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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Don't even bother

Don't even bother Çeviri Fransızca

285 parallel translation
Our troubles don't even bother you.
Tu ignores nos soucis.
Don't even bother, she always does what she wants
C'est du pipeau. Tu sais bien comment elle est.
He's not going to tell anyone. I don't think he'd even tell me. Not that I'd bother him, of course.
J'ai essayé de le faire parler, mais sans succès
- Don't bother, I haven't even got any.
- Je n'ai pas d'argent.
Don't even bother to finish that drink.
Ne finissez pas votre verre.
But don't bother. - Even so, you will hear me out.
Vous l'entendrez tout de même!
And they don't even bother to answer. Not a line.
Et ils ne répondent jamais.
Look, I don't know why you even bother to defend him, let alone invite him aboard the boat as a guest.
J'ignore pourquoi tu le défends et pourquoi tu l'as invité à bord.
You know, I don't even know why you bother talking to me... Because every time you do, you get sarcastic and we end up in a fight.
Je ne sais même pas pourquoi tu prends la peine de me parler parce qu'à chaque fois, tu deviens sacartisque et on se dispute.
Well, I tell you, I don't even much bother with guests registering any more.
J'en arrive à négliger l'inscription sur le registre.
It's busy No don't bother counting I took everything from the register and not even adding my bonus pay is enough
Il est emprunté. et même en mettant mon bonus il n'y a pas assez.
You don't even bother to hide it!
- Tu ne le caches même pas!
I don't even know why they bother to put them to work.
Je ne sais même pas pourquoi on s'embête à les faire travailler.
Mother, I will not fly with you today, so don't even bother to ask me.
Mère, je ne volerai pas avec toi, ne me demande même pas.
You don't even have to bother bringing your tickets or anything'cause they aren't gonna collect them.
Te casse pas la tête pour avoir des billets, ils ne les demandent pas.
Don't even bother about it,
Ne fais pas attention.
- Dietrich? - Don't even bother to check him in.
Au diable la procédure!
I don't think you should even bother to sign it.
Ce n'est pas la peine de le signer.
Don't even bother
J'ai de nombreuses questions à te poser.
Just don't even bother coming back to the set :
Ne revenez pas sur le plateau.
If it's free, even your shit houses don't bother her.
ça me gêne pas, je supporte même l'odeur de vos chiottes.
Well, I wouldn't even venture... Don't bother.
- Je ne me risquerais pas...
You don't even bother to lie to me carefully any more.
Tu ne prends même plus la peine de mentir correctement!
I don't even know why you bother asking.
Pourquoi tu me demandes?
In fact, it's so temporary I don't even bother to take my coat off when I'm there, if you get my point.
C'est temporaire au point de conserver mon manteau pour travailler, si vous voyez.
I don't even know why they bother with a trial.
- Pourquoi faire un procès?
Don't even bother.
C'est pas vrai!
You don't even bother to wear a tie, much less a suit.
Tu n'as pas de cravate ni de costume.
Don't you even bother to find out what I'd like to do?
Et t'es-tu demandé ce que j'aimerais faire?
You spill milk on the kitchen floor and don't even bother to clean it up?
Tu renverses du lait partout et tu ne nettoies pas?
- Don't even bother.
- Pas la peine.
Don't bother, Ambert, I'll never give in, even if you take half of my space!
- Peine perdue, Ambert. Je ne te céderai jamais, même si tu réduis mon espace vital de moitié.
Don't even bother to get up.
Te dérange pas.
Stockbrokers are cheap as hell. Don't even bother to ask.
Les agents de change sont près de leurs sous.
You're so lucky... you've got that kind of hair you don't even have to bother with.
Tu as de la chance, toi. Tu as ce genre de cheveux dont on n'a pas à se soucier.
Yeah, you know that, baby. I don't even know why you bother. I'm on the pill.
Pourquoi tu t'embêtes à mettre ces trucs, je prends la pilule!
Don't even bother.
Ne te fatigue pas.
I don't know why we even bother doing this at all.
C'est compliqué. Je me demande pourquoi on fait ça.
I don't even know why I bother wearing this.
Si tu as un moment, j'aurai besoin d'aide.
I tell you - hey, don't even bother With the fake i.d.s. Villapiano's is closed.
Remballez vos faux papiers, c'est fermé.
They don't even bother to secure the area.
Elles ne prennent même pas de précautions de sûreté.
Don't even bother, Deiphobus.
Ne te fatigue pas, Déiphobe.
Don't even bother, girls.
Laissez tomber, les filles.
I don't even bother registering people anymore. One by one, you sort of drop formalities.
Je n'enregistre plus personne, adieu les formalités.
I don't even know why I bother.
Je ne sais même pas pourquoi je dérange.
Don't even bother responding, Zhaan...
Ne te donne pas la peine de répondre, Zhaan.
- I gotta call this in. - Don't even bother.
Laissez tomber.
I get it. So, if we don't win, why even bother trying to compete?
Alors, si on ne gagne pas, pourquoi essayer de concourir?
I don't even know why I bother. Did I lose my mind? Of course not, they're gonna give me a scene.
Tu as appris ton texte par coeur?
Don't even bother!
Ne te fatigue pas!
I don't even know why I bother trying to impress your family anymore.
Je me demande d'ailleurs pourquoi j'essaie encore d'impressionner ta famille.

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