His loss Çeviri Fransızca
509 parallel translation
Won't she feel his loss a good deal?
Ne va-t-elle pas ressentir durement sa perte?
After we had all been resigned to his loss, his sudden return seems to me peculiarly distressing.
Nous étions déjà résignés à sa disparition, que son soudain retour me terrifie.
I suggest that you bring J.B. Back after dark... as otherwise, the neighbors, who have been celebrating his loss... may do you a harm.
"Je vous suggère de rapporter J.B. à la nuit tombée"... "car les voisins, qui ont célébrés sa perte"... "pourraient vous faire du tort".
Accept his loss, like one soldier accepts the loss of another soldier.
Acceptez cette mort comme un soldat accepte celle d'un autre soldat.
Claims just knowing for sure would ease his loss.
Il dit que ça l'aiderait à faire son deuil.
Unless Scotty's lying about his loss of memory.
A moins que Scotty ne nous mente sur ses pertes de mémoire.
- If he offers us less than 15 a week, that's his loss. - Name?
A moins de 15 livres par semaine, on marche pas.
He stands near the window, gazing upon the countryside, as if in this moment this child of nature sought to reunite the two blessings to survive his loss of freedom - a drink of pure water and the sight of sunlight on the countryside.
Notre buveur se tient près de la fenêtre, les yeux tournés vers la campagne, comme si cet enfant de la nature cherchait â réunir les 2 uniques biens qui aient survécu â la perte de sa liberté : La boisson d'une eau limpide, la vue du soleil et de la campagne.
This Stuart, a man with so many friends, as you see here today, that are deeply, deeply affected by his loss.
Ce Stuart, cet homme qui avait tant d'amis, comme vous pouvez le voir, tant d'amis déchirés, déchirés par sa perte...
His Majesty grieves his loss
La Cour pleure un grand soldat.
- His loss.
- Dommage pour lui.
Needless to say, his loss is our gain.
Inutile de dire que sa perte c'est notre gain.
Ironically, his every encounter with the past cheers him briefly... then plunges him deeper into the pain of his loss.
Chacune de ses rencontres avec le passé lui remonte le moral un court instant puis le plonge davantage dans la douleur de ce qu'il a perdu.
But the loneliness within him had grown to a vast abyss... and the pain of his loss at last pushed him over the precipice... and into madness.
Mais sa solitude intérieure était devenue abyssale... et finalement la douleur de sa perte... lui fit perdre la raison.
All of Los'brain power and energy has been devoted to one task... - the trip to Mars, and in his imagination he often pictures...
Loss consacrait toute son énergie a la solution du probleme d'un vol vers Mars, et souvent il restait a revasser...
Los stubbornly continued his experiments.
Loss continuait ses travaux.
Oliver Clark. One share, plus 400 pieces of eight for the loss of his left leg.
Oliver Clark, une part plus 400 pièces d'or pour la jambe gauche.
One share, plus 500 pieces of eight for the loss of his left arm.
Une part plus 500 pièces d'or pour le bras gauche.
I count his death a heavy personal loss.
Pauvre Van Meer. Sa mort me touche de près.
While on a night bombing mission... he was shot down... and suffered the loss of his right leg - an invalid at 22.
Lors d'une mission de bombardement de nuit, il a été touché et a souffert de la perte de sa jambe droite à 22 ans.
Frankly, I'm at a loss to explain his presence here to the parents.
Franchement, je suis à une perte d'expliquer sa présence ici pour les parents.
He became ill during the night and suffered the loss of his voice.
Il est tombé malade durant la nuit et a perdu sa voix.
"Despite intense pain, shock and loss of blood, with complete disregard of his personal safety, Captain Derry crawled back to his bombsight, guided his formation on a perfect run over the objective and released his bombs with great accuracy."
"En dépit d'une douleur aiguë et d'une forte hémorragie, et au mépris de sa propre sécurité, le capitaine Derry a regagné son poste, guidé sa formation au-dessus de la cible visée, et largué ses bombes avec une grande précision."
Then weigh what loss your honor may sustain... if with too willing ear you list his songs... or lose your heart... or your chaste treasure open to his unmastered importunity.
Songez à votre déshonneur... si vous cédiez à ses insistances.
His counselors are at a loss
Aucune d'elles n'a eu l'honneur de plaire au seigneur.
His love for Whisky was your loss.
Son amour du whisky vous a perdu.
- His death was a great loss to all of us.
Sa mort est une grande perte.
