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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Hogan

Hogan Çeviri Fransızca

755 parallel translation
Mrs. Hogan, I hear your new baby came yesterday.
Mme Hogan, il paraît que vous avez accouché, hier.
Union Pacific Hogan.
- Union Pacific Hogan.
Hogan, take 15 men and stop every train going in or out.
Hogan, prenez 15 hommes et arrêtez les trains qui partent ou arrivent.
I'm Hogan.
- Pete Hogan.
Pete Hogan. Your foreman.
Votre contremaître.
[Siren Stops] Hey, Hogan!
Hé, Hogan!
Mr. Hogan, sir.
- M. Hogan, Monsieur.
Oh, hello, Hogan.
- Oh, bonjour, Hogan.
Hogan and Ingersol got theirs.
On en a descendu plein aussi.
I think you knew them. - Yeah.
Hogan et Ingersol y sont passés.
Don't shove, Hogan. Take it easy.
Soapy, Hogan, give him a hand with his chute.
Aide-le à mettre son parachute.
Somehow that stopover at Loring Field... began to stretch out like a visiting mother-in-law.
LES YANKEES ENVAHISSENT L'AFRIQUE DU NORD Je ne sais pourquoi, mais cet arrêt à LoringField... s'est prolongé comme la visite d'une belle-mère. Hogan.
Hogan. Hughes.
At that shindig at Hogan's stable, none of them came around.
À la fête dans l'étable de Hogan, il y en avait pas un seul.
Mr. Hogan, that's our employer he regards this as a debt of honor. - Yeah.
M. Hogan, notre patron, tient une dette d'honneur pour sacrée.
We wasn't there. Of course, we got Mr. Hogan's word for it.
On n'était pas là, mais M. Hogan nous l'a dit.
Hogan's boys play rough. I could wind up with a broken leg.
Les types d'Hogan me casseraient une jambe.
Yeah, I would like to converse with Mr. Hogan.
Je voudrais converser avec M. Hogan.
- Mr. Hogan wouldn't stand for it.
M. Hogan n'acceptera jamais.
- No. Well, look, it's very important I should speak to Mr. Hogan.
C'est important, je dois parler à M. Hogan.
- Poor Mr. Hogan.
Pauvre M. Hogan.
And so is Mr. Hogan.
Ainsi que M. Hogan.
But we owe it to Hall. I agree with Hogan.
Hall compte sur nous.
At three o'clock, Nan Hogan will be below that window with a gun. So Ballard jumped?
À 3 h, Nane Hogan sera sous cette fenetre avec un revolver.
Lew Hogan's coming in with the ranchers.
Lou Hogan arrive avec les éleveurs!
Get in off the street, Mrs Hogan. You'll safe in the hotel.
Mme Hogan, réfugiez-vous a l'hôtel.
I just saw her, Hogan.
Je l'ai vue, Hogan.
Captain Lock. Hogan, can a guy like Lock really wind up in Congress?
Hogan, un type comme Lock peut-il finir au Congrès?
- Hey, yo, Hogan, you're on guard duty!
- Hogan tu es censé monter la garde!
Hogan, I might have known it.
J'aurais dû deviner.
General Orders two, five, seven and eleven. Consider yourself under arrest, Hogan.
Vous êtes en état d'arrestation.
- Hogan, pick up your gun. - Yes, sir.
- Hogan, ramassez votre arme.
- Yes. - Hogan, at ease.
- Repos, Hogan.
- Prisoner. You, Hogan.
- Prisonnier, vous, Hogan.
I understand, sir, but the facts of the Hogan case definitely warrant a general court.
Oui, mais les actes de ce Hogan relèvent de la cour martiale. - Vraiment?
However, Hogan's as good as convicted right now.
On pourrait déclarer Hogan coupable immédiatement.
Dig in, Hogan. This may be your last decent meal.
C'est peut-être ton dernier repas décent.
Hey, Hogan, do you think that little, white-haired old lady has room in her heart for me and Lieutenant White?
Hogan, la petite vieille aurait assez de place pour moi et le lieutenant White?
Are they going to throw a general court-martial at Hogan?
Ils vont envoyer Hogan en cour martiale?
- Good morning, Sergeant Pringle.
- Sergent Pringle. - Hogan.
- Hi, Hogan. I'll tell the Colonel you're here.
J'appelle le colonel.
You know, watch your step in there, Hogan.
Faites attention là-bas, Hogan.
Okay, Hogan.
C'est bon, Hogan.
Mr. Hogan!
Monsieur Hogan!
Full speed ahead, Hogan!
En avant toute!
- Yes, Mr Hogan? I just want you to witness this.
Vous servirez de témoin.
The gun you gave Nan Hogan.
De l'arme remise a Nane.
This does it, Hogan.
C'en est trop.
- The Colonel's waiting for you, Hogan.
- Le colonel t'attend.

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