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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ G ] / Galloway

Galloway Çeviri Fransızca

165 parallel translation
Mr Galloway. I want to congratulate you on your good fortune.
Je veux vous féliciter pour votre chance.
Mr GaIIoway has filed legal action, and you're gonna have to answer...
M. Galloway a intenté une action contre vous et vous devez...
GaIIoway can't prove anything.
Galloway n'a pas de preuves.
When he kicks GaIIoway in the pants, I'm for him.
S'il fiche un coup à Galloway, c'est très bien.
GaIIoway versus Oextry and GIennister, your Honour.
Galloway contre Dextry et Glennister, votre honneur.
- What do you think? Galloway.
- Bonjour, Galloway.
I hear that Galloway is going to say that Michael took George ´ s body into the city in our speedboat.
Il paraît que Galloway va dire... que Michael a amené le corps de George en ville dans notre hors-bord.
All right, Mr. Galloway.
D'accord, M. Galloway.
Between the late-show at night and Dave Garroway in the morning, it seems like there ain't much time.
Entre l'émission de variétés du soir et Dave Galloway le matin, il ne reste plus beaucoup de temps.
Oh, yes? A Dr. Galloway.
Un certain Dr Galloway.
Here is a photograph of Dr. Galloway.
Voici une photographie du Dr Galloway.
Lieutenants Galloway, Osborne, Yeoman Tamura.
Les lieutenants Galloway, Osborne et cadet Tamura.
Lieutenant, have Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and Lieutenant Galloway report to the Transporter Room. We'll board and investigate.
Que M. Spock, le Dr McCoy et le lieutenant Galloway aillent en salle de téléportation.
Lieutenant Galloway and I are checking out the lower levels.
Il semble n'y avoir personne.
There seems to be no one aboard, only uniforms.
Seulement des uniformes. - Et la navette? - Galloway dans le hangar à navettes.
What about the shuttlecraft? Galloway on the Hangar Deck, sir.
Les quatre navettes sont toujours là.
Galloway, there are five divisions in the valley.
Galloway, il y a cinq secteurs dans la vallée.
Mrs. Galloway, where is my daughter?
Mme Galloway, où est ma fille?
- Mrs. Galloway,
- Mme Galloway.
- Mrs. Galloway.
- Mme Galloway.
- "There once was a lady from Galloway. Who...."
- "Il y avait cette fille à Galloway. qui...."
I'm Lieutenant Commander Galloway here to see Captain West.
Capitaine de corvette Galloway, je viens voir le capitaine West.
Captain West, this is Lieutenant Commander Galloway.
Capitaine West, voici le capitaine de corvette Galloway.
Commander Galloway, why don't you get yourself a cup of coffee?
Capitaine Galloway, allez donc prendre une tasse de café.
All right, what about this Commander Galloway?
Bon, et en ce qui concerne le capitaine Galloway?
Meantime, go and see Lieutenant Commander Joanne Galloway... with Internal Affairs.
En attendant, allez voir le capitaine de corvetteJoanne Galloway... des Affaires Internes.
Lieutenant Commander Galloway.
Au capitaine de corvette Galloway.
Lieutenants Kaffee and Weinberg, Commander Galloway.
Lieutenants Kaffee et Weinberg, capitaine de corvette Galloway.
This is Lieutenant Commander Joanne Galloway.
Voici le capitaine de corvetteJoanne Galloway.
That's Jo Galloway, Downey's lawyer.
Jo Galloway, l ´ avocate de Downey.
This is Lieutenant Commander Galloway with the JAG Corps in Washington.
Ici le capitaine de corvette Galloway, de laJustice Militaire de Washington.
By Dawson, by Galloway.
Dawson, Galloway.
Wait, Lieutenant Commander Galloway... you're not suggesting that I back off a material witness?
Attendez, capitaine de corvette Galloway... vous ne me dites pas de ne pas questionner un témoin matériel?
DeEtta and Stephen Kramer own a home at 1409 Galloway, Studio City.
DeEtta et Stephen Kramer possèdent une maison... au 1 409 Galloway, Studio City.
- I'm DeEtta Kramer at 1409 Galloway.
- lci DeEtta Kramer au 1 409 Galloway.
And only then do we find out that Professor Galloway's half-sister... is plotting to take over International Perfume and Wine.
Nous apprendrons que la demi-sœur du professeur Galloway complote pour mettre la main sur le marché des parfums et du vin.
- Hell. - Joe Galloway, UPI.
How's it going, sir?
Joe Galloway, UPI. Comment ça se passe, Colonel?
- You got a death wish, Galloway?
Vous avez un dernier souhait, Galloway?
My great grand-daddy Galloway lost his left and my great grand-daddy Reid lost his right.
Mon arrière grand-père Galloway, il a perdu la gauche... et mon arrière grand-père Reid, la droite.
Galloways have been in every war this country has ever fought.
Monsieur, Les Galloway ont été dans chaque guerre à laquelle ce pays a participé.
It's Joe Galloway.
C'est Joe. Joe Galloway.
Jane Galloway died from a lack of O2, and she's a natural blonde.
Jane Galloway est morte par manque de O2. Et c'est une vraie blonde.
Well, he was an eyewitness, sort of. I mean, he says he had a vision of Jane Galloway's murder hours before it happened.
Témoin oculaire, il a eu des visions du meurtre de Jane Galloway.
Captain Brass tells me that, uh... you had some sort of "vision" regarding Jane Galloway's murder.
Le capitaine Brass me dit que vous avez eu des visions du meurtre de Jane Galloway.
Jane Galloway was
Elle était traquée.
Jane Galloway.
Jane Galloway.
It is Dr. Galloway, isn't it?
Vous êtes le Dr Galloway.
Spock here, captain.
Galloway et moi vérifions les niveaux inférieurs.
This is Jo Galloway.
Ici Jo Galloway.
Did some digging on Jane Galloway. Her boyfriend had a TRO against him.
Elle avait un ordre de restriction contre son ami.

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