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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ G ] / Get him out of here

Get him out of here Çeviri Fransızca

2,218 parallel translation
Maybe we can give one to the elephant in the room, get him out of here?
Et si on en donnait un à l'éléphant qui est là, histoire qu'il quitte la pièce?
Get him out of here.
Sortez le de là.
all right.let's get him out of here.
Aller, on sort d'ici.
Gotta get him Out of here!
On doit le mettre à l'abri!
Please, just get him out of here.
S'il te plaît, emmène-le.
If we don't get him out of here now, Yuri will find us
Si on ne le fait pas sortir d'ici, Yuri nous retrouvera
We've to get him out of here { \ now }.
On devrait le faire sortir.
Lacey, find Noser and get him out of here.
Emmène Noser loin d'ici. Ce n'est pas sûr.
Got to get him out of here!
On doit le sortir de là!
I said get him out of here.
- J'ai dit, faites-le sortir d'ici.
Get him out of here
- Non...
Get him out of here.
Sortez-le d'ici.
Get him out of here before he wets himself again.
Emmène-le avant qu'il ne se refasse dessus.
Get him out of here
Sortez-le de là.
Just get him out of here now, would you? Can't. Protocol.
Dégagez-le d'ici, je vous prie.
Even without the piece, we have to get him out of here.
Même sans le morceau, il faut le faire sortir d'ici.
Get him out of here!
Get him out of here, goddamn it.
Faites-le sortir de là!
Get him out of here!
Get him out of here.
Mettez-le en lieu sûr.
Get him out of here! Get him something to eat!
Sortez-le d'ici et nourrissez-le.
Get him out of here!
Sortez-le d'ici!
- Get him out of here.
- Sortez le de là.
OK, OK, let go, let go. - Get him out of here.
- OK, c'est bon, lâchez-moi.
Get him out of here. Get off me.
Mettez-le dehors.
We have to get him out of here
Nous devons le faire sortir d'ici.
Guinevere, you've got to get him out of here.
Guinevere, faites-le sortir d'ici.
Get him out of here! Get him out of here!
Faites-le sortir d'ici!
Get him out of here.
Sortez-le de là.
Unless it's for murder get him out of here!
{ \ pos ( 192,240 ) } S'il a tué personne, virez-le d'ici!
This guy's insurance only covers three days of ICU care, so we've got to get him out of here today, okay?
Son assurance ne couvre que trois jours de soins intensifs. Il faut s'en débarrasser aujourd'hui, d'accord?
- Get him out of here.
- J'espère.
Get him out of here!
Get him out of here.
Virez-moi ce type.
Get him out of here and do what you have to do.
Sortez-le d'ici et faites ce que vous avez à faire.
Get him out of here and do what you have to do.
Faites-le sortir d'ici et faites ce que vous avez à faire.
Get him out of here.
Retirez-le de ma vue.
Get him out of here, please.
Faites le sortir.
We'll use him to get out of here soon.
On va s'en aller tout de suite.
And if I could get out of here, believe me, I would bring him some company.
Et si je pouvais sortir d'ici, croyez-moi, je lui amènerais de la compagnie.
No, we did not. Can you get him out of here now?
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Non, pas du tout.
Get him out of here! I've been set up!
J'ai été piégé.
Get him out of here!
Sortez-le de là!
– Get him out of here!
There was a guy who was working with Jews for Jesus, and I asked him, "Can I get a drink of water?" And he says, "You know what? Here's a glass, stick your hand out the window and pray for rain."
Je lui ai demandé si je pouvais avoir de l'eau et il m'a dit : "Prends ce verre et prie qu'il pleuve."
Get him out of here.
Anyway, I think if I play him right, I can get a pass out of the Green Zone... and I can see what's really going on here.
Quoiqu'il en soit, si je la joue fine, je pourrais sortir de la zone verte Et je pourrais voir ce qui se passe vraiment.
Get him out of here. Take him downstairs.
- Get him the frak out of here!
- Sortez-le d'ici!
Shoot him already and let's get out of here.
- Tue-le et partons.
Get him out of here, now!
Sortez-le d'ici, tout de suite!

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