He's not wrong Çeviri Fransızca
289 parallel translation
Gentlemen, you're wrong about my friend here. I haven't known him long, but in his way, he's a remarkable fellow, and not lacking in talent.
Je le connais depuis peu mais dans son genre, c'est un garçon remarquable et qui ne manque pas de talent.
You can't leave her there to be hurt and hurt again... not knowing what she's done wrong or how to do right... happy as a child because he so much as sends a plant to her room.
Vous ne pouvez pas l'abandonner. Il ne lui a fait plaisir qu'avec cette plante.
He's not wrong, Ole. The bones are all broken.
Non, les os sont brisés.
He's not all wrong. The union is mixed up in it.
Il n'y est pour rien d'ailleurs.
He's not like those types who want to hear they were wrong, that their wives are angels above suspicion. Not him!
Ce type-là ne paie pas pour entendre que ses soupçons ne sont pas fondés et que sa femme est un ange.
Even if he is right about her... he is doubly wrong about my client, because... if Harry K. Thaw found his bride... to be what the district attorney claims she is... was it not inevitable that something should have snapped in his young mind... when he saw the man who had turned her into his -
Même s'il a raison pour elle... il a doublement tort pour mon client, parce que... si Harry K. Thaw avait découvert que son épouse... était ce que le procureur prétend qu'elle est... n'était-il pas inévitable que quelque chose craque dans son jeune esprit... en voyant l'homme qui l'avait transformée en...
What's wrong with Gus? He's not trying.
Gus n'essaie même pas de donner l'illusion.
He's not going and the cat's not going. What's wrong with you?
Il ne part pas et le chat non plus.
I see. I wonder if there's anything wrong. I mean, he's simply not on the ball, is he?
Ça peut être un problème, il n'a pas l'air très réactif.
He's not usually wrong, not about those things.
Et il a rarement tort pour ce genre de choses.
He's not doing anything wrong.
Laisse sinon tu es perdu!
- If I'm not wrong, he's a nigger with yellow boots.
Comment est-il?
He's not wrong.
Il ne s'est pas trompé.
" There's nothing wrong. He's not different.
Il est juste né après. "
He doesn ´ t... lt ´ s not wrong to...
Il est quelque part dans le nord. Il ne... Ce n'est pas mal de...
He says you're a fool, not a scumbag. But he's wrong.
Il dit que t'es plutôt un con qu'un fumier, mais il se trompe.
You know what's wrong with daddy's arm? It's not what he tells everybody.
Papa c'est pas du tout ce qu'il dit qu'il a.
He's not much given to correspondence. but he has yet to be wrong about a stock.
Il n'est pas féru de correspondance, mais il ne se trompe jamais.
Wait! You have the wrong man! He's not the Fukagawa murderer.
Si cette épingle à cheveux prouve qui est le meurtrier, alors vous vous trompez.
He's done no wrong. No, not the slightest thing.
Il n'a rien fait de mal Rien du tout
He's not so wrong.
Il n'a pas tout-à-fait tort.
No, you're wrong. He's not dead
Non seulement il n'est pas mort, mais il est ici.
He was not very good at training, but he was smart. As the time for drills approached, he made sure the doctor would find something wrong with him and thus managed to be excused from exercises.
Il n'aimait pas l'entraînement physique mais il était malin, et quand approchait l'heure des exercices, il s'arrangeait pour que le docteur lui trouve un problème, et l'en exempte.
That was before Olga found out Sonja's been sleeping with her boyfriend Lars, and not telling him he had the wrong sister.
Mais elle a su que son petit ami couchait avec elle sans savoir qu'il se trompait de sœur.
First thing he said was... "There's a lot wrong with this country... but it's not Bulgaria."
Il a dit : "Ce pays a ses torts mais c'est pas la Bulgarie".
Don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice guy, but my father's nice and he's not funny either. Joey Bishop.
Il est sympa, mais mon pére aussi... et c'est pas un marrant!
He's not a criminal. He hasn't done anything wrong.
Ce n'est pas un criminel.
