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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I don't know how long

I don't know how long Çeviri Fransızca

981 parallel translation
Shit... I want you to tell the girls that I love them both very much... I don't know how long.
merde... dis aux filles que je les aime tant, toutes les deux je sais pas combien de temps je sais, je suis désolé mais s'il te plaît, s'il te plaît... ne les laisses pas croire que je les ai abandonnées... parce que ça n'est pas le cas
I don't know how to say it, but I've been in love with you for a long time.
Je ne sais pas comment le dire, mais je suis amoureux de toi depuis longtemps.
I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll write you letters now and then.
Je ne sais pas combien de temps durera ce voyage, mais je t'écrirai de temps à autre.
You know how I need you. I don't do anything all day except just long for you.
Je fais que t'attendre!
I'll wait. I don't mind how long or how hard I have to work if I can only know I'm to have my reward in the end.
J'attendrai. Si longue et dure que soit la peine... il y aura la récompense! Puis-je l'espérer?
I don't know how long it's gonna take me but meanwhile, I want you to get this straight.
Je ne sais pas quand je rentrerai mais que les choses soient claires.
- I won't work for a while. - For how long? I don't know.
Je quitterai les affaires le temps qu'il faudra.
How you've been able to sail with sour-belly Gaskell as long as you have, I don't know. - Jamesy.
Comment supportez-vous cet âne bâté de Gaskell depuis si longtemps?
I don't know how long I'm going to be here.
Je ne sais combien de temps.
After that, we just kept shooting as fast as we could load for I don't know how long.
Après... on a tiré sans s'arrêter, aussi vite qu'on pouvait pendant une éternité.
Yes, he's - he's out all right, but I don't know how long he's gonna stay out.
Oui, il est sorti, mais j'ignore pour combien de temps.
I don't know how long you've known him, but I want to tell you something.
Je sais pas depuis quand tu le connais, mais je vais te dire une chose.
I had dinner rather late and started working on my lace. I don't know how long l'd been working when suddenly I heard a footstep outside.
Après dîner, je faisais de la dentelle quand j'ai entendu marcher dehors.
- I don't know. - How long's it take to get there?
- Il met longtemps à y arriver?
You don't know how long it's been since I've eaten.
Des années que je n'ai rien mangé!
You see, I have a rehearsal... in the morning and I don't know for how long...
Vous voyez, j'ai une répétition... le matin, et j'ignore si cela va durer longtemps.
I don't know what this is all about, and there's no telling how long I'll be here.
Je ne sais pas de quoi il retourne ni combien de temps ça va prendre.
I don't know how long it'll take to get back to being Johnny Jones, private citizen.
J'ignore quand je redeviendrai le Johnny Jones civil.
I don't know how long.
To get to the citadel, he has to pass along the riverbank. All through there, there are I don't know how many trees, apples, peaches, pears and plums. And all of them in flower.
Avant d'arriver à la cité, il est obligé de passer le long de la rivière, de traverser je ne sais combien de pommiers, de poiriers, de pêchers, de pruniers, et tout ça en fleurs.
Mister, I swear I don't know how you've lived as long as you have.
Je comprends pas comment vous avez vécu si longtemps. Comment ça?
I sat there for ages. I don't know how long.
Je restai là des heures.
Just how long it took me to cover the 60 odd miles to the California state line I don't know.
Combien de temps ai-je mis pour arriver en Californie? Je l'ignore.
I don't know how long he's going to stay. It may be a week, it may be a year, it may be permanently.
Il restera peut-être une semaine, peut-être un an, peut-être toujours.
I've been trying to tell you, I don't know how long Karel wants to play, not eat.
Je ne cesse de te le dire Karel veut jouer et non manger.
Hurry down here. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold her off.
Dépêche-toi, et amène-toi.
- Floyd and me talked some more. I don't know how long.
J'ai discuté avec Floyd encore un petit moment.
How long must I go on pretending that I don't know that you're in love with me too?
Combien de temps dois-je prétendre ne pas savoir que vous êtes aussi amoureux de moi?
It's been a long time. I don't know how much he knows.
Je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'il sait.
- How is she? I don't know. It is her first baby.
C'est long... c'est son premier.
Poor little rack of bones. Hasn't slept in I don't know how long.
Après cela, vous ne me verrez plus.
I don't know for how long.
Je ne sais pas pour combien de temps.
Yes. I don't know how long that will last.
- J'ignore pour combien de temps.
I don't know how long it was before I realized that the doorbell was ringing.
Je ne sais pas quand je me suis rendue compte que ça sonnait à la porte.
I haven't walked along here like this for I don't know how long
Je n'étais pas sortie depuis des mois.
I don't know how long it can be since he bought something for himself.
Je ne sais pas depuis combien de temps il ne s'est pas acheté quelque chose pour lui.
I don't know how long I walked up and down...
J'ai fait les cents pas... cents fois... deux heures...
I'd gone to bed, I don't know for how long,
Je m'étais couchée, je ne sais pas depuis quand,
You talk a lot, but I don't know how much you say.
Vous parlez beaucoup, mais ça ne m'en dit pas long.
I don't know how long it's been, but I can't seem to break contact with Donovan.
Ça dure depuis, je ne sais quand, mais j'arrive pas à rompre le contact avec Donovan.
Elaine, I-I don't know how long this will take or how well it'll come out.
Elaine, je ne sais pas combien de temps cela prendra, ni quelle sera l " issue.
I don't know how to be a hostess. I haven't had guests for a long time.
Je sais pas recevoir... il y a longtemps que j'avais plus d'invités.
But I don't know How long I'll wait
Mais je commence à m'impatienter.
I just don't know how long you can go on this way.
J'ignore combien de temps cela peut durer.
How long has Doctor Martin been using this brand of tobacco? Well, I really don't know.
Depuis combien de temps Ie Docteur Martin fume-t-il ce tabac?
But this has been the family house for I don't know how long.
C'est notre maison de famille depuis toujours.
You're planning to give up a home that's been in the family for... I don't know how long.
Tu abandonnes une maison qui est à la famille depuis toujours.
- But I don't know how long it's gonna be. - Oh, Davy.
Mais je ne sais pas Ie temps qu'iI faudra,
- How long was I down there? - I don't know.
- Combien de temps suis-je resté en bas?
Vic's holding them down. How long he can, I don't know.
Vic les retient, mais j'ignore pour combien de temps.
I don't know for how long we've been out on this boat.
Depuis quand suis-je sur ce bateau?

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