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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He confessed

He confessed Çeviri Fransızca

898 parallel translation
Did they find the guilty man? He confessed this morning.
- ils ont trouvé Ie coupable?
I found the wallet in his room, and he confessed to me.
J'ai trouvé le portefeuille chez lui et il a tout avoué.
- He confessed.
Il a tout avoué.
Do? He confessed an undying love for little Crystal.
Il a avoué qu'il aimait Crystal.
He confessed of his own free will.
Ses aveux procèdent de sa propre volonté.
He confessed himself.
Il a avoué de lui-même.
- He confessed he killed Tommy Drake.
- Il a avoué avoir tué Tommy Drake.
He confessed it. That's why he's in jail.
Il a tué Johnny, il a avoué!
Haven't you figured out yet why he confessed?
- Savez-vous pourquoi il a avoué?
He came across as if he himself were facing death. For him, it was the lungs... he confessed to you... and he only had a few years to live.
Lui-même avait l'air d'attendre bientôt la mort... c'était les poumons - t'avoua-t-il - et il n'avait aussi que quelques années à vivre... quatre ans...
When the accused confessed murdering the doctor because he feared his revenge he confessed clearly to be Myrta's killer.
Quand l'accusé a avoué avoir assassiné le docteur parce qu'il craignait sa vengeance il avouait clairement être l'assassin de Myrta.
He confessed and I got a letter of commendation.
Il a avoué et j'ai reçu une lettre de félicitations.
Hasn't he confessed?
Il n'a pas avoué?
At last, he confessed!
Enfin, il a avoué!
- He confessed from necessity!
- Il a avoué par nécessité!
He confessed it.
Il m'a tout avoué.
He confessed to conspiring against us.
Masui reconnaît avoir vendu des informations.
made by him and his accomplices were used to carry out the crimes to which he confessed in full during the investigation.
Ces armes, fabriquées par lui et par ses complices, ont été utilisées pour accomplir les crimes qu'il a confessé avoir commis durant l'enquête criminelle. La nuit du 6 avril 1961,
He had to walk in the cell until he confessed. Sixteen hours every day with prison food.
Il devait arpenter sa cellule, 16 heures par jour, avec une nourriture insuffisante.
- Has he confessed yet?
A-t-il avoué?
He confessed to having robbed you too.
Il a avoué vous avoir cambriolé vous aussi.
He confessed to being a scoundrel, a villain and a traitor.
Il avait lui-même avoué n'être qu'une canaille et un traitre.
And the most important fact is that the defendant confessed he killed Ace Wilfong for a gambling debt.
Et le fait majeur, c'est que l'accusé a avoué avoir tué Ace Wilfong pour une dette de jeu.
He's just confessed.
Il vient d'avouer.
He that is himself a confessed traitor.
Il a avoué sa trahison.
He confessed.
Il a avoué.
Flash! Benny Battle, a well-known police character, has confessed and he has named the killer of the baby in Central Park.
Benny Battle, bien connu des policiers, a parlé et a nommé le tueur du bébé à Central Park.
I never Lied to him. He knew. You confessed and yet he Let you stay?
Il le savait.
Doctor Mudd, when I examined him in prison, confessed to me that he set Booth's broken leg and then aided him with directions how to reach Virginia.
Quand j'ai interrogé le Dr Mudd, il m'a confié avoir soigné Booth et lui avoir indiqué la direction du Potomac et de la Virginie.
He has confessed.
Il a avoué.
I found it in my chamber, and he himself confessed even now that there he'd dropped it for a special purpose which wrought to his desire.
Il était dans ma chambre. Et il vient d'avouer qu'il le laissa tomber là, exprès, afin d'assouvier son dessein.
He hath confessed.
- Il a avoué.
I found it in my chamber, and he himself confessed even now that there he dropped it for a special purpose which wrought to his desire.
Je l'ai trouvé dans ma chambre. Et il vient d'avouer qu'il le laissa là, exprès afin d'assouvier son dessein.
He's confessed.
- Il a avoué.
It is accordingly decreed that he be taken to Vatican Hill where it has been confessed he made his first preachment to be crucified and left there as a warning to all and any who henceforth wish to call themselves Christians. "
En vertu de ce décret, il sera mené sur la colline du Vatican, le lieu de son premier sermon, où il sera crucifié, à titre d'avertissement adressé à tous les chrétiens.
Well, ever since dear Uncle Jack first confessed to us... that he had a younger brother who was very wicked and bad, you, of course, have formed the chief topic of conversation... between myself and Miss Prism,
Depuis le jour où oncle Jack nous a dit avoir un jeune frère totalement dissolu. Naturellement, depuis vous êtes notre sujet de conversation principal avec Miss Prism.
He hath confessed that he hath used thee.
- Il l'a déclarée.
He says you confessed it once.
Il a dit que tu lui avais fait cette confidence.
He is a confessed American spy.
Il avoue être un espion.
- Look in the mirror! - Wait. He hasn't confessed yet.
- Attends Camus, il a encore pas avoué.
He even confessed, under pressure.
Sous pression, il a avoué.
- But Carrasco confessed, didn't he?
- Mais, Carrasco a avoué, non?
He finally confessed.
He's confessed.
Il a avoué.
- But he hasn't confessed.
Mais il n'a pas avoué!
He confessed. You heard him.
- Il vient d'avouer.
He's as much as confessed to the crime.
C'est comme s'il avait confessé son crime.
He confessed to being afraid of bresnavitch.
Et les suites de cette rupture l'inquiétaient beaucoup.
Before he died, the old Indian confessed.
Le vieil Indien a avoué.
He's no good, he has never confessed. He has never taken communion.
C'est un voyou, il ne s'est jamais confessé, n'a jamais voulu communier.
He has confessed all, brothers.
Il a tout avoué, mes frères!

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