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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Horace

Horace Çeviri Fransızca

1,072 parallel translation
If that's your story, Horace, you stick to it.
Tenons-nous en à votre histoire.
Has Horace been away from you lately for any length of time?
Il est souvent loin de vous?
Horace, she's coming up.
Elle arrive.
You know, I wonder if you've seen something in Horace... that I've never seen.
Que voyez-vous dans Horace que je n'ai pas vu?
I wonder what's keeping Horace.
Qui peut bien retenir Horace?
Horace, what is this, Halloween?
Horace, ce n'est pas Mardi gras.
Madge, Horace has a little confession to make.
Horace a un aveu à vous faire.
You see, when Horace was in London, he met a certain young lady.
Il a rencontré quelqu'un à Londres.
What Horace means to say is... that he'd like to make a clean breast of the whole thing.
Horace veut dire qu'il veut mettre les choses au point.
She's been mistaking me for Horace all this time.
Elle m'a pris pour Horace.
No wonder she thought Horace was fascinating.
Elle le disait séduisant.
- No, Horace, it isn't tiddlywinks either.
- Non. De cache-cache.
Yes, it's Horace.
Oui, c'est Horace.
Horace Hardwick, that interloper.
Hardwick, ce voyou.
Madge, you'd better come over and rescue Horace.
Madge. Horace est en danger.
- But you are Horace Hardwick, no?
- Mais vous êtes bien Horace Hardwick?
- Yes, of course I am Horace Hardwick.
- Bien sûr, je suis Horace Hardwick.
"There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio." You know.
"II y a plus de choses au ciel et sur terre, Horace."
I'm Major Horace Applegate.
Je suis le major Applegate.
Why, Horace, what are you doing?
Que faites-vous? Vous entrez ou vous sortez?
Come along. Let's get some fresh air.
- Venez, Horace, allons prendre l'air.
- Now, don't be rude, Horace.
- Soyez poli! Je suis poli.
Horace, do be quiet. I'll talk to you presently.
Horace, taisez-vous.
I'm the aunt... I'm Major Horace Applegate of the Explorer's Club.
le major Applegate.
"Babyface" Horace, he's the pick-up man...
- Applegate, c'est le tueur.
Then we got a gangster named Bone. Then we have "Babyface" Horace.
Un gangster nommé Os et son complice...
How are you, Horace Greeley?
Comment ça va, Pulitzer?
- Good night, Horace Greeley.
- Bonne nuit, Pulitzer.
- I say Horace Miller.
- Je pense à Horace Miller.
- Horace Miller.
- Horace Miller.
- Horace Miller? !
- Horace Miller?
Horace'll perform like a trained seal.
Horace se comportera en phoque dressée.
For reasons I can't go into now, it has to be Horace Miller.
Pour des raisons que je ne peux dévoiler, ce doit être Horace Miller.
- The honourable Horace Miller.
- L'honorable Horace Miller.
Horace Miller goes to the Senate.
Horace Miller va au Sénat.
- I won't send Horace Miller. - Oh, you won't?
- Je n'enverrai pas Horace Miller.
- No, it's Horace Miller or else!
- Non, c'est Horace Miller ou personne!
Henry Hill, Horace Miller...
Henry Hill, Horace Miller...
Good old Horace. What a card player.
Bon vieux Horace, quel joueur!
- Horace, my lad.
Horace, mon cher.
Well, Horace, I should think you'd know.
Horace, tu devrais le savoir.
I hope Horace won't frighten her to death.
J'espère qu'Horace ne lui fera pas peur.
- Three days, and to meet Horace right away. - Oh, I don't know.
- Trois jours et déjà, elle rencontre Horace.
Dinner, Horace. Oh. Come on.
- Le souper, Horace.
This is Horace talking.
C'est Horace à l'appareil.
Yes, Horace.
Oui, Horace.
I don't think he'd talk to you, Eve.
Horace! Je ne crois pas qu'il veuille, Eve.
Thank you, Horace.
Merci, Horace.
Good morning, Harold.
"Societe de fiducie des planteurs Horace Giddens, president" Bonjour, Harold.
But your third, Horace's I mean, doesn't seem to be here.
Mais ton tiers, ou celui de Horace, ne semble pas y etre.
Oh, let me speak to him. Please, Horace!
Laissez-moi lui parler.

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