Drink that Çeviri Fransızca
5,210 parallel translation
I didn't know Donald was gonna drink that much!
Je ne savais pas que Donald allait en boire au tant!
You drink that tea, you enter his dream world.
Vous buvez ce thé, vous entrez dans son monde onirique.
- Yeah, Leo says not to drink that.
- Leo a dit de ne pas le boire.
You better drink that smoothie.
Vous feriez mieux de boire ce smoothie.
You can't drink that out here.
Tu ne peux pas boire ça ici.
But I wouldn't drink that coffee, if I were you.
Je ne boirai pas ce café si j'étais vous.
Did you drink that night?
Vous aviez bu, cette nuit-là?
You not gonna drink that?
Tu ne vas pas boire ça?
And that's why you didn't want Evan to take your drink.
Et c'est pourquoi tu ne voulais pas que Evan prenne ta boisson.
No, I mind that you drink from the bottles in my fridge.
Non, ça me dérange que tu boives dans les bouteilles de mon frigo.
I only ask because I know that sometimes you and the other agents like to drink at Malloy's after work, and there's always journalists there waiting around to pick up a crumb or two.
Je demande ça parce que je sais que parfois vous et les autres agents aimaient prendre un verre au Malloy après le travail, et il y a souvent des journalistes prêts à grappiller une info ou deux.
Duke gave you that drink ticket.
Duke t'as donné ce ticket boisson.
I'll drink to that.
Je bois à cela.
Well, didn't Clara mention that I like to have a drink or two after work?
Eh bien, Clara a oublié de mentionner que j'aime prendre un verre ou deux après le travail?
I'll tell you after that drink.
Je te le dirai après ce verre.
Uh, no, I'd rather die than drink any more of that sludge.
Euh non, je préférerai mourir que boire encore plus de cette boue.
Preston is one of those guys who is really shallow, bitchy, slutty and my god did he drink way too much and frankly I didn't want that kind of behavior rubbing off on me.
Preston était un de ces gars vraiment superficiels, un peu salope et oh bon dieu il buvait beaucoup trop Et franchement je ne voulais que ce genre de comportement ne déteigne sur moi.
- Well, I'll drink to that.
Je boirais pour ça.
- That's my drink.
- C'est ma boisson.
I'll drink to that.
Je boirai à cela.
Kids, if I can teach you one thing about life, never trust a man that doesn't drink.
Les enfants, une petite astuce de la vie, ne faites jamais confiance à quelqu'un qui ne boit pas.
Mock all you want, but that drink suits this place.
Moquez-vous, mais ça va bien avec votre bar.
Hey, let's have a drink to that.
On devrait boire un coup pour fêter ça.
He would slit your throat and drink your blood if it served the republic, and I think you know that.
Il te trancherait la gorge et boirait ton sang si cela servait la république, et je pense que tu le sais.
Let's go grab that drink now.
Oui, on a bien travaillé.
Then I thought, "Well, that's crazy, you don't drink anymore."
Après j'ai pensé, "C'est fou, je ne bois plus".
I found some pretty compelling facts about Drink-ems that made me change my tune.
Mais quand j'ai regardé, et recherché, J'ai trouvé des faits assez convaincants sur Drink-ems qui m'ont fait changer d'avis.
It's bad luck to drink a toast that isn't true.
C'est un curieux hasard de boire à un toast qui n'est pas vrai.
Oh, well, let's drink to that then, eh?
Buvons à cela, alors!
You remember that one drink?
Vous vous souvenez que d'un verre?
That you drink $ 800 bottles of wine on the toilet?
Que vous buvez une bouteille de vin à 800 $ dans les toilettes?
That and, um, "Who does one have to orally gratify to get a drink around here?"
Ça et, hum, "Qui doit-on satisfaire oralement pour avoir un verre par ici?"
And that's why I drink.
Voilà pourquoi je bois.
Well, the thing about our daily ration of blood is that it's barely enough for one vampire to survive on, but if one vampire were to drink two rations every day for the next year, he'd be able to build up his strength
Le truc avec la ration hebdomadaire de sang c'est que ce n'est pas assez pour un vampire pour survivre, mais si un vampire boit deux rations tous les jours pendant un an, il serait capable de retrouver sa force
That guy can drink.
- Ce gars sait boire.
Yeah, well, after about an hour of that acting crap, I had to go get a drink.
Et bien, après une heure de cours super chiant, je devais boire un coup.
Was that drink directed by Wes Anderson?
Wes Anderson a créé cette boisson?
Sit with you while you drink, tell me some story that will trick me into believing you're not so bad?
Je vais m'asseoir avec toi pendant que tu bois et que tu me racontes une histoire qui me fera penser que tu n'es pas si mauvaise?
I had to free you from me and the only way that I could do that was to have another drink inside me.
Je devais te libérer et la seule façon de le faire était d'avoir un verre en trop.
It's the same, it's always the same, the drink, that's all!
C'est la même chose, toujours la même chose, la boisson, c'est tout!
Bloody need a bloody drink after that!
J'aurai vraiment besoin d'un verre après ça!
That's for the salad, you're not supposed to drink it.
Mon chou, c'est pour la salade. Faut pas le boire.
Let me get you that drink, all right?
Laisse moi aller te chercher ce verre, ok?
I think your speech is very incoherent, Josie, but I do see that you're serious, because you don't drink.
Je pense que ton discours est incohérent Josie, mais je vois que tu es sérieuse, parce que tu ne bois pas.
And I know that you like to drink.
Et je sais que tu aimes boire.
In that case, let's drink up.
Dans ce cas, finissons le verre.
Ies dirigeants de l'église ont déclaré en outre que seuls Ies prêtres pouvaient boire Ie vin et que Ies Iaïques ne pouvaient recevoir que Ie pain.
Oh yeah! We can drink to that.
On peut boire à ça.
Well, maybe you should drink a little more, and that might kill that bug up your ass.
Peut-être devriez-vous boire un peu plus, cela pourrait enlever le balai que vous avez dans le derrière.
That is why I drink.
C'est pour ça que je bois.
Every morning I drink bulletproof juice, so any bullet that hits me just bounces off and goes right back into your gun.
Tout les matins, je bois du jus pareballe. donc toutes les balles qui me percutent rebondissent sur mon corps et retournent dans ton flingue.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16