I don't know what's wrong with him. My golden one, Perhan, is the best person in this world. He's not like my son, bastard.
j'ai honte de dire tout ça mais la vérité est que je ne sais que faire avec lui.
"I am confident you will not take the wrong view, " but the man who is unsettling your mind, whoever he may be, must bear God's judgment. "
"Je suis sûr que tu ne feras pas le mauvais choix... mais l'homme qui perturbe ton esprit, qui qu'il soit... devra faire face au jugement de Dieu."
It is not a matter of how wrong Data was, or why he did it. The dilemma exists.
Quelles que soient les raisons de Data, et même s'il a eu tort, le fait est là.
If he did that, you were wrong in not telling him.
S'il a fait pareil, tu as eu tort de ne lui avoir rien dit.
Takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. I am not a big man.
Il faut être grand homme pour avouer une erreur et je ne le suis pas.
It's wrong. If he gets a subpoena, the studio fires him so he can't edit it anyway. It's not.
– Ça ne l'est pas.
It's as wrong to say he's mad, as to say he's not
C'est aussi faux de dire qu'il est fou que de dire qu'il n'est pas fou.
He's not one of those sensitive liberals that makes you feel responsible for everything that's gone wrong.
Ce n'est pas un de ces libéraux qui vous rejettent la responsabilité de ce qui va mal.
What if he's the wrong guy, not the hero?
Si c'était pas lui, le héros?
It would never, not in a thousand years... enter that man's mind he'd done anything wrong.
Jamais, jamais, même dans mille ans, cet homme n'avouera avoir fait quelque chose de mal.
If he don't know whether or not somebody's alive... he's in the wrong damn business.
S'il reconnaît pas un mort d'un vivant, il s'est trompé de métier.
He's not into it. Something's wrong.
Willy est une orque de 12 ans.
- Oh, you always take his side. - I'm not taking his side. You always take his side, whether he's right or wrong!
Tu prends toujours sa défense, qu'il ait raison ou tort!
We're not on friendly terms, but I have no reason to avoid him but one : he's done me great wrong.
Nous ne sommes pas en bons termes, mais je n'ai pas de raison de l'éviter mais lui oui : il m'a fait grand mal.
Dear Lord, if he cannot share a life with me, is it wrong to ask that he not share it with anyone?
Seigneur, s'il ne peut partager ma vie, est-ce mal de demander qu'il ne la partage avec personne?
If Hamlet from himself be ta'en away, and when he's not himself does wrong Laertes then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it.
Si n'étant plus lui-même, Hamlet offense Laerte, ce n'est pas Hamlet qui le fait. Hamlet le renie.
that my client is a very dangerous person which he's not, and I don't want the jury to get the wrong impression,
Ca va donner l'impression que mon client est très dangereux, ce qui est faux. Le jury ne doit pas se faire une mauvaise opinion.
- I did not. It's not my fault! He wired it wrong!
- J'y peux rien, c'était mal branché!
If something goes wrong up there, the other 16 people on board... can't be wondering if he's going to do his job or not.
En cas de problème on ne doit pas se demander s'il y va ou pas.
nobody's looking to make him wrong if he's not.
Vous étiez loin de la poussette?
He's heading in the wrong direction. They're not going to the van.
- Ils ne vont pas à la camionnette.
It's not like he ever did anything wrong, it's just...
Il n'a jamais rien fait de mal. C'est juste que...
Even without doing anything wrong, he preferred not to be seen, if he wanted to sleep there.
Sans être en faute, il préférait ne pas être vu, s'il voulait dormir là.
Not at all. It takes a great man to admit he's wrong and that's what Ghemor did.
Seul un grand homme sait admettre qu'il a eu tort et c'est ce qu'il a fait.
he's not gonna make it 43
he's not my boyfriend 125
he's not worth it 85
he's not here anymore 22
he's not ready 47
he's not here 947
he's not 1460
he's not my friend 74
he's not picking up 53
he's not there 182
he's not my boyfriend 125
he's not worth it 85
he's not here anymore 22
he's not ready 47
he's not here 947
he's not 1460
he's not my friend 74
he's not picking up 53
he's not there 182