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How did you get out Çeviri Fransızca

405 parallel translation
How did you get out?
Comment en es-tu sorti?
How did you get out?
Comment es-tu sortie?
- How did you get out of skating?
- Comment y avez-vous échappé?
- How did you get out?
- Comment as-tu fait?
How did you get out of here?
Comment es-tu sorti d'ici?
- How did you get out of the Black Hills?
- Comment es-tu sorti des Black Hills?
Hey, hey, hey! How did you get out of there, huh?
Qu'est-ce que tu fiches là, toi?
Chino, how did you get out?
Chino, comment tu es sorti?
How did you get out here in a smelly ditch in Korea?
Comment vous-êtes vous retrouvé dans ce fossé puant de Corée?
How did you get out of quarantine, a little bribery?
Comment êtes-vous sortis de quarantaine, un pot de vin?
How did you get out here?
Comment es-tu venue jusqu'ici?
- How did you get out?
- Comment êtes-vous sorti?
How did you get out of this?
Comment t'es-tu évadée?
How did you get out of the house?
Comment êtes-vous sorties de la maison?
- Hennie, how did you get out?
- Hennie? Comment tu es sorti?
Tell me, how did you get out of that burning farmhouse?
BARBARA : Dites-moi, comment êtes-vous sorti de la ferme en feu?
How did you get out, Holmes?
Comment vous en êtes-vous sorti?
- How did you get out of the chamber?
- Comment êtes-vous sortis de là?
How did you get out of that dress shop without my seeing you?
Comment êtes-vous sortie sans que je vous voie?
- How did you get out?
- Comment t'es sortie?
How did you get out?
- Comment êtes-vous sortie?
- How did you get out?
- Comment es-tu sorti?
- How did you get out?
- Comment tu es sorti?
How did you get out of the hospital?
Comment es-tu sortie de l'hôpital?
- How did you get out?
- Et ensuite?
John, how did you get out of that mess?
John, comment tu t'es tiré de ce pétrin?
How did you get out?
Comment leur as-tu échappé?
How did you get out?
Comment tu en es sorti?
How did you get out of jail?
Comment etes-vous sorti de prison?
How did you get out?
Comment y as-tu échappé?
How did you get out?
Tu es sorti comment?
Did you think how many families could have been fed... on the money you pay out to get on the front pages?
Avez-vous pensé combien de familles on peut nourrir... avec l'argent que vous avez payé pour faire la une?
- How did you get him out?
- Comment vous l'avez sorti?
I was a catastrophe. - How did you ever get out of it?
Comment t'en es-tu sortie?
Well, how did you get out of it?
- Quelle parade as-tu trouvée?
How much did you get out of this?
Combien t'ont-ils payée pour ça?
How did you get out there?
Vous êtes sortie?
How on earth did you ever get out here?
Comment, diable, es-tu arrivé ici?
And he wants you to cut out swearing during yuIetide. - How did he get those trees?
Et il vous demande de ne pas trop jurer pendant les fêtes!
How did you expect to get out of here?
Comment comptiez-vous partir d'ici?
I don't like being out here all alone with old Tate's rigor mortis. Sam, how did a nervous guy like you ever get involved in demolitions work?
Comment un type nerveux s'est retrouvé à manipuler des explosifs?
Now that you've gathered all this information, how did you ever plan to get out of Russia with it?
Une fois l'information en main... comment pensais-tu la faire sortir de la Russie?
Did she tell you how they intended to get this information out?
Est-ce qu'elle vous a dit comment ils comptaient sortir les infos du pays?
Well, if they were out, how did you get in the house?
Eh bien, s'ils étaient sortis, comment êtes-vous entré?
How did you manage to get out of the summons?
Comment as-tu échappé aux assignations?
How did you get it out of the rec hall?
- Comment l'avez-vous sorti de la salle?
How in the world did you ever get out of that mess?
Comment t'en es-tu sorti?
How did you get out?
- Comment avez-vous fait?
How the hell did you get out of that pigsty?
Blondin, comment t'es-tu évadé de cette porcherie?
- Tell me, Henry, just out of curiosity, how did you get a desk that big into this office?
- Dites, Henry, simple curiosité, comment avez-vous rentré un si grand bureau dans cette pièce?
- How did you get stuck out here?
Comment t'as atterri là?

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