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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Don't you think i know that

Don't you think i know that Çeviri Fransızca

1,804 parallel translation
I just don't want to involve Jens in anything that... I just need to know what you think.
Je ne veux pas mêler Jens à quelque chose qui n'est pas... je voudrais savoir ce que tu en penses.
Don't you think I know that? !
Tu penses que je ne le sais pas?
first of all, i wouldn't want him on my team. You know? i don't think that's right.
D'abord, je veux pas de ça dans mon équipe... c'est pas bon.
I don't think That you know how to deal with artists.
Je ne crois pas que vous sachiez vous y prendre avec les artistes.
So where's your new best friend? Well... I don't know about that, but Whistler's not who you think he is.
Et bien... je ne sais pas, mais Whistler n'est pas celui que tu crois.
Look, I know you think that she was the one, but I don't.
Je sais que tu pensais qu'elle était l'élue, mais pas moi.
Look, I don't know what you're up to, but if it is what I think it is, I'm gonna fight you with every breath that I have, I swear to God.
Je ne sais pas ce que tu mijotes, mais si c'est ce que je crois, je me battrai contre toi jusqu'au bout.
And I think you know that already, don't you?
Et je pense que tu sais déjà cela, non?
So I don't know what to tell you. I think it's better to stay cash and... that's what I do anyway, so it's good for me.
Alors... je ne sais que dire.
You know, I don't think that he should always be so passive.
- Oui.
I don't know, that you think that maybe you and I...
Je sais pas, tu crois que toi et moi...
Don't you think I know that?
- Ne crois-tu pas que je le sais?
So I figure for every one who writes in, there are, I don't know, hundreds that don't. Don't you think?
Pour chaque lecteur qui commente, il y en a des centaines qui ne le font pas, non?
And I know you think that havin'a couple of belts before you watch these home movies is - I don't know-gonna give you some kind of emotional release, free your soul, and ease your burden.
Tu crois que quelques rasades avant de mater ces vidéos de famille vont te soulager émotionnellement, libérer ton âme, atténuer ton fardeau.
You know, whoo-ooh? I don't think you have to worry about that.
T'as pas à t'inquiéter de ça.
You know, I don't know how much money you're making off of this particular setup, but maybe you should go back to the original one, you know with the storefront and the neon sign that flashes "psychic," because I think you'd pull in a lot more chumps right off the street.
Je sais pas combien vous gagnez dans ce contexte-là, mais vous devriez faire à l'ancienne, avec les pancartes... et le "Voyante" qui clignote, vous attireriez mieux le gogo.
You don't think I don't know that?
Vous croyez que je suis dupe?
Don't you think I know that every time he comes here?
Tu ne penses pas que je sais à chaque fois qu'il vient ici?
Do you think, I don't know that we can't win this war like that?
Je sais que la guerre ne se gagne pas comme ça.
I mean, you said yourself, you're different with Timerless guys, so don't you think that we got to know each other, for real?
C'est toi qui l'as dit. T'es différente avec les mecs sans Timer. Mais t'as pas envie qu'on se connaisse pour de vrai?
You think I don't know what that means?
Je sais ce que ça veut dire.
And don't think I don't know that you've been wasting my detectives'time chasing leads, once again supplied by Ryan Bainsworth.
Et ne croyez pas que je ne sais pas que vous avez fait perdre du temps à mes détectives. en suivant des pistes, encore une fois suggérées par Ryan Bainsworth.
I know you don't feel anything, or think that you don't, but you will.
Je sais que tu ne sens rien ou que tu crois ne rien sentir, mais ça viendra.
I know how you feel, but I just don't think that's right.
Je comprends, mais je ne trouve pas ça bien.
You know, since that night, Ashley still can't see, and I don't think that she's gonna get her sight back if she doesn't accept what happened.
Cette nuit-Ià, Ashley a perdu la vue, et je ne pense pas qu'elle la recouvrera un jour... MILLA JOVOVICH DRE ABIGAIL TYLER si elle n'accepte pas ce qui s'est passé.
And I want you to know that I don't think it was intentional.
Et je veux que vous sachiez que je pense que c'était pas intentionnel.
I hope you don't think that I've been interrogating you, but I know what it's like to have an ex who's remarried and not have that much going on in that area.
