sam Wood.
Did she tell you that I found her with one of her friends?
Elle vous a dit que je l'ai surprise avec un de ses amis?
But, Excellency, I spoke with you on the telephone only a short while ago and you did not tell me about her at that time.
Mais Excellence, je vous ai parlé à l'instant et vous ne m'avez pas parlé d'elle.
Mr. Vandergelder, if you're thinking of marriage, you might as well learn that you have to let women be women. Now, tell me, did you like her? Did she like you?
Si vous voulez vous marier, laissez les femmes être femmes.
And that you did not stand up to her and tell her that in effect... I was a better parent to those children? - It...
Et que vous ne vous y êtes pas opposé, et que vous lui avez dit qu'effectivement, j'étais ce qu'il y avait de mieux pour ces enfants?
How did you expect her to tell you that she made more money than you?
Tu voulais qu'elle t'avoue qu'elle gagne plus gros que toi...
I'm not asking you to admit it, nor tell me how you did it. Instead I am asking you again to do your best to follow her to the capital and prevent the chaos that would certainly derive from the Queen's hostility towards the Archduchess, the Ministers, and the Crown Council.
Je vous demande encore une fois de faire en sorte de la suivre et d'empêcher tout désordre dû à l'hostilité de la reine envers l'archiduchesse, envers les ministres, envers le conseil de la couronne.
Did she tell you that I found a photo of her and another girl taken with La Rue?
Elle vous a parlé de la photo d'elle avec une autre fille et La Rue?
Did you tell Penny that Buckaroo's looking for her?
à passer l'éternité dans le vide sans forme... de la huitième dimension. Tu as dit à Penny que Buckaroo la cherche?
Did they tell you that that girl lost her mind... and her mother killed herself in our living room?
Ils t'ont dit que la fille était devenue folle et que sa mère s'était tuée ici?
I want you to tell her that I cannot explain why I broke with her as I did.
Dites-lui que je ne peux m'expliquer pourquoi j'ai rompu avec elle...
I admire her opinions, so. Did you tell him I want to... I want to get involved in producing that idea
Leur as-tu dit que je veux réaliser un de tes projets?
Did you ever tell that to her?
Tu le lui as déjà dit?
I can tell you... that he did love her, for whatever that's worth.
Mais je sais... qu'il l'aimait, si cela peut vous avancer.
Why did you tell Veronica that I was gonna dump her to go back with Caitlin?
Pourquoi t'as dit à Veronica que j'allais la larguer pour Caitlin?
I'll tell him that you did not help, that you let her die on your lawn,
Faudra que je lui dise que tu l'as laissée crever sur ta pelouse
Why did you even tell her that?
What did you tell Mrs. Costanza that changed her mind?
Comment l'as-tu convaincue?
Did you tell her about your role in that?
Tu lui as dit quel rôle tu as joué?
Did you ask her not to lie exactly... but just not to tell us that you did hurt yourself working out?
Lui avez-vous demandé de ne pas dire que vous vous étiez blessée au cours?
You tell him that I did not kill her. Go on, tell him.
Dites-lui que je ne l'ai pas tuée.
If you like her that much, did she come into your dream and tell you where she's burried?
Elle est pas venue te dire où elle était enterrée?