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Gm Çeviri Fransızca

274 parallel translation
I'll end up in the front office as GM as sure as you're born.
Je vais finir dans un des bureaux de GM, c'est certain.
- GM's checking on it.
- General Motors s'en charge.
" He, IRS-gm'?
- Ici, madame? - Oui.
Let gm!
Here, file these under MG.
Classe ceci dans GM.
Yeah, I need a carburator rebuild kit for a 1970 GM carter jet.
J'ai besoin d'un kit carburateur pour une GM 1970.
And just like G.M., Ford, Chrysler...
Et comme chez GM, Ford, Chrysler...
What's going gm?
Que se passe-t-il?
What's going gm?
Qu'est-ce que vous faites?
Once we get through, we will be at point GEM 492. Miros is pass that point.
Si nous branchons le pilote optique, nous arriverons à GM 4, environ 6 heures pour toi.
Shit, anyone can open a domestic. The GM's, they're a fucking invitation.
Ouvrir une américaine, c'est même pas du travail.
That's like Ford buying a car from GM.
Comme si Ford achetait une voiture à Chevrolet.
Anything late'50s, GM or chrysler.
Les vieux modèles 1950.
New report on GM and a conference call in defence stock in my office, 7 am tomorrow.
Nouveau rapport sur la G.M. Et téléconférence demain à 7 h.
He's great. He just did a big case for GM.
- Il s'est occupé de l'affaire GM.
Well, if I'm the GM, who's gonna be the manager?
Si je suis le manager, qui sera l'entraîneur?
This is Charlie Donovan, the new GM of the Cleveland Indians.
Ici Charlie Donovan, manager des Indians de Cleveland.
We built Cadillacs, Buicks, and Fisher bodies... GM trucks, Chevrolets, and AC spark plugs.
Cadillac, Buick, carrosseries Fisher, camions GM, Chevrolet, bougies AC.
The promise of the future is the keynote set by GM President, Harlow Curtis.
L'avenir est à nous, dit le président de GM, Harlow Curtis.
The citizens of Flint, birthplace of General Motors... also see the radiant Miss America.
Les citoyens de Flint, berceau de GM, voient aussi la radieuse Miss Amérique.
My dad worked on the assembly line at GM's AC Spark Plug in Flint for 33 years.
Papa a été sur la chaîne des bougies AC, chez GM, à Flint pendant 33 ans.
In fact, as I grew older, I discovered my entire family had worked for GM :
Toute ma famille a travaillé pour GM :
Just hours before the year's end in 1936... he and thousands of other GM workers took over the Flint factories... and barricaded themselves inside, refusing to budge for 44 days.
Aux dernières heures de 1936, des milliers d'ouvriers se barricadèrent dans les usines et y restèrent 44 jours.
The GM employee has made great advances. It is our wish that he continue to prosper.
La situation des employés de GM ne cesse de s'améliorer.
Good evening. General Motors confirmed it today. It is going to close plants employing almost 30,000 workers.
GM confirme la fermeture d'usines qui emploient près de 30000 personnes.
GM was the richest company in the world... and it was closing factories when it was making profits in the billions.
GM fermait des usines alors qu'elle faisait des milliards de bénéfices.
So this was GM chairman Roger Smith.
Le président de GM, Roger Smith.
This was to be the first of many layoffs in Flint... the final day for the GM truck plant.
Les premiers licenciements à Flint : Le dernier jour de l'usine de camions GM.
The best thing Michigan and GM can do is get rid of Roger Smith... and them other sons of bitches.
Ce que GM a de mieux à faire, c'est de virer Roger Smith et tous ces salopards.
That seemed to be the general consensus... as I talked to many GM workers about their chairman, Roger Smith.
Ça semblait être l'opinion générale des ouvriers à propos du président.
There were those who had a different opinion in Flint... like Tom Kay, a spokesman and lobbyist for GM.
On trouvait d'autres avis : Tom Kay, porte-parole de GM.
So I headed back to Flint for further guidance from GM lobbyist Tom Kay.
Je suis rentré consulter le porte-parole de GM, Tom Kay.
General Motors wouldn't be doing anybody any service if it goes bankrupt.
GM ne rendrait service à personne en faisant faillite.
He'd been laid off five times in five years from GM. Expecting to be laid off again, he cracked one night working on the assembly line.
Licencié 5 fois en 5 ans par GM, s'attendant à l'être encore, il avait craqué un soir sur la chaîne.
Meanwhile, Flint's more fortunate were holding their annual Great Gatsby Party... at the home of one of GM's founding families.
Quant aux privilégiés, ils tenaient leur "Gatsby party" annuelle dans la maison d'une famille fondatrice de GM.
How do you feel about General Motors closing up these factories in Flint?
Que pensez-vous des fermetures d'usines par GM?
Call General Motors. Check with them.
Allez chez GM.
- That means nothing. - When the chairman of GM is in here?
Ça ne veut rien dire.
It doesn't impress you? The chairman of GM?
Le président de GM ne vous impressionne pas?
The chairman of General Motors is just another member of our organization.
Le président de GM n'est qu'un membre de notre club.
Things could be worse, and there was much to be thankful for... like the Star Theatre of Flint... funded with GM money to provide entertainment and escape... during Flint's hard times.
On avait de quoi s'estimer heureux. Le Star Theatre, par exemple. Subventionné par GM pour distraire les gens de Flint dans l'adversité.
Anita Bryant sold spark plugs for General Motors'AC division.
Anita Bryant vendait des bougies pour GM.
I'm sure General Motors doesn't have any desire... to either close down a plant or put people out of work.
Je suis sûr que GM n'a aucune envie de fermer des usines et de supprimer des emplois.
Although her husband was still working at GM... she'd seen many of her friends laid off, and didn't want to take any chances.
Son mari était encore chez GM, mais elle ne voulait courir aucun risque.
When I stopped by to see how they were doing... the manager told me why all the ex-GM workers had been fired.
Quand j'y suis allé voir, le patron m'a expliqué que tous les ex-GM avaient été virés.
There's as much opportunity here... as when Billy Durant started the motor company on Water Street.
On a autant de possibilités que quand Billy Durant a créé la firme GM sur Water Street.
General Motors and the United Auto Workers'union came up with a novel idea.
GM et le syndicat ont eu une idée originale.
It's almost half of what I was making at General Motors... - but I like the work a lot better. - You'll do what?
C'est la moitié de ce que je gagnais chez GM, mais ce travail me plaît beaucoup plus.
With GM closing, there are so many people leaving town. We've handled over 82,000 address changes.
Avec la fermeture de GM, on a traité 82000 changements d'adresses.
He was driving a Ford Thunderbird, 3382 GM 75.
- Oui.
We have called GM.
C'est fait.

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