Hit that Çeviri Fransızca
7,894 parallel translation
I would hit that so hard.
Ta mère me fait bander.
I hit that honey bunny.
Je l'ai baisée.
Hit that quitting'chicken.
Appuie sur le poulet de l'abandon.
And when we did, it was not the hit that we were hoping for.
Et on a fait mouche, mais pas comme on l'aurait espéré.
I can't believe he hit that little kid.
J'arrive pas à croire qu'il a frappé ce petit enfant.
I'm gonna hit it like that.
Je la prendrai direct.
Did you just hit me with that basketball?
Tu m'as frappé avec ce ballon?
We may have hit a little bit of a snag in that department, sir.
Il semblerait qu'on ait eu quelques difficultés de ce côté, Monsieur.
That's, like, their thing. You can't just hit people, Becky.
Tu ne peux pas taper les gens.
But you hit me like that again, I might.
Mais continue et ça va sortir.
We were out on that last patrol, looking for a hajji cache of arms and that's when it hit the fan.
On cherchait une cache d'armes, et tout a déraillé.
That was a big hit with our female demographic, and our publishers are after me for losing that audience.
C'était un gros succès sur notre public féminin, et nos éditeurs veulent que je récupère ce public.
Yeah. That just hit you.
- Ça vous fait un choc.
It's my ego that took a hit.
C'est mon ego qui a pris un coup.
Get'em outta this cold, before that blizzard hit's'em.
Mets les à l'abri, avant que le blizzard ne les tue.
What was the first city that got hit?
Quelle a été la première ville bombardée?
Is that the hit man Hawaii Pistol?
Est-ce bien le tueur à gages Hawaii Pistol?
That year some drunk, fucking asshole hit my parents with a car.
Cette année-là, un putain d'ivrogne a renversé mes parents.
So that gives us several hours to hit as many Christmas traditions as possible! Let's do it.
Ça nous laisse quelques heures pour enquiller les traditions de Noël!
Uh, Quinn says to tell you that, um, her husband was physically abusive... hit the kid, too, broke her arm, and that you should, you know, use it.
Quinn m'a dit de te dire, que son mari était violent... qu'il a frappé l'enfant aussi, lui a cassé le bras, et que tu devrais utiliser ça, utilise le.
Look, you've just been there for them for so many things, you know, like Anna's dad, that whole thing with Faith, and you took a hit for Mary, literally. That means something.
Tu étais là pour elles pour tellement de choses, comme le père d'Anna, toute l'histoire avec Faith, et tu as littéralement pris un coup pour Mary.
She said that he hit her before they even got married.
Elle disait qu'il la frappait avant même qu'ils se marient.
Brad, everyone knows that you need a new hit show more than you need a drinking buddy.
Brad, on sait tous qu'il te faut une nouvelle émission fard plus qu'un compagnon de picole.
Over there, that's where hurricane Carla hit.
Par là, c'est là où l'ouragan Carla a frappé.
I actually think that I might go for a walk right now before we hit the monopoly board, because I heard a woodpecker outside.
Je crois que je devrais aller me promener maintenant avant qu'on frappe le plateau de monopoly, car j'ai entendu un pivert dehors.
I realized that she was doing it so, you know, I'd get mad and I'd hit her.
Elle le faisait pour que je me fâche et que je la frappe.
Do you realize the shitstorm that is about to hit us?
Vous imaginez dans quelle merde on va être?
Order, like, six more of these, And then we'll go dancing, And we'll split that hit of ecstasy i've been saving
Commande donc 6 de plus, et on va aller danser, et on se partagera cet ecstasy que je garde depuis 1998.
Yeah, I suppose you could argue that it might've been easier to hit more realistic benchmarks
On peut soutenir que ça aurait été plus facile d'atteindre des seuils plus réalistes
Okay, this is that moment when Daddy's about to hit Mommy at the dinner table, so I'm gonna go ahead and excuse myself.
Ok, c'est le moment où Papa est sur le point de frapper Maman dans la cuisine. Alors, je vais me tirer et m'excuser.
Can I get a hit of that?
Est-ce que je peux en avoir?
He's gonna lose speed and hit the side of that wall.
Il va perdre de la vitesse et frapper le coté du mur.
You'll still be one of the creators of a hit show, and you can parlay that into a whole career.
Tu seras toujours un des créateurs d'une série à succès, et tu pourras faire démarrer ta carrière avec ça.
Did I get her that hit of ecstasy?
Lui ai-je fourni cet ecstasy?
Hit me with that lamp on purpose.
Il m'a frappé exprès avec la lampe.
You think I wanna hit on that?
Tu crois que je vais tenter ma chance?
Zed, Zed, do another bong hit, okay,'cause by the time I took the picture, the smoke wasn't in that whimsical cloud shape anymore.
Zed, reprends une taffe, parce que lorsque j'ai pris la photo la fumée n'était plus dans cette étrange forme nuageuse.
But now that the pathogen has hit our ships, they must have decided to implement Plan B.
Mais maintenant que le pathogène a touché nos bateaux, ils ont dû décider de passer au plan B.
And the one thought that kept gnawing at my brain was, what in the world was Dr. Alan Farragut doing on this island for all those months before the contagion hit the boat?
Et tout ce à quoi je pensais c'était, ce que faisait le Dr. Alan Farragut sur cette ile des mois avant que la contamination ne touche le bateau?
One of the sicarios caught after Lara Bonilla's assassination confessed that Pablo had put out the hit.
Un sicario arrêté après l'assassinat de Lara Bonilla avait avoué que Pablo en était le commanditaire.
The barrel that we tracked brought us to Tranquilandia, Medellín's biggest processing lab, and we hit it hard.
L'émetteur nous a conduits à Tranquilandia, le plus gros labo du cartel de Medellín.
He kept our planes in the air and prayed to God that we got a hit.
Il a laissé nos avions voler dans l'espoir qu'on fasse mouche.
In that moment, it hit me...
Ce moment me frappa...
That was a good hit.
C'était une bonne frappe.
Can those guys hit better than that guy at the bar?
Ces gars, ils frappent mieux que ce mec du bar?
Frankly, I've-I've hit a bit of a rough patch, and it's made me realize that I have not been the best to women.
Honnetement, Je-je suis un peu dans une période difficile, et ça m'a fait réaliser que je n'avais pas été le meilleur envers les femmes.
Don't get hit too hard in that head of yours.
Ne te fais pas trop frapper sur la tête.
Triple hit! You know what that means.
Ok, bien.
- Your Honor, can she hit me like that?
- C'est normal qu'elle me frappe?
If Prakash would drink daily and hit my aunt. My aunt would be crying and want to go to her mother's house, that's development.
Si Prakash buvait et frappait ma tante, et qu'elle pleurait pour retourner chez ses parents, là, ça serait du progrès.
Ms. Indu, we hit so that the enemy gets hurt.
Mademoiselle Indira, je frappe de telle façon que l'ennemi ait mal.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16