J'espère que vous ne pensez pas que je vous interrogeais. Mais je sais ce que c'est d'avoir un ex qui est remarié et d'être celle qui est laissée de côté.
You know, I don't think that's the best idea, Luke.
Je ne crois pas que ce soit une bonne idée, Luke.
- Neil, you know what, It's nice that you popped by, but I don't think it's gonna work out.
- Neil, tu sais quoi, c'est sympa d'être passé, mais ça ne va pas le faire.
When I came here, I don't even think that I was even, you know, looking for a personal savior.
Quand je suis venu ici, je pense que je ne cherchais même pas... mon sauveur.
Don't you think I know that?
Vous croyez que je l'ignore?
I really think you're jumping the gun here. We don't even know if we're a match. So, you shouldn't assume that you're going to get my kidney.
On ignore si on est compatibles, alors ne présuppose pas que tu vas avoir mon rein.
Bones, you ever think that, I don't know, if there was evidence of foul translation, that the coroner would have spotted it?
Bones, vous ne pensez pas que s'il y avait eu la preuve d'un horrible transfert, le légiste l'aurait remarqué?
You know, I don't think you told me that 20 years ago.
Vous ne m'en aviez pas parlé, jusqu'à maintenant.
You know, I don't think that was decaf.
Je ne pense pas que c'était du déca.
Don't you think I know what that's about?
Vous croyez que je ne sais pas de quoi il s'agit?
You know, uh, I don't really think, um, that it's a good idea.
Tu sais, euh, je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée.
You know, Jenn, I don't know if she's taking my advice.. but I actually think that she's starting to get it.
Je ne sais pas si elle suit mon conseil... mais elle commence à comprendre, je crois.
I think I know, a little bird told me, but if you're not more cooperative, I don't think you'll be riding that pony again.
Mon petit doigt m'a dit que si tu n'étais pas coopérative, tu ne monterais plus le poney.
You think that I don't know that each one of you has been waking up with the night sweats over this for eight years?
Je sais que chacun d'entre vous en a des sueurs froides depuis huit ans.
You're pregnant. - You think I don't know that?
Tu crois que je le sais pas?
Oh, don't give me that look. You don't think I know where you've been? How dare you make a fool of me?
Je... je ne connais pas très bien Shakespeare.
If that barracuda went behind our backs and helped you with a hostile takeover... you know, i really don't think that the luthorcorp board should be lecturing me on ethics, ma'am.
Si ce barracuda s'est retourné contre nous pour vous aider à nous saborder... Vous voyez, je ne pense pas que le conseil de LuthorCorp devrait débattre d'éthique avec moi.
I think that nathan likes tutor girl, but tutor girl likes lucas, and i know i like lucas, and i don't know who the hell you like anymore.
" Je pense que Nathan aime la tutrice, Mais la tutrice aime Lucas, et je sais que j'aime Lucas, Et toi je ne sais plus qui tu peux bien aimer.
Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but I can tell you that however it appeared, nothing happened.
Ecoute je ne sais pas ce que tu penses avoir vu mais en dépit des apparences, il ne s'est rien passé - Mais qu'est ce que j'ai vu, Bette?
You know, I just don't think I can do that.
Je ne pense pas que je puisse le faire.
But I do think that once you make a promise to God, that promise is a real commitment, you don't just say it to say it, you know what I mean?
Mais je crois vraiment que, une fois la promesse faite à Dieu, cette promesse est un engagement. Vous ne pouvez pas le dire juste pour le dire, vous comprenez?
you know, it's like you're Not- - you don't think about These things, but when i'm out Here i don't think about that- -
Tu sais, c'est comme si tu n'es pas, personne ne pense pas à ces choses, mais quand je suis ici, je ne pense pas à ça
I just... I don't think that... Graduation's coming up, you know, Michael.
Je viens de... je ne pense pas que... la remise des diplômes est à venir, tu le sais, Michaël.
I don't know why you people think that money can replace a life.
Je ne sais pas ce qui vous fait croire que l'argent peut remplacer une vie.
I don't think that I could. Being a husband and a father, you know, just for weekends,
Je ne pourrais pas être un bon père et un bon mari juste les week-ends.

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