Jaffe will never forget the loss of his family. But so long as he has children who need him, he won't be too unhappy.
Jaffe n'oubliera jamais sa famille, mais s'il peut aider des enfants il sera moins malheureux.
Confused by his great loss, the old man left that home, never to return again.
Ivre de douleur, le vieillard abandonna sa maison pour un voyage sans retour.
With the lack of parishioners and loss of his sight, has made him bitter and suspicious.
L'absence de paroissiens, la perte récente de sa vue, l'ont rendu amer et soupçonneux.
His death is a great loss to us.
C'est une grande perte pour nous.
By the way, how is Ross getting on after his tragic loss?
- Qui? - Un nouveau venu, Steed.
Is his soul decreased by that loss?
Est-ce que son âme est diminuée par cette perte?
And their finding is that no blame attaches to you, for the loss of His Majesty's ship, Bounty.
Et sa conclusion est qu'aucun blâme ne vous est imputé concernant la perte du navire de Sa Majesté, le Bounty.
The court makes recommendation to the First Lord of the Admiralty which recommendation shall be entered in the record of these proceedings to wit, an expedition of pursuit be commissioned posthaste and charged to capture, and bring to justice the parties responsible for the loss of His Majesty's ship, Bounty.
La cour adresse au premier Lord de l'Amirauté ses recommandations qui seront consignées telles que, la commission d'une expédition de poursuite dans les plus brefs délais chargée de capturer et de produire devant la justice les parties responsables de la perte du navire de Sa Majesté, le Bounty.
For not only did he suffer the shock... of losing both his parents... but, and in circumstances no less tragic... the loss of his only brother.
Il n'a pas seulement souffert du décès de ses deux parents, mais aussi de son frère, dans des circonstances tout aussi tragiques.
This kid is trying to give me his utterly valueless opinion when I know that within a month he'll be suffering from a violent inferiority complex and loss of status because he isn't wearing one of these nasty things.
Il nous donne son avis inepte alors que d'ici un mois il fera un complexe d'infériorité et se sentira diminué s'il ne porte pas une de ces horreurs
Though, I'm certain that the captain's drinking... and the loss of his last ship had no connection.
Je suis sûr que la cuite du capitaine et la perte de son dernier navire n'ont aucun lien.
The Count is overcome by his great loss
Le comte est dépassé par cette grande perte.
Keith Richie came to realize with the loss of his own life that man is the greatest creature in the universe.
Keith Richie s'est rendu compte avec la perte de sa propre vie que l'homme est la plus grande créature dans l'univers.
That price is the loss of his world?
Ce prix est la perte de son monde?
The loss of our ship's surgeon, whatever I may think of his relative skill, would mean a reduction in the efficiency of the Enterprise, and...
Si on en venait à perdre le médecin du vaisseau, la performance de l'Enterprise s'en trouverait affectée...
down south cotton was boss a human life was no great loss life was no great loss whoa, if cotton come to Harlem here comes cotton think I'll kick cotton's ass kick cotton's ass kick his ass
Au Sud, le coton était patron Une vie humaine ne valait rien Si le coton vient à Harlem
If thou shouldst daily, his life, and ours, stand in assured loss.
Surtout ne tardez pas, ça nous coûterait la vie à tous.
It's a great loss. Perhaps you can fill me in... on some of the details of the manner of his passing. [Clears Throat]
Peut-être pouvez-vous me donner... quelques détails sur la façon dont il est mort.
or hell HitIer! At a loss, the weeping child imitated the Gl's actions and one stubbed a lighted cigarette on his arm
que vos voisins méchants détruisent votre paix, que vos premiers-nés vous fassent honte,
But Avatar's magic was stronger... because he had the emotional loss of his mother that drove him on.
Mais la magie d'Avatar était plus puissante... car la perte émotionnelle de sa mère le poussait.
His kind will not pass this way again... and our loss is surely... heaven's gain.
Jamais on ne retrouvera un homme tel que lui, et cette perte qui est la nôtre profite sûrement au paradis.
He's handing Robinson his first professional loss.
Il inflige à Robinson sa 1ère défaite professionnelle,
a loss of reality, disappointment, denial, then childish, impulsive claims on reality, unsuccessful attempts to restore his hold on it.
La perte du sens de la réalité, due à un échec. Les impulsions enfantines face à la réalité. L'incapacité de renouer les contacts.
"His death would be an irreparable loss to music."
"Sa mort serait une perte irréparable pour la musique."